
So you're a magician?

Feeling warmth of Luke's body carrying me back to camp; I open my eyes and the midnight moon shines with trees draining out of sight... then the lights go out again.

"Hey Woody! Luke she's not waking up... what did you do? I'm gonna beat the crap out of you if you did something." a voice sounding like Ethans skaters the room. Sudden freezing cold water splashes my face as my eyes emerge open. "Stop Luke is this one of your pranks!" I start screaming out of habit.

Laughter fills the room as Luke stare embarrassed. "Woods you're ok!" getting closer to me Luke's eyes get a little teary. Chuckling in his direction he mumbles "Don't do that again you scared the life out of me.", "Sorry to brake up this romantic moment, but Haylee you were out cold for seven days. Do you remember anything." Ethan buts in. "Yes I remember Luke carrying me... and it's lost from there."

Eyes of stare from the visitors that visited me draw to Luke suspiciously. "You fell off the tree, so I carried you into a cave, waited out the wolf and then brought you to camp." Fluster swarms his voice. "Thank you Luke, but... but, darn I can't remember what I was going to say!" Smashing my fist into my sleeping bag.

"Ok I think Haylee needs some rest, so everyone thanks for visiting her." Ethan smiles and waves everyone to the door of my wooden hut. Friends and some of my students walk out the door. Finally Ethan walks out the tall-carmel door as it shakes close.

Minutes pass and I hear a quiet knock... getting louder and louder. Stumbling out of the sleeping bag in a small bed frame; I rub my head in pain reaching for the shiny polished wooden door knob. "What!" I spout in habit. Realizing who it is "Luke... What are you doing here?" Bringing a finger up to his mouth to signal to be quiet, he slips right by me into my home.

Quickly, but quietly he closes the door. "Haylee about what happened yesterday... do you remember anything about a weird shadow?" Turning and shifting his eyes as his voice's pitch raises. The shadow that caught my fall, but how does he know that? "Yes... you're the shadow, aren't you?" boldly but relaxed I suprise my self of that comment.

Luke's face drops... his shiny diamond eyes shift into mine, "Woodie your eyes! They're different... did I do this to you?". Panic takes over my body in a light up to my heart's blood, "What's wrong with my eyes? Luke you're scaring me." Bringing his hand up to my face he runs his fingers through my hair, "Your eye changed a different color... it's now green, but your other eye is still blue.

"The shadow... explain yourself!" I shout ignoring his obnoxious comment on my eyes. "Don't try to change the subject this time... tell me what you know!" I order coldly. "Ok truth is I discovered who my biological parents are... ok are you happy!" Luke drags on, "And.... What does this have to do with the shadow!" I cry coldly. "My parents were descendants of Shires!" He panics as his dreamy eyes change expressions. "What's a shire? Is it like an occupation?" I ask not believing his little lie.

"A Shire is a human of magic who has ties to typicaly one magical element. My parents are descendants of the cursed Shires." Luke sighs, "Ok if you have magic, then summon the shadow again..." Before I could finish Luke pulls his shakey hand out. His eyes turn emerald green with smoke flaming out as his hair changes from blonde to jet black; swooshing around the corner is the shadow.

Why did he not tell me? He's the only one in this whole world I knew I could trust... at least I thought I could. "Why didn't you tell me? is that why you left the orphanage out of the blue?" I stutter as tears of a once again disappointment of the truth hidden, slide down my cold shivering face. Shaking with rage I stare into Luke's eyes. "No comment huh!" I sigh. "Hey it's not like that! Please don't cry... I'm sorry, I'm not sopssed to be magically alive to this word for anouther 10 years. If the orphanage found out of my existence then I would've been executed on the spot for witchcraft!" Shaking... I've never seen Luke emotional like this before. Staring in concern I notice a small bud of tears flow down as he tries to hide his feelings. Leaning in closer he wraps his arms around me, holding him his hair shifts back to the platinum blonde it was before.

"Woody I don't know what to do? I've never told anyone about this... can you please keep this between us?" whispering in my ears it echoes as shiver flow around my body. "Ok... but if you get discovered... I-I'll do my best to help you!" I reassure him gently with my hand up to the side of his head closer to the end of his mouth. "Don't worry about me ok... I can handle this, but you need to fix the drama you have with Knox." He scolds. "Pushing him away as fast as I could possibly have ever had, "Jerk! You're such an idoit... don't you ever grow up!" I say in anger of his disturbingly nosy comment. Man I hate that guy... he's so rude it bugs me.

"Woah, says the girl who has a stick up her but." He glares and sits down on the bed frame. "Ugh! I hate this, who are you now a days?" I scold and head to storm off. Running over Luke reaches for my wrist, quickly he pulls me. Spiralling into his arms, I look up from his chest to his slim diamond cut jaw line. Beaming his blue diamond eyes he hesitates, as he brings his face closer to mine. "You hate me, but angel your body doesn't." his whisper echoes into my ear.

Turning to my cheek he kisses me. Messing with my hair he turns to my lips and starts to come closer as his soft lips touch mine. "Luke stop... I'm sorry I didn't believe you about the Shire thing!" I mumble. "Oh to late darling... you were the one who stole my heart first." Luke starts to ramble.

