
The first 10 years

The next few month here with the giant clan have been boring all day sleeping and s***ing and crying and trying to speak the one always holding me says " this one grows faster then others and is starting to speak with more words show more intelligence then all the others born this year" a few more months go by and I start to walk and speak more fluently with other giants and started to talk to the free folk that come to trade with us the other giants notice this and start to praise me for it and the free folk started to talk to me more then the others giants

2 years go by and taller then most men at 6'7 taller then all the giant children who are all under 4'5 and started to and using my elemental magic to start fires for the clan and making stone tools for the clan and trade them to the free folk

5 years old now I was named the next leader of the giant clan am as tall as most adult giants at 14'6 tall I have been using my earth element to move Metal gold silver and gems of all kind and using metal to make weapons for the giant clan and making cave big enough for us giants to live in we started to trade the weapons to some of the more friendly free folk clan that trade with us

7 years old we started to gather all the other giant clan in the north we now number 469 giants and we'll over 600 mammoth's and most giants now have metal weapons some even have armor now I have been using my stone and fire elements to make a Castle for us giants with high walls and have started to learn to use nature element to grow food and trees to from a natural fence for the mammoth's herds and it's looking like a town for giants

9 years old and we started to accept free folk into the town now it's large as a city for the free folk and a big town for the giants with my elemental magic I've enchanted the walls and building with fire magic in the stones to keep warm and have now grown to be 20 feet tall the tallest giant to be seen in a long time and have been the leader for a year leading us to prosper there always food and the Mammoth herd has grown to over a Thousand mammoth's and last giant clan has joined us and now we number 1,586 giants and free folk number 18,741 all living in my walls and have finished my Castle to make a giants home and a throne for me to use and have made a Council of all clan leaders and elders Keep order and new laws and have started to arm my giants and free folk with steel weapons and have task my people to start making boats to start trading with essos I made trees so big that they can make them into ship to sail to essos

10 years old I'm on my throne as we started to trade with merchants in essos using all the gold and silver and gems I hoarded for years to buy better boats and and buying unsullied and other craftsman for my city I have also made a port for the new boats and started to train my army of 700 giants 5,560 free folk to make them my standing army the crows are seen spying from the nearby forest dumbfounded that there's a 50 feet tall wall and a massive Castle with a Active town and port with rumors south that there's a king north of the wall that started a city and is now trading with city's of essos and buying slaves and unsullied with most free folk clan near the wall traveling to my city seeking Shelter and protection beyond my tall walls

after the first 500 unsullied I sent some elders to negotiate yearly buying of unsullied to fill my ranks with trained men for over 5 years and with even more free folk and giants now with over 2,192 giants and over 79,781 free folk and crows scouting more regularly my Council starting to think the crow are asking for the army's south of the wall to come north and take us out but the rumors from our merchant friends are saying that no arms are coming north as far as they heard I've ask my contact for unsullied to buy as many as 13,000 and to start being them here with my standing army at 850 giants with armor and weapons of steel and 2,000 unsullied and 22,500 free folk with armor and wars pens of steel to man my walls and with 2,000 war Mammoth's and 6,569 for the mammoth's herd and enough food with my magic grows now to feed my people indefinitely in my walls is where I grow my food Fields of crops of all kinds of food grows monthly to feed well over 5,000,000 people and we sell most of it to essos and other free folk clans to still trade with us I've named me self the giants king of the north and I have started to make sure to use me elemental magic on the weapons and armor to strengthen them just in case the crows end up getting the army's south to March beyond the wall.

My unsullied have finished coming all 13,000 and making sure to not sell all our food this year to the merchants bring the unsullied to us I've been making a deep moat around my walls and most of the free folk have started to join me very few clan or all the cannibals will not be joining me they are joining together so the crow will attack them first then us if at all.

It's been 2 years sense the crow spotted us and haven't attacked yet but they have killed most of the cannibals and they killed most of the attacking crow the southern kingdoms have decided sense we aren't leaving the true north and started a kingdom here and have a king who's a 25 feet tall giant who's rumored to be able to use elemental magic and made all my stone building my self and walls and moat around my city and can if believed grows enough food to feed 5,000,000 people very few months and sells most to essos and have started to talk to merchants of the southern kingdoms to sell food to them I've decided to start traveling with 10 giants and 200 unsullied and free folk guards with my ship to talk to the warden of the north to talk of trade deals with other houses of the north and a peace agreements not attack any southern kingdoms which I will talk to them about

3 weeks of traveling to meet the starks of the north with my guards dealing with some bandits trying to attack the merchants traveling with us for safety when we finally got to Winterfell the starks welcome me and are scared and don't seem to think that giant were real until they saw us " I see you didn't think I was a giant to I take it lord stark " he says " I didn't think there were any giants alive at all but you are taller then every giant that came with you why is that " I say " because I'm the giant king beyond the wall or I prefer the giants king in the north now I see you have brought your kids with you to welcome us what are there names " lord stark names them and the other with them sense I'm far to tall to even enter the gate we have our meeting outside in a tent " lord stark as you know we do indeed have more food and sell most of what we grow to merchants of essos and use that money to buy unsullied and fill my treasury in my Castle now I can agree to have to peace between our kingdoms but the other free folk who don't live behind my walls aren't in my kingdom aren't my people to order so you still have to deal with them but I'll tell you now it's no more then 60,000 of them left not behind my walls and the crows took care of most of the cannibals anywhere near the wall all we really need is your permission to trade and travel your kingdom with our getting killed just because we live beyond the wall and I won't have my people travel any more south least they kill us just because they can and can't do a damn thing about it" lord stark says " I can give you permission to travel and trade south of the wall in my kingdom but you'll have to keep your most of your soldiers and giants north of the wall as far as Westeros " hmm that's something I haven't even thought about before it's still 18 years before Roberts rebellion starts " you have my word now let's get this deal signed for your king and let there be peace"

I'm back in my Castle thinking I'll be traveling to essos and buy out the unsullied in astapor which if my people are right there should be 20,000 unsullied for me to buy but first there's one place to go first and get the best metal there is Valerian steel in old Valerian with my elemental magic I can easily get enough to make a double sided battle axe for my weapon and maybe if I'm lucky dragons to but only if I'm lucky " ready my ships I'm going to essos to start my Legend of power and strength of legends of old gather my giants guard" my giants guard consist of 50 giants 500 unsullied 1,000 free folk soldiers with 50 ships to go to essos it took 2 weeks to even get to astapor and will my know wealth well know in essos and even more in astapor with my yearly buying of 500 unsullied and to the other cities of slavers bay I buy slaves from " master of astapor thanks for welcoming me I hope I sent word with enough time to buy those 20,000 unsullied from you with our monthly food for your city like always" the master says " welcome king of giants and yes Business with your kingdom is making us all rich and the food is always so good and cheaper to keep the Dothraki away from our cities of slavers bay in fact we're making more gold sense your kingdoms founding we had to get even bigger treasuries to just hold all the gold were making thanks to you " I say " of course now on to business I need to go and make my name know to all for more then my gold and immense food grown in my kingdom beyond the wall I've been thinking with your trained unsullied and my giants and my gold and food I might as well make my kingdoms power be known to all with thing south of the wall and the ever increasing cold and snow far north I need practice breaking army's and my name to be feared so let's get you your gold shall we" it took 5 days to get all my supplies and unsullied to start marching I was thinking of taking some cities or Dothraki hmm thing to think about but for now let's take astapor first shall we.


I've made this chapter longer than I normally do and will be posting my first dc fanfic in a bit plz check it out

Next chapter