
Here we go again

One year later…

"We've been walking for hours, you little nutcase! Can't we just have a brake!" my throat yells. "Woods I'm not in the mood! You better keep up or I'm going to have to carry you myself." Luke gags back.

Walking slowly down a crooked dirty gravel path, surrounded by thick tall birch and oak trees, I start to hear growling in a low like tone. Rushing to the corner of my eye, bushes rustle dramatically.

Suddenly in fear I grab on to Luke's arm. Petrified I look up at Luke trying to think of a way out of this. Frozen unable to move, thoughts cloud my head.

 Turning his head directly at me Luke looks like ten seconds to fainting."Woodie? Are you ok? If we're quiet that creature or that thing might not get startled and attack." his greenish blueish eyes panicked in fear, as his oval like shaped pupils got smaller realizing we are in danger.

"Luke, we need to get out of here." I whisper in a soft scared voice.  "We will be fine…Hay-Hay be brave, we can do this. you've been through so much last year, this is nothing compared to the incident."

Thoughts of death floods my brain as if taking over me. Snapping out of the trance Luke puts his arm around me, "Now or never am I right?" He whispers.

 "Swoosh!" Luke turns and faces me. "Let's do this!" He smirks. "Yep!" My eyes light up.

 "1...2...3...4…-" I mumble, "4?"He smirks, "Woodie, Luke doesn't do 4." In the blink of an eye Luke suddenly slides his hand up to mine. "3! Woohoo, Let's go!" He screams. Moving my feet toward the Bush, he pulls me slowly, and we start tiptoeing over to the tree in the opposite direction.

 Stumbling over and over, closer and closer to the tall green tree. The base of the majestic oak was 5ft wide, and the height almost two or three times the size of Luke (Luke is 6'5").  Moss covered a lot of the thick trunk, and branches lead up from standing reach all the way up to the top.

  Kneeling on the green muddy ground, Luke looks up at me; standing looking down at him "What are you doing? now is not the time to fool around!". "I'll boost you up. Climb up to a place that's stable for us to sit on for awhile." he orders. "K! Got it I will head up!" I shout annoyed. "Jeez I was just trying to be a gentleman! Gosh..." Luke scoffs.

  Slowly I head up the tall, chunky barked tree. Wrapping my arms around the trunk, and moving my slim legs over to the thick stable parts of the tree. "Grrrrrr! Grrr!" the noise continued, but it sounds like it was getting closer to us. Quickly I support my legs on the trunk tucked between pieces of brown rugged bark, I bend my knees slowly and steadily and prepare to jump.

   My legs burst up as I  suddenly realize I'm in the air leeping to a slim branch closest to me. Shooting my hand out to grab it my arms started feeling weak.

  In the blink of an eye the branch was in my hand. "Luke I got it, problem is I'm dangling from the branch!" I panick coldly. "Woodie how thick is the branch?", " About the thickness of the railing on the side of a road. Most likely it would hold, well I hope!" shouting to make sure he could hear me, I gather all the strength I have left, every little piece I could possibly have.

  Exhausted, cold, and Hungry, My arms burn as I slowly pull my self up to the branch. Quickly I bend my knees and pull my legs over the branch to sit on it. "Luke you can head up now!"I call to him. My hands rest on the branch as I'm scooting toward to trunk to make room for Luke.

  3 minutes pass and still no answer from Luke. Is he ok, did something happen? Oh gosh. Just thinking of it makes me even sadder. I can't have anouther person die on me.        

 " Luke! You down there buddy?" I cry out. Snapping and cracking this noise muffles in the background. Trembling on the branch I turn my cold head down at the branch. "Ahhh! No I'm not ready to die!"  looking startled at the part near to large trunk; I see a big crack splitting. No matter how fast I move I will still fall. Looking down, I shift my eyes to the ground. I'm going to die... this is the end.

Gravity's pull takes over as I'm stuck free falling in the air. Turning down at Luke... my heart stops. The shadow is behind him... it's 12:00 am.

A cloud of smoke sloshes underneath me; shaped kind of like a human hand. 10ft below me Luke moves his hand in a catching motion; as I fall into the cloudy-giant-ghost like- hand.

Feeling a warmth pressence; I my eyes flicker open. Confused on where I am, I look up at him... it's Luke. I was supposed to be dead! How am I alive? Did Luke control the shadow, or is the shadow Luke?

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