
The demon (part6)

Elisabet began again after she glanced at Erin. After the girl didn't speak for a while. Elizabet took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying to maintain her composure. Elizabet could feel the tears that welled in her eyes and she blinked quickly so that the girl opposite of her wouldn't see. She took one more deep breath before she opened her eyes and once again began her tale.

"After several years of what I thought was what the perfect life to be, I noticed changes. They may have happened earlier, but I was still so 'in love' that I failed to notice. Or it could have been truly gradual, I am not truly sure. My lover became more harsh and unforgiving, his anger was directed at humans at first, but he began to branch out."


Elizabet walked around the courtyard of the estate that he built for the two of them. We walked to the nearby garden full of various colored plants not something seen in 'normal' gardens. However, to the succubus they were important as they were all aphrodisiacs in some for or another. She knelt down and smelled the flowering plants, the few that were still alive so late in the season, before moving on to the next one.

Elizabet found her mind unable to maintain a train of thought before bouncing to the next one. She wandered around for a bit longer before heading back to the estate. Here too, she wandered from room to room, from floor to floor and window to window.

On the third floor of the estate there was a window at the end of the hall. She noticed the dead flowers in the vase and headed over. When she got to the window she looked out the window noticing the trees with no leaves. Her eyes moved around and in the distance she could see a simple building. She squinted her eyes to get a better view. How had she never noticed that before? The thought quickly dawned on her, she wouldn't have...trees full of leaves would have hidden the building from her view.

Elizabet left the dead flowers in the vase and headed in the direction of the building. As she got closer she could have sworn she could hear screaming. Elizabet wandered around the building looking for an entrance and on the far side she found it, with 4 guards sitting out front.

When one of the guards noticed her they called out, "Lady Elizabet?" and all fo them turned their head in her direction and bowed.

Elizabet waved her hands uncomfortably hoping they would quickly get up. "What is this? I have not noticed it before."

However, instead of answering her question (which did not go unnoticed by Elizabet) the lead guard answered, "Are you hungry my lady? We can bring a human up for you?"

Elizabet furrowed her brows unsure of how to proceed. At that moment she said nothing. She tipped her head a little and turned around and left. She would Atchen this evening when he came home.

That evening, Elizabet sat in front of the mirror brushing her hair after completing her task she set the brush on the vanity staring into her own reflection. She could hear Atchen preparing himself in the other room. Why was she so hesitant to ask him about that building? She asked herself biting her ip nervously in the process. This was the first time she had ever felt like this...why?

After finding her resolve she stood up and approached the bed getting in and sliding next to her husband (they were never formally married...but they were common-law after the 100 or so years that they had been together).

Atchen was reading a book by candlelight, when he felt her hand on his chest. He could feel her erratic heartbeat and he set his book down and turned to Elizabet.

Elizabet looked up, "why is there a building at the far edge of the estate?" She asked, trying to keep her suspicions out of her voice. She was expecting him to avoid her question like the guards did but he didn't.

"Ah, that. That is where I am working on our dream of conquering this world." He smiled. "It is there so as not to disturb our home. Did the guards stop you from entering?"

Elizabet circle her finger on his stomach, "no, nothing like that. Besides, its not like they could actually stop me!" She looked up again at him meeting his black eyes, "Have you forgotten that I am no damsel in distress? I too am a demon!"

He smirked, "of course." He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

She let the issue drop. She would visit the building tomorrow to see what it was about. She knew he wasn't hiding anything, what he spoke was the truth.

The next day she threw on a thick cloak to keep herself warm from the chill in the air. She walked to the building entrance, approached the same guards at the door. They greeted their lady and opened the door for her and began her visit to the prison. Each cell filled with people.

Next chapter