
Reeve System

In her mind world, a small boy in fetus position is floating in the air. He is surrounded by countless code patterns and what's makes her excited is that he is about to be born.

The countless code patterns continue to swirl around and they're now entering at various points in a very quick manner. It didn't take long before the last pattern swiftly entered and as soon as it did, the boy's eyes opened. He looks like a deity with his twin golden irises that emanate the power of pure Silka energy. He looked at Finnia then another notification appeared:

[[ It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Master. Please enter a name. ]]

She entered, "REEVE".

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Reeve. Your main duty will be to maintain our body so that it is in an optimal condition at all times. Then dedicate some processing power to organize the info about the humans and the absorption of the Time Seed." Finnia named her new System and allocated his tasks.

With a separate AI for managing the back-end tasks, Finnia won't need to handle it any more personally. She now has a very useful helper for organizing the information from decoding the Time Seed and the humans.

[[ Affirmative, Master. As you command. ]]

Reeve landed on the ground, turned around and starts to organize the various floating data on the mind world. He is so fast that you will only be able to see some afterimages.

Finnia heaved a sigh of relief. Reeve was actually born ahead of time and this is due to her increased Silka energy and also partly due to the influence of the power of Time when she was inside Chiena's mind world earlier. Now she can rest assured that as soon as there are good developments in the study of Time Seed and humans, she will now get an instant notification from Reeve.

She then decided to take a closer look at what she was able to decipher from the Time Seed. It's been more than six hours already since she started absorbing it.

"Hmm, with this data, I can time travel for one second relatively from the present either forward or backward. That's not so bad" She was delighted with this discovery. For androids like her, a one-second advantage is a big deal especially if against with enemy of the same strength. Life and death can be decided within this second.

It is important to note that before receiving a Time Seed, she has no way of manipulating Time. She arrived at this time using the time-travel pod and she can only go back by activating the Time-Return artifact in which she will end up in her original time period a year later from when she used the pod.

"I can't wait to unravel the whole Time Seed." Finnia thought with looks of excitement and anticipation on her face.

"Also, I wonder how can a little girl possesses such kind of power."

"Reeve, bring out a comparison of Chiena's DNA together with normal humans."

[[ Master, unfortunately, her DNA data doesn't differ much from a normal human. Except of course for those that determine their unique physical body's configuration, the rest is just the same. The rest that indicates she's of the human race. ]]

Finnia's eyebrows furrowed together as she contemplated, "If it is not in the DNA, is it due to that tiny light blue cloud in her body? Or maybe that's the manifestation of the Soul Body on this physical dimension."

Not getting anything useful, she decided to just let it go for now. Once Reeve provided more data, she will revisit this in the future. So, then she left the mind world and returned to the real world.

The night has just begun. She doesn't need to sleep since Reeve is now taking care of her maintenance. She has plenty of time to do some things or do some thinking.

"What can I do to help this family? Grandma needs a helper on the farm but Enryl needs to study too."

"If they have lots of money and high status, they can just hire helpers for everything. Seems like money is really needed to live a comfortable life as a human."

"But before getting ahead, individual strength is still important. What's the point of being rich and with a high status if you can just be controlled by someone stronger? If they're weak, they will just be a target of those with bad intentions that will try to take away what they have."

"Even though I've only known them for a short while, it doesn't mean I can just let them be. I should probably scan their health status tomorrow and with more detailed data then I have some more that I can use to decide on what's the best course of action."

"I can reconfigure their body to be able to unleash its full potential just like what I did with Chiena. It can be considered as a token of my gratitude for allowing me to stay with them and to learn with them."

"I wonder if it is a good idea to reconfigure the farm animals as well?"

She continued to ponder until the Sun crept out of the horizon to start a new day ahead!

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