
Chapter 1

I'm not adopted and I'm not an illegitimate child. I'm their blood family and I'm the second child of the family.

Some says that a second child have it the easiest. Should I believe in that? surely not. Because for me, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

It's not easy being in the middle. Unwanted attention oftens fall on you. Center of attention? some may want that but the attention their giving me is the attention you'd wish you'd never had.

I spent my days alone and reading books if I don't have anything to do. If not, I spent my days getting beat up for my sister's mistake or do things my parents instructed(more like commanded) tp do or be the one they'll to recieve the wrath as they blow of their steam on you.

I don't... argue nor do something to protect or defend myself because if I do so... It will only make things worst.

I thought... I'd be able to be contented with this set up as long as I can eat and have a place to live but... As I grew up, I can't help but feel envious of those who have a great family relationships.

Others may view our family as a close to perfect one. Having a beautiful saint like first born daughter, a talented and smart second daughter, and a beautiful adventurous youngest daughter. But what they see is just a facade.

I thought being like this, would mean my parents would be proud of me but it's not like that.

Seeing that I have great potential my parents specially my mother got used to placing everything to me. My sister's project, assignments and whatsoever... if they said I have to do it, I can't do anything but do it. If my sister's commit mistakes big or small... they would always find a way to put the blame on me.

Just what did I do wrong?

I thought I can continue living like this. I thought I can endure it but... I'm getting sick and tired of this.

Who would even want to live a life like a prisoner, a life a slave who needs to obey their masters, a dog... collared and expected to follow when commanded and be loyal, lastly a life like a bird, caged so you can't fly.

This life is suffocating... A life with invisible chains and a home like prison. I pity myself to the point that I wished everyday for me to just be gone, maybe... just maybe that would make me feel better.

I want to die but I don't want to end my own self. I'd rather die from an accident or from saving someone... 'cause at least maybe at some point my life would have a little meaning.

And after wishing everyday for me to die, it seems that wish has finally been heard.

I was on my way home when a kid is being bullied and was pushed to the road. A car was running fast towards the boy, I know that the car won't be able to stop at the right time so without realizing it I ran as fast as I could pushing the kid away from the car.

And before I knew it, I was already lying on the cold floor and I can feel the hot blood flowing out of my body as the people starts to gather saying things I couldn't comprehend any more.

It hurts... my whole body hurts but that's not what's on my mind right now.

Is this is? Is my wish finally being granted? If I'm really dying will they mourn for me? or will they just treat it like nothing happen? *sigh I shouldn't think of that any more.

But... if I'm really dying then please listen to my last wish. I haven't lived my life the way I wanted to nor lived my life with real happiness... I wish you can give me another chance to live and be able to experience great things I've never experienced.

*chuckle* I must be out of my mind right now... wishing for something that only exist in books. But what's wrong anyway? You can't judge a dying persons wish haha.

I was laughing in my mind due to my foolishness but unconsciously... a tear fell from my eyes that's slowly closing.

Ugh this sucks... Dying without anyone to shed tears for you, dying without someone to care pr mourn... Haa I'm effin' dying... alone... in this cold hard ground bathing on my blood covered in wounds and full of broken bones. I bet I look pathetic risking my life for a kid I don't know. Oh well at least that child seems to have a bright future that I am.

I'm really dying haha Damn! [sfx: cries] Dying being unloved and not cared surely hurts a lot. I still... want to live..

"Poor child... Do you want to live?" I heard a soft voice out of nowhere. I must be imagining things.

"Answer me child" it says again. I must be really losing mind since I'm dying but...

even if it's just an imagination...


s-still... want to l-live.." I said as I mustered all my strength to say it. I know I'm just answering shts that's bugging my head but I felt glad that I was able to say it. It might be just an imagination but there's not wrong in taking chances.

"Then I shall grant your wish. My child, live this life to the fullest" the woman said which brought smile on my lips as I fully closed my eyes. What a wonderful imagination that was.

Those are the last words I heard before I met complete darkness. I thought every thing I heard on that day was just made up by my mind but I found myself in a baby's body which is clearly not mine.

This is ridiculous amd unbelievable but since God has given me another chance I will do my best to live.

And that is how I, Alena Franz, died and was reborn as Mir Rielan Alexander. The only daughter of Duke Riel Alexander and Leyanne Alexander.