
Job? You just wanna use me!!!

Mary got up. Follow me.

Calling Eloisa with her hands, so she could follow us. Maria opened the kitchen door. As soon as I got behind her I saw him sitting in one of the chairs near the table. The ghost of a man.

As soon as I know a ghost for the first time I can see how he died, but then when I pay more attention to his spirit I can see what he really was like.

In that case he was killed by a huge amount of stabbing his clothes that before, were probably in good condition, now they were torn and dirty of earth and wet. As if he had drowned after being stabbed.

Paying more attention and forcing my eyes a little I saw him as he was. Dark hair, tall and muscular. Certainly a handsome guy. At least as long as I live because now his dead fish look and his sad face was not at all attractive.

"Who is this?" I asked interested, Maria never brought work when she came to see me. I just took her a job. Wow, that was kind of unfair.

Maria threw her shoulder at me.

I do not know either. Literally appeared out of nowhere. It scared me.

The dead guy whose name I do not know, looked at all of us as if he was not really seeing us. His eyes looked dead and dead.

"That does not seem right," I said to her. "I do not think he knows he's dead.

She looked at me in surprise. "So you noticed?" It's been a while since we've found someone like that. And you know what's best? "She asks me excitedly.

_ The man died this is exciting where?

Looking at me with superiority, she placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him jump in surprise.

Amnesia. He does not remember being dead or who he is, that's why he brought it to you.

A ghost with amnesia was really something weird. People or soul as you want to call, are too attached to life and this is what keeps them from moving on.

_ I can go back to ... _ Eloisa did not finish speaking but pointed with the finger to the other room_ You know how strange it is to see you talking to yourself? It's very scary.

_ Yes, of course you can leave. I'm so sorry.

_ No serious problems. It's just that I never participate in this part of the conversation since I can not see or hear what I see.

Sometimes I forget how weird my world can be. Eloisa was one of the few people who agreed to be around. Not just for working with me but as a friend.

When the door closed the man got up looked shaken and afraid.

_ I do not understand what is happening here. I have to go back to the ... -but he can not finish talking, or he just did not remember the place to go back to.

"Listen," I began, trying to calm the situation, he looked at me. "I know you do not want to hear this, but you're dead.

Do not you remember anything at all?

He looked devastated and speechless.

_ I can not remember! I was going somewhere when I met her.

"Okay, right, I'm still in that part." Maria interrupted him. "Remember that I said that this beautiful guy appeared out of nowhere in front of me?

_ You did not say anything about beautiful ...

"Who cares?" She looked at me angrily. "Anyway, let's continue. I had to get the spirit of a dead prostitute near the docks. It was okay, I solved the problem and was almost coming back to his house. Because I had to see you. But then this guy passed in front of me. It was a surprise because she had not seen him, it was as if he had come out of nowhere.

_ No one appears from nowhere ...

_ This guy appeared.

We look at him.

_ Do not look at me like that.

We looked away.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

_ This is news to me too.

When someone dies he gets stuck in the place where he died or where his body is. So the logical conclusion would be that either he died on the docks or his body is somewhere in the sea. Anyway, that would suck.

Not knowing what happened was also a problem. In most cases I solved the ghost always knew everything, it was very easy. But in this case ...

_ If you do not remember anything about you just an answer_ I started as who knows of things despite not knowing_ Sudden Death. When someone dies violently as you can see a psychological shock. And you probably were not expecting to be killed.

Maria laughed, she knew I had no idea what she was talking about. But the dead guy looked at me as if I had the secret of life. I'm really sorry, but I'm just kicking.

_ That's true. It's just that I feel like I have to do something important and I can not remember what it is.

"Why do not you, like, send him off soon afterwards?" "Mary with her death sickle can solve this problem in a good way. How could I not have thought of this before?

She did not look happy about it.

_ I tried but did not roll.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her, that was not possible. That stupid sickle could slice anything.

_ It did not work, it did not work. Can choose. There's something holding this guy in here. And I do not think it will go away for a while. You should talk to your mother about this case.

I do not like that_ Do you want me to walk around the city with a ghost strip?

As if this were news, she looked me up and down. You have a ghost around all the time.

_ I can stay here_ tried to say the "face". But I did not like the idea.

"Wondering how he got in here?" My office was protected from the ghost. They could not just come in here without being invited.

"I gave permission." Shrugging as if it were nothing, Maria smiled flirtatiously.

_ I am gay_ informed the face to her.

_ Wow this is a shame.

No one spoke for a moment.

_ Wait you remembered that you are gay, that's great_ I started excited thinking that now we would go forward_ can you remember anything else?

"No," he said. "No, he sat down again with a sour air." The thought just came and that was how he said it out loud.

I shoved Maria over him. "He's still saying some more stupid things to see if he remembers anything else.

"You're screwed," she jerked back, "because I have to do it. You do it!

_ I can not!

And I can?

Which meant yes, but annoying Mary was not very smart.

_ Do not fight for me.

Looking at him, Maria smiled. "Relax, kitten, it's always like that. We're not really fighting.

"Just arguing a bit," I added.

Eloisa put her head through the crack in the door.

_ What do you think of a picture spoken? I can draw if you tell me what you see.

Eloisa knew she had a reason to keep you around. You are a genius.

She smiled. "I thought you would keep me here for my charisma.

Mary threw her arms around me.

_ This brat was listening ???

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