
The Ghost Ops

King is a teenage delinquent who is struck by a car while trying to save his little brother. Given a chance to live again, King becomes one of the agent for Ghost Ops.

DaoistElGryo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : Revival

King dropped to his knees as he saw Hell, ultimately he felt resigned to his fate as he knew it was a dead end, yeah he's been an obedient child to his mother but he was also the number one street fighter in his school! he's been a naughty kid in his youth but who weren't right?

The horned man coughed a little, " Ahem! Now King Maestro allow me to throw you into the abyss!" while he extended his left hand as a sign of gesture.

King looked into the horned man's hands. this shouldn't be the end, King looked into the Lady Knight and he saw the knight smiling. "H-hey how's the scale?" King asked.

"The Judgement scale seems off for a bit." The Lady Knight said as she saw her ancient golden scale tipping right and left but with no sign of stopping. "Usually it stops from which is heavier, a sinner stops to the left while the righteous stops to the right." The Lady Knight pondered as she saw her scale not stopping.

"This should not be the case, let me call someone right now." The Lady Knight said and pulled out her phone. Her phone looked transparent "Ring! ring! ring!"

The horned man doesn't seem to care. "You know you're wasting your time, chicken wings!"

"Please be silent for a bit Agares." The Lady knight looked into the horned man as she waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"Oh please don't say my name Lady Turiel, Your kind don't know us too well." 

"Oh, I know you all so well, lesser demon." The Lady Knight said while holding her phone.

"Really? Lady Turiel An angel of your caliber knows us lesser demons?" The demon smirked and walked towards King.

King was amazed as he listened to both of the beings in front of him, he slowly tried to back away but his movement alerted the demon.

"Oi don't even try to think about it." The demon smirked again and walked over to King, "You know you humans, you only think about your awful lives when you are alive, now that you're dead and heading to hell, let me tell you one tip!"

The demon named Agares smiled.

"You don't need clothes, it's going to be hot in there!" Agares laughed as he saw King's eyes grow large due to fear! 

"Too bad you're dead, I sense your fear but fear coming from souls is not worth it!:"


While Agares the demon mocked King, The Angel Turiel was speaking someone over the phone. "Hey this is Turiel from the 7th heaven, requesting for Sir Gabriel please"

An automated system voice replied "Identification token please"

"It's Luke Chapter 7 verse 10" Lady Turiel Replied.

"Passcode?" The system asked.

"Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me." Lady Turiel Answered.

"Token and passcode confirmed , please wait for Sir Gabriel in 10 seconds."


Sir Gabriel the angel was currently in conference with the other angels, it was one of his duties as the leader of the 7th heaven when his phone rang.

"Turiel? been a long time since she tried to reach me, and it's VIP access , wondered what went wrong." Gabriel pondered as he answered the phone.

"What's wrong Lady Turiel? this is Gabriel."

"Sir Gabriel, how are you, I apologize for disturbing you today"

"Don't worry you didn't disturbed me in any other way. Well tell me the problem"

"Sir Gabriel the Judgement scale seems to be off a bit, I've encountered a disturbance that only a few angels have mentioned."

"Oh, Is it not stopping?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes your holiness, the tipping scale is not stopping the way it should be normally it stops on the 60th second after death." Turiel explained.

"Hmm , Asked the person if they saw a blue flash before death  and also I believe the day today is the 110th billion marked for human death, I believe you've hit a jackpot!" Gabriel said excitingly.

"Hmm? Then that means?" Turiel's eyes sparked and twinkled like a star.

"Yes , looks like another Agent have awaked to join our ops. now now , don't be excited, go ask him and I'll send you a message confirming if his the 110th billion death today all right" Gabriel explained.

"Okay let me ask him, Thank you very much your holiness." Turiel thanked.

"Now now, You go ahead and have a blessed day." Gabriel smiled and slowly hung up, As he hung up the phone he signaled to one of his angels to bring him the Book of death, He silently waited for the angel to arrive, It looks liked he is calm but inside of him his hearth is beating, the 110th billion marked.

"The 110th Billion mark, The event that might change the course of war is now fulfilled, now to make sure the 2nd stage will be easily done he must not make any mistake!"

The angel brought the Book of death to Gabriel accompanied by 4 higher and armed Angles with glowing spears as they float towards Gabriel.

Gabriel took the book and opened to the middle of the page and saw the name of the person in question.

"King Maestro, Aged Sixteen, heart is pure like a shield but soul is sharp like a knife, 110th billion person to die at earth plane. Bloodline human, If passed may proceed with Stage 2 of Ghost ops." Gabriel read  and closed the book. 

Alas another hero from earth , let's make sure he doesn't fall to the dark side, Like the last one.

Gabriel closed his eyes and slowly prayed. "I've never once questions you oh Lord, but the habit of yours to save mankind is a story most of agreed on, If it's your plan to save this Kid and turn him unto your sword , so be it."

Gabriel took out his right hand and a spear appeared, He brandished it as it was part of his body and it's might spread out all through out the 7th Heaven. It was a blue 2 meter spear with it's Spear head shining like a star,It's sharpness known to all demons that slew their breadthen during the war for the body of Mosses! The gates of heaven opened and he looked at Earth , He saw Lady Turiel below, he saw a demon mocking and dancing over the kid named King.

"Revive! King Maestro and welcome to Ghost ops!" Gabriel threw his spear towards Earth! it's speed as faster than the speed of light!


Hey guys, So this is like a work of fiction so I know I maybe borrowing some names here so please don't be upset, Thank you!

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