
It's just a precaution.

"You do not have to laugh at me!" I moaned.

_ But it's just that you do not look good with glasses _ Jenn tried not to laugh _ Even more with this clothes.

How could she fool her own daughter? It is true that I do not look very well with sunglasses, but I had to use them. Sometimes I would forget and end up looking into their eyes.

Ghost always know that I can see why I look at them and not through them. So wearing sunglasses was a good thing not to be caught off guard. If not they cling to me and follow me, like stalker. It's awful.

"Can I help you?" A lady at the front desk asked us.

_ Yes_ my mother showed the badge_ I need to ask some questions.

"Of course," said the lady. She said something to the girl beside her and stood up. He led us into the waiting room.

There was a ghost everywhere. Hospitals were worse than cemeteries. I left my mother with the lady at the desk and went to do my own research.

_ I approached an old man near a flowerpot.

He looked at me in surprise.

_ Can you see me?

I really did not like that part. Talk to them of their own volition.

_ Yes. Can I ask you something?

You seemed so glad that I was talking to him and you answered with enthusiasm. I could understand he was standing there without talking or moving a muscle so when someone talks to him it must be a dream.

_ Clear. Ask what you want - he is very excited.

At these times I could not give a flag. Be quick and talk down so people do not see and think I'm crazy.

"About Dr. Victor, do you know him?"

Of course, everyone here knows him. He's a good doctor.

"Do you know how long he does not show up for work?"

_ Since last week? _ He asked me in doubt_ I really do not know. For us time is relative. We do not live like you do, so time does not matter.

That sucked, I thought. Be more helpful Grandpa, I thought.

_ Thank you for answering my questions_ thanked me for turning away.

He did not seem to like the fact that I was moving away. He tried to hold my arm and it was not smart. Maria's protective collar made me warm and kind of pushed him away from me. A second later he disappeared, dissolving into silver smoke.

I decided to wander around asking some ghost but they did not seem interested. Two freaked out when I talked to them and one tried to touch me again.

I was almost turning a corner in the hall when I came upon a wall of muscles. I hit my face on someone's chest.

White T-shirt with a black jacket and jeans, which hugged his legs beautifully. Those dark eyes on a bearded face looked at me carefully as he held me so I would not fall.

_ Daniel Santos_ said in acknowledgment before thinking straight. I slammed my open hand into my mouth, scolding myself for being open mouth.

"Do I know you?" She asked, looking me up and down. He frowned when he did not recognize me.

_ No_ replied_ You do not know me. But I know your brother.

His body tensed and he looked at me coldly and suspiciously.

"Why did not you confuse me with him?" He asked suspiciously. "We're at the hospital where he works. It would be right for you to meet him in these corridors and not his brother.

I did not answer but looked, not knowing what to answer. The guy was good, line of reasoning very good. Well, I thought maybe I'd even have to talk to his family. I had to tell him that his brother died.

"Your brother could not be here." I answered his question with a shrug.

"How do you know that?" His voice became extremely low and dangerous.

"Because I know where he is," I replied carefully.

It was not cool. One second we were talking and the next he was pulling me into a room across the hall. He was not kind and in the midst of the mess I lost my glasses. The door knocked us shut alone in the room of his brother's office I noticed looking around.

_ Where is he? Where's my brother? "He demanded, still holding me by the arm. I shook away, letting go.

He was hurting me. I realized his despair but our AI!

We both stared at each other in anger. Well, I was angry. He was not even kind to hold me and my arm was sore. But not him. There was a gleam of hope in his eyes, and I felt bad for telling myself that this hope would do no good. It was too late.

_ My name is....

_ I do not really care who you are_ He interrupted me with a touch of urgency in his voice_ All I want to know is because my brother disappeared a week and did not tell us where he was going. If you know where he is, tell me soon.

This was going to be worse than I imagined.

"First I need you to sit down." I pointed to the chair. He kicked her angry forward.

"I do not need to sit down. Just tell me what you know. My mother decided not to say that my brother disappeared because sometimes he kind of did it. He disappeared for a few days but always warned where he was going. Only this time it was different he did not say where he was going and he just disappeared. He would have told me something.

"Listen," I began. "I'm not going to lay a hand on your head. You're a big man, though.

I took two deep breaths and looked straight at him. Faced her angry look.

_ His brother died.

He did not say anything, just looked at me without moving.

_ You're lying!

_ No, I'm not.

_ He's lying to me_ He came up to me and I backed up until I hit my back against the wall. His hand hit the wall near my head and I shrugged in surprise. I was not afraid of him and even without understanding I knew he would not really hurt me.

_ Be very careful_ your voice was low and tremble_ You do not know what you are talking about.

_ My name is Sabrina Ghost I see ghosts_ He looked at me like I was crazy and walked away from me looking queasy.

"Are you crazy?"

"That's why I know your brother is dead. His spirit came to me ...

_ It arrives _ He interrupted me turning of coast its body seemed tremble_ leaves of here and does not return more. My brother just ...

_ Just what? _ This time who interrupted was I_ just disappeared without saying anything? Will he appear eventually? I think not.

"I told you to shut up little girl." He looked angry and there were no tears in his eyes.

"I'm not a little girl," I said, insulted. "I'm 24 years old.

_ I do not give a damn for the age you have. Skirt.

_ I can not go out. I'm here investigating the death of Victor Santos.

His body trembled again with the word death, but he did not cry.

_ What you want? Money? Did you kidnap my brother?

_ Do I look like a kidnapper? _ Would he really continue to insult me ​​in my face?

He stared at me for a while seemed to be struggling against something. The wall on my shore cracked darkening. The room began to get cold and my body was filled with shivers. I pulled away from the quick wall and looked up. A large black stain of mold grew at an impressive speed. Nothing good, I thought.

It was a mistake to try to talk to the hospital ghost. They were stuck in here and I just tried to talk to them. I should have known that the fact that I can see would be discovered by all of them. Very clever Sabrina, you played on a hornet.

They came from all sides and there were many, all in putrefying and horrible states. I saw them, all of them the moment they died, and it was horrible. My stomach revolted at what I saw. I tried to get past Daniel, so I could leave the room, but he held me. He could not see, he could not hear.

_ Where do you think you're going?

They attacked together. Everyone saying things at the same time and how many there were I could not control myself, let alone concentrate. I did not see what they were like. I only saw horrible dead people.

My necklace looked like it was going to catch fire. When everyone tried to touch me I could not control myself. There were many of them and they were trying to talk at the same time. I could not take it anymore.

I just started screaming.

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