

It was a late Wednesday night, I was walking home from a friends house down the road from mine. As I was walking down the street I heard a wired sound behind me, it was like a low breathing sound. I quickly turned around to see if someone was there, when I looked around there was a man, but he was bent over another woman laying on the ground. I don't know what to think, I don't know if you know they are like in love or something? So I get out my phone and go up to them half way before I stop, then all the sudden I hear those footsteps again behind me. I am scared, what will happen to me? I think to my self. I turn around as fast as I can to see nothing but a empty street. I turn back to the man and the woman again, then she said in a low wisps "help m-me" I get scared as hell and I start to run away, only to see another man in front of me, I look behind me and then back in front of me. "This can't be happening to me right now, are they gonna kill me?! Just stay calm and keep your head in the game!" I think to me self. I look back and then forward again, but this time I turned around, the man in front of me was only two inches away from me. I try to back away but the strange man grabs my rist and pulls me in close to him, I can't see his face clearly and I'm about to pass out. I struggle to break free from his grasp, I look behind me only to see the other man leaning over the woman getting up and walking over to me and the man. In a second the man reaches me and both of the strangers lean there heads only cinimeters away from mine and say, "we have been looking for you for a long time, my love" they say as they say in since. All the sudden I feel the men's hands touch my hair, and then my head, they say with a smile, "go to sleep" right before I was out cold, when the smiled I could see some type of fangs?!

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