
The Hexadrilatero


In one of the most dangerous cities in the world, in a neighborhood where justice does not exist. A place where dirt covers the walls and piles up in the streets. Its inhabitants are the darkest shadows of society, it is the home of gangs, mafias, traffickers and other tumors of society. While the streets is inhabited by rats, beggars and homeless people.

A silent place, where this silence is broken by occasional gunshots, moans and voices asking for help, you can hear the despair in those voices of knowing that no one will come to your aid. You can see the insensitivity in the eyes of the inhabitants of this city, before these voices that cry for help.

Under this city, where most of the illicit activities take place, one of the biggest events that this city can offer was being developed. The Gladiator's Fight

Unlike everything that showed the city without law, this place where such events took place, had good lighting, you could see a space large enough to allow hundreds of people to be part of this event. in the center of this place a hexadrilatero of a meter to the level of the ground, covered by a mesh of a height of six meters, was raised, closing the upper part with steel bars, so that they do not leave the ring the opponent or they did not escape, there was only one door through which you can get out of this cage or this prison and this door was locked at this time. At the base of the ring, it can be observed that at some point in its best moments it was white, now it was covered by a layer of dirt and blood.

Around the hexadrilatero, as if it were a stadium, it was surrounded by metal chairs. At this time, they were filled with hundreds of fans ranting insults, spitting and fighting in the stands. all acclaiming for what they came, they came to see blood and death.

It was chaos, the betting money came and went from one hand to another, like alcoholic beverages and drugs, the commentator excitedly described the events that occurred in the ring, all this combined with laughter, boos, moans and applause of the fans.

At the center of this event were two people, who at the beginning of the day never had any relationship, but fought as if their lives depended on it.

In one corner was a middle-aged, black-skinned man in shorts and pugilist gloves. with several scars on his muscular body. the wrestler had a swollen eye and lips parted, with a cruel look ready to tear apart his opponent who has shown to be a pain in the ass, no matter how many times he hits him and knocks him down he always gets up to continue fighting.

He considers himself a professional and future champion of "the gladiatorial struggle", ha ... he can not help but grimace and think (as this shit hurts, I'm going to need several stitches, if I have to recognize this son of a bitch is that it hits as if it had fists of stone). He also knows that on the streets this event is not known as the "gladiator fight". No, everyone knows him as a "dog fight" but he agrees with that, because that is how he survives this, fighting like animals, willing to be everything that has to be done to win, because if not You do your, your opponent will do it. Here not only the money was at stake, but also his life.

He has knocked down many other contenders, but something is different from this opponent. He knows that if this subject were equal to the others with whom he had confronted, he would have been knocked down long ago and then beaten until he never got up again. It's not like I had something against him, but that's how you build a reputation in these seedy neighborhoods. But no, this guy is not like the others, he always gets up and continues fighting. He has already lost count of the times he has hit him, but despite the many times he has beaten him, looking for the most vulnerable parts, he dodges them in the last moment and avoids being knocked out.

He feels that little by little he is getting tired of this game of cat and mouse, if he had to lengthen much more the fight could lose by resistance, although very few hits he has received from his opponent, unlike those he has given, they have been very effective and forceful.

He knows that in a fight he should not be thinking about anything other than the fight, any carelessness can reach his fall or even worse his death, but he feels that he begins to despair to have this kind of rival, whose resistance seems inexhaustible. He is angry. He is not upset that he has not knocked down his opponent in the shortest time or if he loses at the end. No, what bothers him the most is having arrived at this for a newbie!

In the other corner is a young man of unknown age, his whole face is swollen and bruised, what most characterizes it is a "V" shaped birthmark as a tattoo that runs from his right cheekbone, to his chin. With his toned figure, tanned skin and his height of 5.9 feet (1.8 meters), with ragged clothes and blood all over his body he looked like a bloodthirsty warrior, after a cruel fight.

While he continues dodging and feinting for his opponent, ignoring all the insults and expletives of the fans in the stands, he concentrates on dodging the blows that are directed at the organs that can affect his senses, while observing from the corner of his eye at every opportunity that He is presented, a specific area of ​​the stands. He waits for the signal that would end this fight.

His name is Damiant with no last name, after all he never had one, but he did share the same surname as his brothers. Helgrint, yes, he was Damiant Helgrint that's how his few friends knew him; and known as "son of a bitch" by fans of the Arena. He did not care about any of this, just continued to concentrate on the fight and the small moments of respite, look towards the stands, waiting for the signal to start the real fight.

At that time a 17-year-old boy sat in the stands, in the same place where Damiant looked a few moments ago, in his hands he carried several papers, the young man had a slender figure, blond hair and was very handsome, he wore very simple and neat clothes, but you could still see the wear on all your clothes. he moved confidently and elegantly; while he maintained an attitude that bordered on arrogance, the most fascinating thing about this young man were his eyes of different colors, the young man had the anomaly of heterochromia, his left side eye is blue, while his right eye is green .

His slender figure, his beautiful features and his confidence captivated the few women in the Arena without differentiation of ages, and attracted more than disgust for the male gender. At the time of his appearance robbery more than a look of both sexes in the sand, while moving without giving importance to the looks of fascination and hate that he received from the public and only came to sit as if nothing of what was happening around him It had something to do with him.

His name is Hazel Helgrint, the second brother of the little Helgrint family, he comes from the gambling house that has just closed, and in his hands he carries what he considers all the savings of his little family. He sits down and watches as his brother is being beaten and for a moment he is worried, but remember that the bastard is harder than a rock and just smiles. He knows how his brother hits, because if there is something he really knows, which are the buttons to press, to anger his passive brother, he feels a little sorry for his brother's rival, ... just a little bit.

It is at that moment that the looks of Damiant and Hazel meet, where the long-awaited signal is given. He gets up and beckons with both hands showing him the middle finger; and giving him a smile to which the self-named ¨wet panties¨.

When Damiant sees his brother in the stands, he is glad that nothing bad happened to him because according to Hazel, he had to do the most fucked up job. Seeing the sign and smug smile his brother gives him, a vein appears on his forehead, and all he wanted at that moment is to break Hazel's beautiful face and erase his stupid smile.

The rival of Damiant realizes that something changes in his opponent, that in the whole fight he had not shown any kind of emotion, no matter how much blood was covered, at first he shows a kind expression that leaves him confused, but then it becomes An expression of anger and little by little turns into a cold look, which feels that it is observed by a beast that wants to tear it apart, then it knows that it has to finish the fight as soon as possible. because his opponent goes with everything.

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