
When Justice Served Right

It has been 3 days after I mind-swapped with Miyu. I now know more about this family after bonding with them these couple of days. Even so, I still haven't learn anyone's name except for Hina only. This era aren't exactly keen to keep their names on something. I still haven't gone outside though but the town looks incredible from my window. Miyu is lucky to have this beautiful view of the town from here. It's a shame that she can't even enjoy it because of the sickness. Speaking about Miyu, I wonder if she is in my body?

When I was busy daydreaming, I was interuppted by a sudden knock on a door.

"Miyu, can I come in?"

"Come in sis."

Hina then opens the door to my room. Seems like she wants to talk to me about something.

"Miyu, mother wants to go shopping today. Seeing that you are now perfectly healthy. I figured you must be pretty bored in here considering you haven't gone outside for almost a year.

"(A year without going outside?!, Miyu is a happy and joyful girl from what i've heard from Hina. That must have been a huge impact for her that just one day, you can't even move at all.)"

"Miyu... you okay? You're always daydreaming lately."

"Oh no no, just thinking of something that I want to buy. I'll go too.

A couple of minutes past by and there were a lot of people that are working and greeting through out the street.

"(Amazing, this looks exactly looks like the Europe street from the middle ages!)"

"Miyu, we are finally here."

The market was full of people buying foods and supplies. Mother decided to go to the fruit stand.

"(I never would have thought the medieval market was this busy.)"

"Ah Aoi-san! Welcome to my shop! I have just recently restocked my fruits and vegetables!"

"Oh really, then I must have come at a perfect time then."

"(So Miyu's mother name is Aoi huh?)"

I took a look at where the price tag located at. There were numbers and words scribbled on it.

"(So they still used the same number here but what i'm surprised is that they used romanji languange instead of kanji. It says here the word 'copper' but I better ask Hina to confirmed this is kanji instead of some random german languange.)"

"Hina... what does this word mean?"

"Oh... this means small copper coins! It is pronounced

'Chi-Sa-Na, Do-Ka'."

"Chisana...doka? (Nice, it's romanji!)"

"Very good! You're learning quick Miyu!"

"Hehe thanks! I have a great teacher. (So that means that there are also silver and gold money system in here.)"

"Aoi-san, we've just got our brand new stock on merril fruit. This has been quite a hot fruit considering it has nice smell into it."

"('Merril?', what's that?) Mother, what is that fruit?"

"Oh, it's a green fruit with a seed inside of it. This has good smell when cooked with it."

"(It's an avocado! This is perfect for some handmade shampoo!)"

After that, we've proceeded to go back to our house when suddenly, father came to us. He was really tired because he was actually running to come to us.

"Darling, what are you doing here? You were supposed to go to work right?"

"I leave early today. Right now, I have something far more interesting than this."

"What is it?"

"I found the witch that helped us cured Miyu. We all should thank her! Come on follow me!"

"(The witch huh? Let's see how legit her medicine really is.)"

After that, we proceeded to go to a house away from the street of town to finally meet up with the witch.

"(The witch itself look beautiful but I can see that she is definitely pure shit inside.)"

"Thank you for saving my daughter!"

"Thanks to you, I have my sister back in my life!"

"Thank you for the medicine, without it, my daughter is probably gone by now."

"Of course of course Haruto-san. You can thank me for creating the...medicine!"

"(Okay this witch or whoever the hell she is definitely is an expert of being caught in a lie. She clearly shows struggle on the last sentence. Why did all of them believes her. Well, if you want to lie to me, you need a genius plan to defeat a genius.)"

"Um I know that we've all thankful for the medicine but can I know what is inside of it?"

"A witch never reveals their secret, little girl. But I can give you an ingredient of it. It has..... an apple on it."

"Apple? But I don't see any of it here."

"I picked it one from um..... a holy tree on the..... church." said the witch with while fidgeting his body.

"(The church? More like you just pick it off your backyard and call it a day) Can I have a look at the apple?"

" You can't just hold the holy apple!"

"Why not?"

"It's only reserved for the holy priest from the church."

"(Priest eh?) But supposedly, witches aren't exactly a best match with the church right?"

"The apple was still holy because I put some um..... magic onto it." said the witch with no eye-contact.

"Magic eh? Let's have a look on this door, shall we?"

"What are you doing girl?! That door has been locked for years! I can't find the key for it!"

"Well, I'll open it for you then."

I proceeded to take some of my handmade lockpick from scrap metal that I made from home.

"You're gonna open it with what?!"


"Wha... enough girl there is nothing there!

"Miyu enough! Listen to your mother!"

After some couple of tries, I succesfully opened the door. The room was supposed to be dark but it was actually covered with a thick rug.

"I wonder what will happen if I open this huh?"

