
The night owl

      Lately I haven't been myself. Honestly it's hard being the only one in the whole orphanage that has at least any interest in books or exploring new things, so most people expect highly of me. For example, the orphanage teacher. She makes me do "busy work", like what even is that! Don't get me wrong, I  love activities forchallenges, but the books, in the orphanage I have already read; All challenges you  could throw at me are to easy. Basically I have nothing to do all day. 

      A strange feeling has been coming over me lately, it's like a chill-heavy feeling kind of like when you watch a horror movie. This emotion always appears when my surroundings aren't  as still as it should. 

     About my biological parents; I don't know much about them, but I do know 2 things for sure. One, they both had to be extremely intelligent, because of the IQ I have. I actually think I'd rather not say all of number two, this is only part of it... I have spoken about this topic before, but I get a strange feeling whenever something feels wrong. Sometimes I see a shadow, like a human shadow,but I don't know who's it is. It's just a shadow, but it always follows me around. Every time I scream at it, it doesn't go away. I mean it is too far to be a shadow of myself. Whenever I turn my head to look at it, the shadow turns to mist, when I  tell someone they don't believe me. It's kind of odd, how every shadow is what average would call normal except this one. Seriously, it's weird right? I don't believe in ghosts, but it might have something to do with my biological parents. I don't even know why they put me up for adoption! No money? Were they mad? Did they divorce, I have no idea!? It's really bothering me, sometimes I wonder about this idea over and over, this idea just won't go away.


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