
Chapter 2

She was a goddess in everyone's eyes. Kaitlyn Ashmore was the campus's belle. She was well known for her good looks and her intelligence that surpasses her teachers IQ.

She was praised by everyone wherever she goes, but it doesn't mean she was blinded by fame. She wasn't naive and knows what their true colours are. To her, the world was like her playground and she was the ruler, she does what ever she wants while playing with their feelings. She doesn't really care about that persons feelings, heck she doesn't even know what love meant. She was called 'Ice queen' for that reason but everyone still loves her. She doesn't really care, she has bigger plans and a bright future a head of her to take care of.

Well..... at least that's what she thought.....

Unfortunately, life is just not unfair.

Sfx: crash

Screams and shouts echoed around her. Her vision was becoming unsteady, her breathing was faint, and her body feels heavy.

"Somebody call the ambulance!!!"

"Oh my god! Someone has been hit by a car!!! Hurry call for help!!"

Everyone's voice was ringing on her head. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't find the strength to do so.

Did she just accidentally die?

And here she thought that everything was perfect, but who would've thought that she would die instantly?

Pathetic, truly pathetic.

For the first time, Kaitlyn felt regret. She felt regret because she wasn't able to do the things she wanted to achieve. She regret that she wasn't able to find what the meaning of love is. She felt empty.

As she awaits her death, time seems to stop. The world stopped for a second. A figure stepped up from the scene. White robes, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

"Poor thing," He squat on the ground looking at her closed eyes and bloody face, "Do you still want to live?" He gently cupped her cheeks. The girls face was pale as a paper, delicate and fragile to touch, "Your heart seems to still want to live," he paused for a moment before saying, "Then I shall grant you you're wish."

Standing up, he raised his staff to the air. Suddenly a large magic circle emitted to the ground, "By the power of the four gods in heaven, help this lost soul in the gates of hell, purify her to be given a second life, bring her to a world unknown to others, reset time and bring youth to her body and mind," the magic circle shined, the man then touched her forehead and kissed it.

"I have granted your wish, little one. You shall now have a new life and a new start."

The man disappeared in to thin air and the world started to move again, except for Kaitlyn of course.

Her soul was now travelling to another dimension where she would meet her new identity and new life.

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