

"Thanks for helping me out with that report sir." "No problem. I got to go pick up my daughter now." "Okay. Go ahead!" "Thanks. See you tomorrow!" "Good bye!" The man finished picking up his things and nodding, turned and exited the police station. Getting out his key from his pockets, he unlocked and got into the car. The man, Palbo quickly checked to see if he forgot anything. Reassured he had everything, he started The car and drive down the street towards his home. Since it was 4:00 at noon, there wasn't too much school traffic left over. He turned on the radio and quickly dropped by a Starbucks to pick up a latte for him and a cake pop for his daughter. After that, he continued on his way. A report came onto the radio as he waited at a stop light, and he turned the volume up a bit more so he could here. "Welcome back to The Chat everybody." Said a calm voice. "I'm your host, Caleb Whales, and today, I have a special guest here with me. One of the main scientists working to clear the deadly weeds that are spreading." Palbo rembered hearing of this project. It had started a good six months ago. Recently, there has been these strange new weeds just appearing in people's backyards. They looked so strange. Even though these sprouts were new, their buds seemed a bit decayed, with redish tints on them. When people touched them, they got these strange rashes that would burn or itch a lot. Even for those who weren't allergic. These plants had slowly gotten more and more common over the past six months, so a group of people banned together to stop the weeds, since they also killed any other plants they touched. Palbo noticed the light had turned green and turned left. After a couple more minutes of driving, he arrived at his home. It was a one story, with brick walls and a grey roof. It did have a chimney, but they rarely used it. As Palbo walked up to the peach coloured house, latte and cake pop in hand, his 13 year old daughter Emily. She smiled as he walked up. "Welcome home Dad!" She greeted him. "Hi Emily!" Palbo said, and gave her a hug. "I brought a cake pop." He carefully set down his drink, then handed her the little bag. She eargerly opened it and taking out the cake pop, (which was about the size of a golfball,) bit into it. "Thanks Dad!" She mumbled out in between chews, and Palbo chuckled as he took a sip of his latte. Palbo and Emily chatted for a while, and watched the news together. But then Palbo got a call. Picking up his phone and seeing it was from his work friend James. "Palbo, we need you over at Blue Bells Place! There's a murderer on the lose!"

This is my first official chapter. YAY! Please give some tips on how I could improve if you can. Thanks for reading.

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