Is Luke ok he's not acting like himself? If Luke knew I was trying to check his temperature I wouldn't hear the end of it, so I just need to be discreet about checking. Sliding my hand past the beating heart pounding out of my chest I reach up to Luke's forehead. Kissing my small thin lips; Luke's distracted... now is my chance to check if he has a fever. Turning my hand over to the back ,while playing with his golden locks of hair, I press it on the top of his forehead. Oh my it's like a furnace... no wonder Luke's been so weird today.

Pulling away from his warm grasp I slide him towards my five sleeping bags (stacked on top of each other to make it more comfortable). I quickly push him onto the bed, bouncing his dizzy head onto the pillow's fluffy cloud appearance. Slipping away from his hand Luke rushes for my slender soft hand and pulls me on top of him. "Luke! This anouther one of your tricks?" I scoff. "No I just want you... I think I like you, but you wouldn't think I'm good enough!" swooshing in his voice shakes. "Oh no Luke you're being delusional!" I stutter of shock.

Could Luke be drunk, could people's temp change if they're drunk? Well clearly he is to sick to think clearly. Glancing at Luke he pulls me closer to his face bringing my nose next to his. A bright layer scurries across his face onto of his feverish color, "Heylee someone's blushing! You like me too, don't you?" Cheeking his evil smile, surprisingly he still manages to kill the brain cells I have left. "As if! Why would I like someone like you!" I scream loudly to set the message into his brain.

Out of no where he oddly grabs the back of my head and pulls it closer to him. "Don't resist me it's just a little kiss!" Reaching for my soft lips with his he let's out a mone. Pulling for my shirt-

"Sorry Haylee! I didn't know you had company... I'll come back later!" I hear Violet's high pitch voice echo behind me, as the door of my humble abode slams behind me. Uh oh... Violet is right behind me... unfortunate enough of all things she has a major crush on Luke! I'm dead... please just shoot me I can't take this guilt... she's my good friend I could've hurt her bad with this missunderstanding.

I raise my head up awkwardly from Luke's lips. Pulling my hands from his muscular abs, and I turn over toward Violet, while covering Luke with my body. A shock of rage appear upon her gorgeous tanned skin.

Burning pure threats of hate straight through her dark brown eyes, as tears slip out. "Haylee is that Luke with you!" Violet screams on the edge of breaking. Mumbling from under me Luke pulls his arms from my waist to rest his arm on my face and the other one covering his entire face "No I'm Breckon... Breckon Cope, hunter and musician." He lowers the pitch of his voice deeper to sound manly and intimidating.

Suspicious she questions " How long have you lived in this camp?", "Easy 8 years!" Luke shouts unaware of what's going on because of his fever. "Babe can she go now I'm getting bored!" half concious of the situation or even his surroundings and slurring his words. Violet's fury burns "Wow Breckon could you be any more rude! At least my taste in guys are thousands of times better than yours! Luke would never be this rude, he's sweet, charming, honest, and isn't a slut like this Breckon here!" Her words pierce me like a knife and I lay numb.

Unable to resist laughing at the situation, Luke bursts into gasps of laughter. Turning to me sitting on top of Luke's tight abs on his stomach, she scoffs and flicks her dyed pink hair to the side "I'm out of here! Haylee let's hangout when your rude friend isn't around.". Rushing for the door, it slams as Violet runs out.

Sitting alone in the room with Luke underneath me, blush sways over my face. Quickly I push him to the otherside of the bed so I could get off of him. "Sleepover awsome!" He wraps his arms around me laying sideways to sleep. "Luke what are you doing! " I bark out annoyed out of my mind. "Haha ha, you're funny because you're spinning!" Swirling in his voice thickens as he runs his finger through my caramel colored hair "My head hurts! Hay-Hay fix it!", "Ugh! Luke pipe down will ya... I'm trying to sleep!" I scold turning to face his piercing ice cold eyes.

Unable to stop blushing at his handsome face I close my eyes... if only you were nice you would be perfect. Does he still have a temperature? Guess I have to check... why me! Ugh this dirty jerk! Pulling my hand of his chest I reach it up to his forehead avoiding his hair, "Ugh it's still warm! What now!"

Frustration swarms around me like it could eat me alive. "Don't be mad ugly! I don't feel so well Kk, I think I'm going to throw up now! Quick come closer I'm going to try to aim for you!" Luke teases wrapping his hands around my slim freezing body. Pulling closer together "Who are you calling ugly! All the things Violet said about you was a lie!" I laugh back putting my hand down his teal soft shirt, toward his shoulder.

Flipping me onto the bottom Luke lays on top of me flowing closer and closer, "What Violet said is true!" he replies as if he's hurt by the comment. "No it's not and you know it too! You're just the guy who made up a guy named Breckon who she got angry with!" I reply a sassy comeback. "Fine you caught me there, but do you want to know a secret?" Luke replies.

Little kids don't read this! Please save your innocents! PG13 That means, yes ten year olds this is not for you!

Jewelsdaqueencreators' thoughts