1 Chapter 1

Serina dogwoods was now fourteen years old, she failed at many things in life because she looked at nothing but the negative. She was a generally sweet, honest, loyal, inspiring person. She was smart, not much smarter than most people, but it still counts. Despite everything she believed, she was wrong. She believed that she was ugly, dumb,short,pessimistic, doubtful, and a horrible friend. Serina was the exact opposite.

Her whole life she had been popular, with boys and girls. Every time someone saw her she was surrounded with about three friends and two admirers. She was encouraging and inspired people to be their best self. Extremely self-conscious, she lived miserably, despite what others thought.

P.O.V (point of view) :

It was a Monday morning.. probably my least favorite. Monday's bring school and unwanted situations. For example, about two weeks ago my friend told me she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I don't know why but she hasn't been herself lately.

"Serina! You have been sleeping too long!"

Yelled my over enthusiastic mother. I don't blame her though, she used to be a cheerleader and a cheer coach. In my opinion, I wouldn't want to have to practice smiling and yelling for a long time. But if you mask your sadness with a smile...that's a different story.
