

"Look at her, she looks like a whale"

"Is it possible for someone to gain weight in a few hours because she looks bigger than she did yesterday"

"I see why her mom and dad disowns her. If my daughter looked like her I would too"

"I would kill myself if I looked like her."

Those are the things I heard as I walked down the halls of Roosevelt High. I am used my peers talking about me that way. The things they say about me is like horrible music to my ears. I have no idea why they talk about me that way. I know weight 300 pounds but still, that does not give them a reason to make fun of me for it. A normal person would say something back but I'm not normal, well not in my peers eyes. I am what they would consider an outcast of the outcasts. Plus if I said something back depending on the group I said it to I would get beat up or they would do something along the lines of taking the breaks out of my car.

"Hey cow, want a Twinkie?" A high pitch, girly voice said pushing me against the lockers. But I know that voice too well to not recognize it. That voice came from Jessica Smith, the queen bee of the school. Jessica is the girl every boy dreams about at night. She is the girl that every girl envy's. She could end you in a matter of ten seconds. She can make your life a fairytale or a living hell. With the looks of Kylie Jenner and the heart of The Evil Queen Jessica Smith is truly one of a kind, but in case you haven't noticed not in a good way.

"I asked do you want a Twinkie" Came her high pitch voice again.

"No I-i do-nt" Jessica may seem like a gem in most people's eyes but she is a demon in mine. She is a cruel, selfish, person who makes people commit suicide. She finds weak, disabled, people to pick on. Even though I shouldn't be afraid of her I am. She is the only reason I have nightmares. She is the only reason why I am afraid to speak. She is the only reason as to why I'm afraid in general.

"Good. You don't need one anyways" She said and kicked me in my stomach. I wanted to hurl over and throw up. I even wanted to cry but I didn't. I didn't show any emotion. I just stood still and looked her in her big, blue eyes. After a few minutes passed I thought she was going to leave but then her boyfriend, Jaxon came. I felt my mouth get dry. Jaxon is the male version of Jessica, only he is a little nicer. Notice earlier I said Jessica is every guy's dream, well since Jaxon is the male version of Jessica he is every girl's dream, including mine. Jaxon has hair as black as ebony, lips fuller than a stuffed potato, a jawline sharper than the spines on a cactus , and big brown eyes that look like chocolate. His skin is as white as milk, and he smells like a forest. He is truly a beautiful person.

"Hey piggy what are you doing talking to what's mine" His deep voice said. I didn't know what to say to him so I just looked down and closed my eyes wishing that he leave. It hurts when your crush calls you a pig. I kept my head down and was about to leave but then I heard weird noises. I looked up and saw Jaxon and Jessica kissing. I felt what any normal person would feel. Mad, sad, and disappointed. I know. that I have no right to feel that way because that is her boyfriend after all. But still.

I watched them kiss for a few minutes wishing it was me kissing Jaxon not Jessica but then the the bell rang signalling for us to go to first period. I was thankful for that bell because if I looked any longer my heart would burst. I know your probably like "why would watch them if you are hurt". I watched them because.... because I honestly do not have any idea.

"Peggy James go to class now!" Mr. Duff, the principle said knocking me out of my thoughts. Taking that as cue to get out of the hallway. I started walking to english. On the way I wondered how did Jessica and Jaxon get out of the hallway so fast.

Before I knew it I had made it to Mrs. Francis's class and started doing the things that were assigned on the board.

In the middle of class, loud feet were heard walking into the class but me be decided to ignore it and to continue working. I was doing good at ignoring whatever was happening until I heard metal scrapping against the floor. I looked to where the noise was coming from, which was beside me. When I looked I saw Jaxon sitting beside me. He was looking forward smiling. I looked to see what he was smiling at. Of course he was smiling at Jessica. Rolling my eyes I looked back down and continued doing my work.


Before I knew it the day was over and I was at home watching Hulu and eating vanilla ice cream. My parents aren't home, but that doesn't surprise me. They are never here. They are the world's most known lawyers so of course they are never home. But I have used gotten used to it. It's not that bad. I can go wherever I want, do whatever I want, and I can buy whatever I want. Even though they are never home they still call and text me. But I think the only reason why they call is because I have been diagnosed with depression. That's why the days always seem to blend together. That's also another reason I do not cry when people at school beat me. That's also why time goes by fast to me. It was four when I got home and now it's nine which means I need to take my medicine and go to sleep.

I sighed, got off the couched, put my bowl in the sink, took my medicine, then a shower and went to sleep.