1 tru love

when she walked out of her hut she saw the most beautiful sight there was flowers and animals all around the village a villager came up to her and gave her some bread to feed the birds and she did feed the birds but during the evening a panther came up to her and morphed into a man and asked her would you like to climb a tree with me she never was aloud to and thought it would be fun so she did they went to the top and sat there and wacthed the sunset

TEN months later they had panther Cubs they was her world they loved each other dearly and they've their Cubs but soon the cheetah returned and challenged the panther jack they then fought and fought for hours and hours jack soon won they fight killing the cheetah jack was covered with cuts and bits and scratches but was healed by the village medic soon more Panthers came and claimed the land and was ruled by alice and jack they lived a great life..

that night they all went to sleep and she woke up the next day in her world turns out it was all a dream she got dressed and bumped into a guy named jack and ten months later they had two kids and lived happily ever after she still remember the dream her and jack soon died from old age but their kids became susscefill then they had the same dream like their mother but was different and they met their true love when they woke up
