
Your Majesty, Cleana

"Come on, Sen"

I rolled my eyes lazily, looked at Joana who was whining while tugging at the hem of my shirt, making my head suddenly throb.

Believe me, right now I want to just run away from Joana. Run away from all the whining of my best friend since childhood.

"But we're just wasting energy Jo, and I don't like to waste my very limited energy."

I scolded, brushed Joana's hand from the hem of my shirt.

Joana turned silent when she heard my scolding. Her head suddenly bowed with a sad face, like an abandoned puppy.

If it's continues like this, then my defenses will definitely collapse. Seeing Joana's sad and disappointed face is one of my weaknesses.

With a heavy sigh, I finally nodded my head, agreeing to Joana's invitation.

"Okay, I'll go."

She immediately lifted her head which was originally bowed and looked at me with sparkling eyes.

"Yaaay, thanks Sen. You're truly the best."

She said cheerfully. Then she started kissed my cheek, making me immediately run away to avoid the kiss that become more severe.

Joana and I have been friends since childhood. Not only since childhood, but perhaps from the uterus phase. Either coincidence or what, our mother got pregnant at the same time and gave birth at the same time in the same hospital.

Besides, my house which is right next to Joana's house makes us friends indirectly. Ah, to be more precise, it was Joana who declared us as friends. While I'm just being fair.

Joana often protesting my colf attitude toward her. Actually, it's not without reason that I'm cold to Joana. I have my own reasons, and it is because of the trauma I had with someone called a best friend.

Hem, how do I explain, nah.

But .. Do you believe in life in another world?. It might sound funny, but to be honest, I've lived in another world and I remember living there.

before i born to this world, i was a warlord in a world called Ereneiss, a world where races of beings gather. There are 4 races that inhabit Ereneiss, human race, vampire, elf and mage.

Each race is unique. Among the four races, I was born into the mage race, the strongest race that was in full control of Ereneiss.

There is a striking difference between the magician race and other races. That is their government which is dominated by women.

And I am part of the government of the mage race. I even have a really great family history. One of them is i have an older sister who reigns as a witch queen. I'm not even less powerful than my older sister because I am the warlord of the most feared mage race.

When I was at Ereneiss, my name was Cleana Tropika. Pale white skin, red hair with pink eyes became my trademark. Every time I moved into the battlefield with my dragon, all the soldiers of other races would shiver with horror or run wild. To the point there's nothing really dare to against me.

Then, how come now I'm here and no longer at Ereneiss?. The answer is because my trust was too high. I trust Palya too much, a human I met when she got lost in the forest barrier between the mage and human races.

The innocent, kind and beautiful Palya made me think that I wanted to protect her. That is why I gave her my full protection, causing the entire human race to bow in obedience to her.

But who would have thought, someone who I considered to be a friend would stab me in the back?. Instead, she volunteered as the commander of the human race and killed me with her own hands.

Of course someone as strong as me couldn't possibly be defeated that easily. The only reason Palya could kill me so easily was by tricking me and taking advantage of my trust.

I still remember how she smiled sadly before her sword pierced my head. Ah, each race has its own way of being killed. The mage race will only die if you stick your sword into their head.

"Sorry, I .. had to do this."

That's what she said before my sight darkened.

Ha ha ha

Forced to, she said?, forced your ass!. This world always offers choices, and being forced is not an option.

Before closing my eyes, I realized that what my sister had said was true. Palya has never sincerely been friends with me. All human races who approach the mage always have hidden intentions.

Whether it's because they craved strength, glory or wealth. And in my opinion, Palya craved power. Maybe she wanted to present my head to the Human King and ascend to the highest throne.

But, how can I be here even though Palya has stabbed my head?.

I think I know why. Among magicians, there is a legend that says that the strongest magician named Dokpa can send the soul of a witch who has died to another dimension, so they are not completely dead. instead, they will live a new life with a new identity.

I'm sure my sister went crazy when I found out that I died silly at the hands of someone that I call as my best friend. Considering my sister temperamental nature, maybe in her anger she led the mage troops and took to the battlefield directly to finish off Palya.

Then after that she started wandering in search of Dokpa, the strongest magician who can send a witch's soul to another dimension. According to legend, Dokpa lived in a forbidden forest, a forest that was extremely dangerous for the entire race.

