
Daniel - The crazy girl.

Her scream caught me by surprise. Had I hurt her? When holding your arm? No, I answered my own question, I had not held it so tightly.

Something was wrong in the air. The temperature had dropped. Although he was not a very cold guy at the moment, he was getting chills.

"I can see the ghost," the girl's voice curled up beside me sounded loud and strong in my mind. Impossible, none of this was real I discarded everything without thinking twice. To admit that such a thing might be possible would be to admit that my twin had died. That could not be true. My throat tightened and it was hard to swallow.

"Damn," her voice caught my attention. She was not looking at me, but her head was spinning around-stay away from me.

There was no one in the room but me.

_ There is nobody here. Stop inventing things.

Just because you do not see does not mean you're not here.

She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. He unblocked and was about to call someone when his cell phone flew out of his hand and hit the wall. That scared me.

She swore again.

Ah my cell phone. Hi, you bastards, this one was new. Someone will pay for it_ she looked angry looking ugly to a point in front of her. She looked at me. We have to get out of here. Now.

She grabbed me by the arm and pushed me against the door. She tried to open but she would not open. Angrily she tore an ugly collar from her neck that was hidden by the blouse and with the palm of her hand she leaned against the door. Maybe my eyes nailed some kind of piece to me but I could have sworn the door shook. Forcing the door once more, it opened. Pushing me out the door, I tried to get her to go out with me. But I did not succeed.

Our fingers almost touched but she was pulled by some invisible force. Our eyes met and she looked frightened. _ No_ the door slammed shutting her inside.

I hit the front door trying to open at all costs, but it did not move. My punch in the door is a little desperate and caught the attention of a passing nurse.

_ What are you doing? This is a hospital.

"I know that," I said irritably. "I can not open the door.

She came closer and tried to open it, and again, it did not open. She looked at the door once more and frowned.

How strange, I did not open it.

I tried to listen carefully to what was going on inside. But there was only silence.

"Just a minute, I'll see if I can get the key."

The nurse hurried out. I tried to force the door again. It did not help.

_ Dr. Santos's office is here.

The voice made me look up and two older women were coming down the hallway. A tall, thin woman stopped and bent down to take the sunglasses from the fallen girl as I pulled her by the arm. Her body tensed and she moved very fast. She looked at me and recognized me.

I wanted to know how these people could recognize me so easy with just one look.

_ Daniel Santos right?

_ Yes.

"Where is the woman who owns these glasses?"

I pointed to the door.

The woman came to my side and also forced the door, but she did not open it.

_ Sabrina! Can you hear me? "She knocked on the door as she spoke.

"What is going on here?" Asked the lady who came with her, the lady at the desk noticed.

The woman did not answer. He opened his coat a little and noticed he was carrying a .40 caliber weapon. He took two steps back and looked at the door.

"You can not shoot in a hospital," the terrified lady shouted.

I pulled away in surprise.

_ I can not? she asked, getting ready!

She did not hesitate, she was going to shoot. But it was not necessary. A loud noise was heard from the other side.

_ But what the hell ....

The door smashed and the girl hit the wall. She moaned in pain.

_ Sabrina!!!

_ No. Back. Quick ... ououou.

She lost her breath again.

"Get off me." She pushed something away. But I could not see what it was. She got up, took two deep breaths, looked angry inside the office and with a sort of war cry she threw herself into the room again.

This time I could see what she was doing. She was struggling with something. She kicked and dodged with impressive speed. But it did not seem enough, at some point bad I saw her being lifted and thrown across the table. She hit hard as she lost the air as she fell behind her.

"Or be careful," she screamed as she crawled away. The table rose and fell against the wall.

She looked at me. Then back and forth to me again and his eyes widened with understanding.

_Mother take him out of here !! This thing wants it !!


_ The woman next to me did not hesitate, did not ask questions, she took me by the arm.

"Wait ..." I tried to resist.

Taking me by surprise the woman next to me was stronger than it seemed. He pushed me along with the lady next to me and forced me to move away from the confusion in my brother's office. I looked back when I heard something bumping against the wall. There was no one but the wall broke.

"Are you going to leave her alone?" I asked, surprised.

The woman looked at me sideways, a strange look - That girl is never alone.

Was that supposed to reassure me? That's what I wanted to ask, but I did not ask.

We went out the door of the hospital to the street where everything seemed quiet.

I do not remember when the woman next to me took care of her, but when I found her, she was gone. My mind seemed empty. I had seen it or what I had not seen was really messing with me.

The door opened again and the girl ran away. Her clothes were torn, her hair was messy, and there was a cut on her bleeding cheek. She was out of breath.

_ Here we go. Maria will not hold out for long.

"What's going on here?" I blushed, I could deal with anger but not with this whole mess. Was that some kind of trick? I looked around waiting for some cameras to come out of nowhere and say surprise.

_ You have to come with us first then we'll explain.

I was almost telling this girl to fuck off when all the hospital windows shattered at the same time. There were screams and chaos settled in.

People rushed out trying to protect themselves from the shards of glass falling over their heads.

"You go, I'll stay," the woman said, picking up her cell phone and beginning to make calls.

"Who is she?" I asked, watching her walk away.

"My mother," the girl answered next to me. "She's a police detective. Let's go.

_ Where?

_ To my office.

"Are you also the police?"

She laughed. Her face changed, became softer and more handsome. I was surprised. And at that time I felt that if I got involved with her, that would be really surprising.

No matter how much you believe in it, or how confident you feel.

Nothing can prepare you for the moment when what you believed the reality was, is going to shatter before your eyes.

You do not know how you will react. Will you be able to accept or panic?

At that moment, you are only certain of one thing: Your life will never be the same again !!!!

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