"No there are um... beast insides. Yes, beast, fowl creature that can devour you in one bite!"

"Oh lucky me, I love beast creature! Let's take it off!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" All 4 of them screamed at the same time. But what's gonna scare them even more is what's behind it. A crate full of vegetables and fruits are inside of it.

"What is this?"


"Ye...yes Miyu?"

"How much did you pay for the medicine?"

"Well it's 1 small silver coin for each cup..."

"And how many did you buy?"

"Around fou...."

"And how many small copper coins is for each silver one?

"Around 1000 coi...

"That's around 4000 coins for 4 apple juices."

"Apple juice?"

"What are you talking about Miyu?"

"The so-called witch is probably a fruit vendor."

"It's not an apple juice! Don't believe her mouth. She is just a kid! And I am not a vendor!"

"That kid is my kid! If it's not an apple juice than what is it you witch!"

"It's an apple juice, yes. But I have put a holy um.... daisy fro.."

"From where!? The depths of hell? Up in the seven doors of heaven!?" said the father with an angry tone.

"(Father is so angry right now. If I don't act now, something is about to go down.)"

"I never lie!"

"Oh really? With your constant thinking to put details on a sentence, it's bright clear that you were lying!"

"I don't remember everything as clear as I was when I was young!"

"Yet your body always fidgeting when talking, you don't even look at us properly when you were talking, your tone differs when telling and you even repeat some of the sentence when you were telling!"

"Wha... how did you?"

"I study psychology."


"Actually... nothing. But right now you have nothing against us that can proves your innocence on this!"

"If all of this true then, you've clearly have been lying to us this all time!"

"Wait we can talk all of this like a gentlemen!'

Not to waste more time, father tackle the said 'witch' to the ground. He then proceeded to give her to the royal guards that were patrolling the area. And not to my surprise, she is wanted in several cities across the country. They give a reward to us for succesfully captured one of their wanted criminals on the list. Even though it's 3 small silver coins, I guess we should not have complained considering we might even lose all of that instead. We then head home to eat dinner. It was quite an awkward dinner I must say.

"So um, why are you all quiet?"

"It's just that, i've spend quite a fortune on those medicine that we don't have any clean water left to buy."

"So before this, we have clean water?"

"You say that the medicine is fake. Why did you still lose your memories?"

"She probably put something more than apple in there to make me blurry and forgetful."

"Say, Miyu?"

"Why you didn't say anything to me? I can just discuss this with mother and father."

"It's just that, I don't want you guys to worried about me."

"No Miyu. It's okay. No matter how expensieve a medicine should be, we will always give the best to you."

I then smiled hearing that word. But then I remember something!

"Father father! Did you do what I say yet?!"

"Well yes, but what is it that you want to build?"

"Follow my step! Sis! can you brought that cloth over here?"

"Oh um okay!"

"Mother, can you get them water that we have?"

"But it's quite dirty now."

"Just take it!"



"Y..yes Miyu?"

"Can you take the contraption that you and I build yesterday?"


They then take all of the items that I have mentioned.

"Okay all done sis. What are you trying to make?"

"You'll see."

I then grab the contraption that father build. It kinda resembles like a water bottle but made entirely from wood considering plastic is not that cheap in this era. I then tie at the end of it with a cloth. I then put some charcoal inside. Then put some sand and small rocks and put another set of it again.

"What is this thing Miyu?"

"Wanna see this in action?"

"(Everybody has the same curious and confused face. Can't wait too see their expression!)"

I then take the unfiltered water and pour it onto it. The unfiltered water that has a brown colour now has the clear colour filtered water pouting out of it.

"Is this some sort of flavor to the water?"

"How about you taste and see for yourself sis."

Bravely, she drank the water without thinking whether it's contaminated or not.

"*gulp* *gulp* Ahh..."

"How is it sis?

"It tasted good! A bit weird at first but this taste like the water from the well!"

With that comment, mother and father quickly drank the water from it. From the looks of it, It seems they were speachless to say anything at the moment. I just quickly grab a bread and proceeded to go to my room.

"There has been many good information I gain from today's journey. Firstly, I learned that instead of using kanji in here, they instead used romanji for writing. Secondly, the money system in here are exactly the same as one of the RPG games that me and Tsuki used to play. I guess there is something good coming out from it. Thirdly, that Miyu's parent can easily be fooled. This is bad. Hell they probably have been lied to alot in the past before I switched minds with Miyu. I just hope that I don't raise any suspicion considering I confronted a wanted criminal with a method that doesn't exist yet in this era. And also the water filter contraption. Well, no more worrying for the past and instead look out for tomorrow!"

I hope you all enjoy my second chapter on "A Genius From Another World". This chapter took me about 3 hours and adds up around 5 hours for this series!

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~ Typo fixes, some small adjustment and renamed tittle (24/4)

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