

"Now." with great silence and discretion, the shinobis came down from the trees. They were fifty and armed to the teeth.

They walked cautiously to where Momo and Kanebi were sleeping, slowly they could see them sleeping under the bushes.

The leading shinobi looked around to make sure that no one was there. With one motion of his hand, his men jumped on the two of them, binding them with water ropes.

"Hey! You sons of bitches!" Kanebi was thrown face first on the ground, Momo was carried by one the shinobi. Compared to Kanebi, she was behaving herself.

"A shinobi of Kiri, you'll have to answer lots of questions." with one swift kick to Kanebi's face, the shinobi knocked him out.

"Jisou, carry this heavy looking bastard. Let's return to the hideout." the shinobi carried the knocked Kanebi. The group dissappeared.

Under the bushes, Mori opened his eyes. He came out and patted the dirt out of his clothes.

"This is bad, they must not get their hands on it." Mori squatted down and touched the footprints of the kidnappers.

"Shinobi of the Land of The Sea, they have the same sandals as the ones I've killed hours ago." Mori turned his head left and stood up.

His body started to disort and became but a cloud of mist, Mori reappeared thirty meters further.

"If I use the mist body flicker technique repeatedly, I'll be able to quickly reach them. The thing is that my chakra is important, I cannot waste it on the flicker technique." Mori ran towards their direction. Occasionally, he would use it to parcour ten meters.

One kilometer further, the shinobis were running at their fastest speed. They had to quickly reach the north and squeeze some intel out before sailing for the Land Of Water.

"You won't make it out alive." Momo had faith in Mori, she knew deep down that he was coming for their rescue.

"How are we not going to make it out alive? We are fifty, plus the five thousand shinobis near the coast. Don't bring your hopes too high." the shinobi who carried Momo used a very mocking tone.

"Ghost.....the ghost will get you." they didn't know why but this made them a little bit scared.

"It's better if you shut it." with one heavy fist, one of the shinobis knocked Momo out. She started bleeding from the chin.

The coast was only this far, it would be a matter of minute before they reached it. Mori knew that no matter how fast he was, he wouldn't be fast enough to reach them.

"I must get the scroll no matter what, it is imperative that they don't get their hands on it." Mori jumped from tree to tree, his worries only grew bigger.

Mori came to a halt on one thick tree branche, he looked at the so-called hideout. Campfires everywhere, sitting shinobis around them.

Mori grabbed a scroll out from his poach, he wrote every information he could think of.

'Fifty large boats, ten smaller ones. The shinobis have food, they are confident, moral is high. Five thousand men, armed and properly equipped, maybe funded by one of the great countries?' Mori rolled the scroll back and placed it inside of his poach.

'It's time to find the scroll.' Mori jumped down and walked silently forward, their was one man standing guard.

"Hey, you have to go. Unless you want to be co-" the shuriken piercing his throat stopped his blabbering, the shinobi fell on the ground.

Mori walked to him and dragged the body a little bit further, he didn't want it to be seen. Seconds later, a man with a purple attire came out of the bushes.

Mori was going to play the role of the guard and try to infiltrate the camp, it was his best chance to find Kanebi and Momo.

"Gyuu! Why are standing guard, it's not your turn. Get your ass around a fire and have some rice." Mori nodded his head and walked near a fire, he sat down.

"My name is Gyuu, I'm new here. Can I perhaps have some more information about everything?" one man in particular looked intently at Mori.

"Well, you must know that our land doesn't have a hidden village. Like us, you must have been trained by shinobis of Konoha." Mori only nodded, he preferred not to talk too much as it could blow his cover up.

"Konoha gave us the opportunity to strike Kiri and we're gonna do it, the third Hokage sure is magnanimous. To give us, previously common people, the capabilities to fend for ourselves from those barbaric bastards." Mori had not expected to gather such intel.

"Isn't Konoha having skirmishes with forces of Amegakure and Kusagakure? I heard that even the Suna and Iwa are involved." he tried to make them talk more.

"Yes, I think they want to keep Kiri at bay. They don't want them to take advantage of the current situation to attack. That's why they'll send us, but we're happy to go. Our country will maybe take over Kiri and we'll build our own hidden village." Mori grabbed two rice balls and stood up, he had heard enough.

"Let's hope that everything goes right. Until then, let's believe fervently in our dream of making the Land Of The Sea great." the shinobis cheered and Mori walked away, the man who looked at him previously folowed closely behind him.

Mori sensed it, he knew that he was being followed. This place was huge, Mori found a dark and confined spot. He came to a halt, the man talked to him.

"Gyuu? That's your name now?" Mori who had his back turned towards the unknown man became mist and traveled to him.

He placed his kunai against the man's throat and looked at him in the eyes, he was ready to slit it if he had been discovered.

"Always so.....fast I see." Mori recognized the man, it was his lifelong friend.

"Yuri, you stupid bastard. Don't do things like that, we're on a mission." Yuri gently pushed Mori's arm away because he still held the kunai against his throat.

"How many people of your squad has survived?" Mori placed his kunai back in its place and looked Yuri straight in the eyes.

"Out of the fifty, only three. Kanebi and Momo have been taken away by them, I'm her-" Yuri didn't let Mori finish his sentence.

"You're here to save them? This doesn't look like you." Mori shook his head.

"My group was in charge of the Mizukage's scroll, it's in Kanebi's possession. If this bastard talks or gives it away, we'll be in deepshit. Help me find them before this happens."

Next chapter