
To Put What You Have just Learnt into Practice

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Luo's Trumpchi continued to maintain its lead through the winding sections of Wild Wolf Mountain until finally, they had come to the stretch just up ahead. It was a two-kilometer straight section of the course. This was where it'd start getting a little challenging for the Trumpchi as it had its limitations, both in the power output its engine and the drag coefficient of the car. The large SUV had a top speed of two hundred kilometers per hour on the straight and could go no faster than that.

This was where the supercars of Lei Shijian and Shen Qingyan would have the advantage, and they immediately floored their gas pedals the moment they got into that portion of the course. They were both going at roughly three hundred kilometers per hour, almost as fast as the high-speed rail.

The two supercars streaked along the straight like a couple of phantoms, one in the front of the other, and quickly chipped away at the Trumpchi's hard-earned lead.

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