

In the year 2701 A.D, the first contact with an Alien race called the Umdali was recorded. They came to earth looking to recruit human beings as an allied in the everlasting fight against the World Devourers known as the Argonians. Their offer was simple, they would help humans solve the environmental problem the planet faced, and provide all the technology necessary to keep it healthy but in exchange, the human race would provide the Umdali with the population necessary to put up a fight.

The leaders of Planet Earth called for an extraordinary meeting of the United Nations but it was all a farce to confuse our soon to be saviors and make them think that it was a tough decision. The truth was, that all they did was eat steak and drink Whisky and talk about how they could get more benefits.

The decision to enter into an alliance with the Umdali was made the moment the aliens said, "we can solve the environmental problem and in exchange you give us people" suckers!! What do Humans love more than money… The answer was simple Sex and what comes 9 months after that, an ever growing population that was the main problem in the first place.

It was killing three birds with one stone, It solved the problem of an out of control population… Check, Clean the environment so the planet could heal... Check, Getting amazing technology while doing it...Check.

It was the trifacta, needless to say, the contract was signed and the process of relocation started via spaceships while Quantum Teleportation Rooms capable of folding space were built to allow easy travel between planets. It took almost 400 years to set everything up but at last the integration of the human race was completed and with the vast amount of people provided to the Warfront by planet Earth and the amazing technology of the Umdali, the war was overturned and the Argonians now had a fight in their hands.

The earth was a frog at the bottom of a well, after many years, they had only managed to expand to their adjacent planets while other galaxies were already trading with each other and developing together. It was through a stroke of luck that the Umdali found the tiny Milky Way but compared to other worlds, the human race was extremely young.

The humans thought that they were the big winners from the deal but the truth was that the Umdali were getting beat up into a pulp. They were a very intelligent race and many of their higher ups thought that there was nothing that could stop them from taking over the whole cosmos. With those thoughts in mind, they quickly took over their entire solar system, but it was not enough. They wanted more, they wanted the whole enchilada, new solar systems, far away stars, other universes, the possibilities were endless and as they thought about conquering all there was to conquer, they looked into the Darkness of Space and as luck would have it, the Darkness looked back.

The Argonians were very chaotic and were known as the Devourers. They invaded worlds and using the resources from their victims grew stronger and then moved on leaving a trail of destruction on their path.

It so happened that the two races met one fateful day in a world filled with everlasting trees. The Umdalli were trying to get a hold of the world the best way they knew how, through trade. They used their technology to create a dependency, we give you technology and you give us resources. In the middle of the negotiations, they saw a meteor shower and following the beautiful spectacle, a massive creature descended and decimated anything that moved. The Umdali were helpless, their plasma guns could take care of the small fry but it was useless against the higher level organisms that could use amazing abilities.

The Umdali fled the planet and took with them as many natives as they could and so the Alliance was formed.

The Argonians were built to kill but worst of all, nobody had ever seen where they came from or any of their leaders who based on the destructive power of their subordinates were thought to be gods. The Umdali were in a rot and didn't have any ideas as to where to go next in terms of weapon technology. Lasers, Atomic Energy Cannons, Gravity Compressors on the scale required to kill Higher Level Argonians were too heavy handed on the planets they were trying to conquer and it would lead to their destruction so using them would make them the same as their enemies.

The solution to their creative problem came from their new allies' culture, more specifically a form of entertainment that allowed players to become great heroes that could use magical powers similar to the special abilities used by the Argonians themselves. The heroes of those stories became more powerful the more enemies they killed and some even stole their enemies abilities and made them their own.

The lead scientist of the Umdali, an individual by the name of Zero was very intrigued by the different games and when he saw professional gamers take on monsters more powerful than they were and beat them, he was inspired to create the first generation Nanotrons with Chip later renamed as the E.F.S (Evolutionary Fighting System). The Nanotrons or NanoMachines were implanted at birth in the body of the individual while the chip was implanted in the brain allowing for complete synchronization between the two after 13 years. Once Synchronization was done, the Umdali had their own Heroes, the Nano technology would reshape their bodies by incorporating materials from the Argonians into the DNA of the person, while the chip would provide them with the analysis, replication of skills and combat assistance.

The Invention of the E.F.S brought with it the age of heroes but the struggle for survival was far from over.

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