
[ T H R E E ]

[The Next Day]

[Kensington Palace][1]

Philip stared at the television with blazing fury in his eyes whilst holding a crumpled newspaper in his hands. A middle-aged reporter with long, wavy brunette hair and pale-white skin is speaking and yesterday's scandalous photo was shown.

❝The citizens were surprised yesterday when a photo about Prince Philip and a lady kissing inside the Buckingham palace has leaked out in the internet. It was confirmed that the lady was none other than the third child and only daughter of the Viscount of Cobham, Lady Daphne. Buckingham Palace confirmed just today that the couple are getting married a month from now. The two of them have been in a secret relationship for two-.❞

He turned the television off and stood up. ❝This is utterly outrageous! Since when did that woman and I have a relationship? And marriage?!❞ He throws the newspaper on the wall and exited his room whilst gripping his knuckles white. The door banged shut behind him startling the servants.

He hastily went to the garage, got into his car and drive off like a wild man.

On the other hand, inside the Hagley Hall [2], the entire Lyttelton family is in turmoil whilst watching the news. Daphne, however, is in her room 'trying' to read her favorite novel. Her brows furrowed with deep concern whilst thinking about yesterday's events.

She jump-off a little from her bed when the door of her room suddenly opened with a bang. A disheveled middle-aged woman entered the room whilst her face was deathly pale and she was shaking. ❝Mom, what's wrong? Are you all right?❞

Daphne approached her mother with concern apparent on her face. ❝Mom you're scaring me. What's happened?❞

Lady Catherine took a deep breath and stared at her daughter's eyes with perturbation.

❝You must see the news, sweetie.❞ Her voice was full of concern and fear.

With a confused look, Daphne followed her Mom. However, when she reached their sitting room and saw the news, her heart started beating violently. Her face paled and she leaned against the wall to keep herself from falling. She was still in a state of shock when her two older brothers approached her with disbelief in their faces. ❝What is the meaning of that, Daphne?❞ Her brother, Richard, asked her with narrowed eyes.

She did not answer them, instead, she looked at her dad's darkened face, her body uncontrollably trembled in fear. Lord John turned the television off before staring deeply in his daughter's eyes with disbelief.

❝You're getting married next month?! For Pete's sake, you're just twenty-two and my only daughter, how come no one told me about your marriage?!❞ Lord John's voice echoed all throughout the room as his eyes blazed in anger. They winced but did not dare utter a single word.

❝Dad, please listen to me first. I did not know what they were talking about. His Royal Highness and I does not have any relationship.❞ She approached her Dad with pleading eyes. ❝Let me explain first.❞ Lord John let out a shaking breath and sat on his favorite chair whilst massaging his temple.

Lady Catherine approached her daughter and guided her towards the large sofa. Her two sons followed and sat on the other sofa in front of her trembling daughter.

❝It's all right, sweetie. We will listen.❞ She turned to their servant, Margaret, who was just standing on the other side of the room. ❝Please get a glass of water for Daphne.❞ The servant nodded and hastily exited the room.

After a few minutes which felt like an eternity for the Lyttelton's, Margaret came back with a glass of water. She gave it to her young mistress before bowing her head and then she quickly left the suffocating room without looking back.

Daphne drank the water and put the empty glass gently on the table in the middle of the two leather sofas where they are sitting. She exhaled audibly in a long deep breath before starting to speak. She narrated everything that took place yesterday whilst looking at the floor beneath her.

Tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes but her mother wiped it gently with a handkerchief whilst giving her a reassuring smile.

❝What shall we do now, John?❞ Catherine asked. ❝We cannot let them get married when they don't even love each other. Besides, marrying into royalty simply means that she can't even continue working as a teacher because of her responsibilities.❞

Lord John heaved a sigh before standing up. He approached her daughter and sat beside her whilst holding her hand. ❝No need to worry, darling. I will talk to His Majesty.❞ Daphne nodded her head and gave a weak smile.

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[1] Kensington Palace- the official London residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Duke of Sussex, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, and Duke and Duchess of Kent.

[2] Hagley Hall- home of the Lyttelton Family.