
The Tower VI-3rd Floor

[1st Round: A B-Rank [Beast Warrior] will spawn.]


The moment it appeared, the beast warrior rushed towards me, it's body almost like that of a wolf but with features similar to humans and steel plate armor. Wielding a heavy spear it dashed forward.

"Good time to try this!"

As the B-Rank Beast Warrior charged towards me with the ferocity of a predator, its wolf-like body clad in steel plate armor and wielding a heavy spear, I knew I had to act fast. With a sense of determination coursing through my veins, I readied my revolver, a surge of warm energy filling my brain as [Transcendent] activated.

In an instant, my senses sharpened, and my muscles tensed as detailed information flooded my mind, and muscle memory took over as I prepared to face my opponent. With a steady hand, I aimed my revolver and pulled the trigger, each shot infused with a portion of my Mana.


I shot three bullets in quick succession each holding 5% of my Mana.

The first bullet struck the ground, sending shards of dirt flying into the air, while the next two found their mark, piercing the Beast Warrior's abdomen and head with deadly accuracy. A pained cry escaped its lips as it stumbled backward, the wounds proving to be fatal.

"AGH! A-"

In a flash of light, the Beast Warrior vanished, its form dissipating into nothingness as the system announced its elimination.

[B-rank [Beast Warrior] eliminated! 1st round complete!]

"That was easy, long-range attacks are really broken!"

With the first round complete, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at the power of my revolver. But there was no time to rest on my laurels. As the next round began.

[2nd Round: a B-rank [Corrupted Elven Archer] will spawn.]

As the system announced the arrival of a B-Rank [Corrupted Elven Archer] for the second round, I knew that I couldn't afford to let my guard down. I remained vigilant, scanning the area for any signs of movement. Moments later, the [Corrupted Elven Archer] materialized before me, its sinister aura palpable even from a distance.

"It feels eerie!"

Unlike the elegant and graceful elves of fantasy, this creature was twisted and corrupted, its features distorted by a strange darkess. It wielded a bow with deadly precision, its arrows imbued with dark energy capable of piercing through even the toughest armor.

"If I get hit, It'll fucking hurt!" I thought to myself as I put my guard up.

Without hesitation, the [Corrupted Elven Archer] raised its bow and took aim, a malevolent glint in its eyes as it prepared to unleash its arrows. With lightning-fast reflexes, I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the first wave of projectiles.


As the arrows rained down around me, I rolled to my feet, my revolver at the ready. With a calm focus born of memory, I took aim and fired, each shot a calculated strike from the experience granted by [Transcendence].

But the [Corrupted Elven Archer] was no ordinary monster. It moved with a fluid grace, dodging and weaving with uncanny agility as it continued to rain arrows down. With each passing moment, the pressure mounted, and I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to emerge victorious

"That's It!!"

[Transcendence] activated and broke the stalemate, my senses focused to a razor-sharp edge, anticipating the Archer's movements before they even occurred. With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my revolver blazing as I unleashed a barrage of bullets.


The [Corrupted Elven Archer] faltered, its movements growing sluggish as my shots found their mark. With one final, decisive blow, I struck true, the bullets piercing through its corrupted heart and bringing an end to the second round.

"Tricky bastard!"

As it dissolved into nothingness, the system announced its elimination, signaling the completion of the second round.

[B-rank [Corrupted Elven Archer] eliminated! 2nd round complete!]

With a sense of satisfaction, I caught my breath.

[3rd Round: an A-rank [Shadow Saintess] will spawn.]

As the words "an A-rank [Shadow Saintess] will spawn" echoed through the chamber, a chill ran down my spine.

"Fuck! It just had to be that annoying monster!"

The [Shadow Saintess] was a annoyng dungeon boss, known to possess dark magic capable of manipulating shadows to her advantage. Not only that but she could use fear magic, a sinister form of magic known to make her opponent's worst fears manifest.

I braced myself for the coming battle. The air around me seemed to grow heavier, thick with the promise of danger lurking just beyond the shadows. With my revolver in hand and the wolves already spawned, I prepared to face whatever she could create

Finally, with a sudden burst of energy, the [Shadow Saintess] materialized before me, her dark presence looming like a shadowy specter.

"Let's see what you've got," I muttered to myself.

As the [Shadow Saintess] unleashed her dark magic, tendrils of shadow snaked through the air towards me, threatening to ensnare me in their suffocating embrace. But I wasn't intimidated. With a swift motion, I commanded my wolves to attack, their ferocious growls echoing through the chamber as they leaped into action.

"Go pups!!"


Together, we fought as one, our movements coordinated and precise as we battled against the dark magic that threatened to engulf us. It took on the forms of orcs, elves, and beasts in an effort to overwhelm us with numbers. But with each passing moment, we continued to push forward, the wolves were immortal and unyielding so the shadows never had a chance to begin with. the [Shadow Saintess] soon grew more desperate, her attacks becoming increasingly frantic as she sought to overwhelm us with fear.


Just as we seemed to gain the upper hand, the ground beneath us trembled, and with a deafening roar, the dreaded abyssal dragons emerged from the shadows. Their forms loomed over us, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light as they prepared to unleash their fury upon us.

My heart pounded in my chest as I beheld the creatures before me, their size and power still fresh in my mind from the moment they had taken those I loved.


With a roar of defiance, I charged into battle, my revolver blazing as I unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the creatures. But their thick scales proved to be more resilient than I had anticipated, and my attacks seemed to do little to deter them. They were far from the real deal but shadow magic in essence was only truly deterred by killing the mage behind it.

Meanwhile, the [Shadow Saintess] continued to weave her dark magic, her spells growing more potent with each passing moment. Shadows danced around us, twisting and writhing with a malevolent energy that threatened to consume us whole.

"Wolves! Keep the dragons busy! I'm going to finish this!"


The wolves blocked the dragons as I leaped into the air and with my revolver grasped by both hands, I unleashed a barrage of bullets.


Some of my bullets were blocked by the shadows but that was my goal, as all of them made way for each other, the final bullet struck true, right in the beautiful head of the saintess.

[A-rank [Shadow Saintess] eliminated! 3rd round complete!]

[3rd-Floor cleared! Rewards will be distributed in the safe room!]


In an instant, me and the wolves were back in the waiting room..

Next chapter