

On the early morning of June 6 1944 the western allies launched the invasion to free Europe of Nazi rule.

What was not known to the allies is that Germany had advance notice of the invasion 3 months in advance.

Germany was able to place 3 spies in high ranked areas of the English government. This was made possible by a few Royal family members.

Hitler was able to place 75 U boats off the coast of France and another 34 off the coast of England.

Field Marshall Rommal was placed in command of all western German forces in Europe. He had ordered 4 SS Panzer divisions to France.

Field Marshall Rommel also moved another 125,000 men from Italy to Normandy.

From Eastern Germany, another 7,000 SS troops were placed outside of Paris to remain as reinforcements.

With this passage military build up by the Germans, the Western Allies never stood a chance.

On the early morning of June 6, 1944 , the start of the end began for the Western Allies.

This is a alternative history about Nazi Germany winning world war 2.

Duane_Leinancreators' thoughts
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