
The beginning

Hello my name is Amelia and I am 17 years old. Today is Friday 25th of September. I was born on August 17th of 2003, at the moment I'm returning home from school and it's night time. Excitement was written all over my body but little did I know what was waiting for me. That night was my worst nightmare, I wish I could remember it though, what a pity.

As I arrived home I noticed that our main door was slightly open. I opened it without thinking and without knowing what was going to happen. I opened the door and started shouting for my parents, after searching half of the house, I saw a man wearing all black dragging my mother and leaving trails of blood behind. I froze at my place as he noticed me and wasn't able to move a muscle. He started slowly approaching me when he was finally standing right in front of me and slightly raising his hand which came in touch with my cheek and he started gently stroking it. The only think that came to my mind at that moment was "RUN".


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