

There was this little girl,her name was Refiloe.Refiloe was a one of kind,literally she was fun,easy to get along with,symphathetic. She was raised by her mother only..Her father was much of a coward to take care of her,He had a wife,his wife was barren.

It all started when Refiloe was a still a minor at a private school doing grade one!Apparently her father didn't pay her school anymore.Refiloe was given a letter to give to her mother informing her that school fees should be played or else Refiloe will no longer attend school there anymore,the teachers there loved Refiloe so much but there was nothing they could do.The next day Refiloe's aunt came to pick Refiloe from school~Refiloe was shocked,"Aunt are you here to pay my school fees?"The aunt said "I wish I could but I can't" Refiloe could see the lies in her face

"You're great grand ma has passes on" Refiloe's aunt said

*seriously isn't there a better way to break this down to a 2 year old girl who's already going through hell*