
Chapter 2


Sir this is Aaron Finley. We have a situation. Someone tried to set fire to one of the cars near Sandy Burr country club. It's getting out of hand. Over.

This just made my day. "I will be right there. Over." I hopped on the cruiser and drove off. Can I get one break, please? I am only human. I decided to take the quickest route there. I saw Jason drunk yelling at his ex-wife and her new husband. I had to cuff my drunk former football buddy and I had to spend an hour talking to the disgruntled valet. I apologized as I had to drag him to the station.

I decided to take a much-needed break. I drove off blaring the siren feeling adventurous. I made a few turns here and there. I made a sharp right turn and saw the Belle from the train station the other night. She seemed to have car trouble. She looked cute when she kicked the tires. I decided to play hero and help her.

"Ma'am, is everything alright? Can I help you?" She gave me a funny face that was a mixture of humor and bitterness. What did I do to deserve that? I hope she wasn't someone from high school. That would damper my chances of dating her. She decided that she can trust me, "My car broke down and I am trying to find a way to call Hal and get it towed." I raised my eyebrows, "Hal died last year of a heart attack. His brother sold the garage. If you want your car fixed Jeffrey Barnes is the only one who can do the job. I can call him if you like." She kept smiling at me and I smiled back at her. I picked up my walkie-talkie and summoned a tow truck.

I gave her a ride to the bakery. I kept my mouth shut the entire time as I tried to contemplate who she is. I made sure she reached there before the rush order arrives. I gave her a polite smile and wished her good luck. She gave me a quick nod and ran to help Penelope and the others

I drove off trying to figure out who she was and almost ran over Mr. Wyatt. He gave me the angry eyes and stomped off swearing. He still hasn't forgotten about the day I stole his car and went joyriding. David and I nearly drove it off a cliff. We spent the night in lockup. I decide to see Jones my oldest friend and go fishing after work. We have to pass the Ford family property to get to the best spot for fly fishing. I saw the belle from this morning and everything clicked into place. She was Amy Ford the girl we teased and harassed throughout high school. She was really quiet and always been kind no matter what anyone did to her. Now that I think about it I feel a great deal of shame for everything I did. If I could go back I would stop myself but what was done was done. Now the only thing I can do is prove that I am a changed man. The only question is will she consider marrying me when all her memories of me are horrible? Only time will tell. I heard a motorcycle so I turned to see William the guy from our school swim team stop by her house. She walked up to him with pure unconditional love and it stung that he has always been there for her and now he has a better chance than me. She extended her hand and he accepted it. They walked in like those couples you see in debutant balls. I wanted to go over and rip his arm and carry her. It was like he could hear my thought. He looked at me and picked her up and carried her while she was squealing to put her down. She laughed and it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my life. I slouched and dragged my feet towards the fishing spot hoping what I saw was my mind playing tricks on me

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