Given that I can enter someone's body like this, it's certain that the legend is true and my sister managed to find Dokpa. Ah, at a glance, my sister has a sister complex, so it's only natural that she can do the most impossible thing just for me.

Sometimes, I cry to myself every time I watch Frozen. Want to know why?. The reason is because of Elsa and Anna. Whenever I see them, i feel like seeing myself and my sister, that's how close our relationship is.

No matter how busy she was when she became queen, she would always make time for me. No matter how busy her schedule is for the day, she will still force me to have lunch with her. Ah, I really miss her now, my dear Terena.

"So, we're leaving this afternoon,"

"Umm, Sen?."

Joana's voice stopped my wandering thoughts. I looked at her face for a moment before nodding lazily. And again, Joana screamed with joy


I looked at the skyscrapers towering in front of me. As soon as the school bell rang, Joana immediately pulled me here. I didn't even have time to go to the toilet.

You know what Joana wants here?. She wanted to meet Chrissin, a rising male idol who very famous among girls. Chrissin is an idol with an amazingly handsome face. The sharp eyes and cold impression on his face made any girl go crazy, including Joana.

However, Joana was too embarrassed to go alone. That's the reason why she dragged me here to accompany her.

"Today Chrissin's birthday, Sen. So, as a fan club, we want to give a surprise to Chrissin."

That's what Joana had been saying to me this morning, making me lazy to imagine how insignificant the activities we will be doing here.

If in Ereneiss I am an active warlord, then here I am nothing more than a lazy human. Rather than exhausting my energy, I prefer to sleep. Maybe the spell Dokpa chanted changed my personality 180 degrees differently than in Ereneiss.

"Come on in, Sen!."

Joana said, pulling my hand and starting to enter the skyscraper, making me can't help but follow her steps.

My face immediately turned sour when I saw the crowd of Chrissin fans who were already holding various colorful banners.

I sighed heavily again, as I thought, it will be this crowded.

Sometimes I don't understand the happiness of being a fangirl. But everytime i askes Joana about this, she excitedly explained to me how being a fangirl can save her from this boring and cruel world. But in my opinion, Joana's explanation is too much.

After several hours of waiting, Chrissin had not yet appeared, making the crowd even more clamorous. This time it wasn't as boisterous with words of praise for Chrissin as usual, but more to worry because Chrissin had not yet appeared. They even began to assume that something bad had happened to Chrissin.

I'm just grieving inside. Looks like these young girls have been fooled by the Chrissin mask. Even with just one look, I could immediately guess that Chrissin was just a jerk who hid behind the guise of his face as innocent idol.

Leaving fans waiting for hours in cold weather conditions like this?. Halah, bullshit !. I can guess that later the manager will suddenly appear and say that Chrissin was forced to ignore his fans because of his busy schedule and fatigue, the classic excuse that famous people like Chrissin always come up with.

I turned my gaze towards Joana who was starting to look gloomy. Her hands were still clinging to the various shapes of cookies she made just for Chrissin.

Even I could see the eye bags hanging over Joana's pretty eyes. Make her eyes look like a panda.

I feel irritated remembering how Joana didn't sleep all night just to give Chrissin a special gift. Going back and forth to confirm Chrissin's schedule so that their presence wouldn't bother him.

But after all that, this is what they got?. Ah, that damn Chrissin should be taught a lesson every now and then.

"Come on, go to the toilet"

I said while pulling Joana's hand, before she even had time to agree or not. I've decided to show Joana the true face of Chrissin.

Even though I'm a human now, at least I still have some remnants of magician power in me, so I can track Chrissin's whereabouts.

That damn guy is at a location that I believe is the place to relax in this agency building.

"Eng... You know, the toilet sign is over there, Sen"

Joana looked confused as I walked straight, past the toilet sign.

Of course my goal isn't the toilet. Besides, I've been working hard to bring out my manipulation skills so that the security guards don't stop us.

My steps and Joana stopped right in front of a large room with a large marker reading 'break room' on the door. The room was half open, causing the conversation that was going on inside to sound its way out.

"So Chriss, isn't it about time you got to meet your fans?"

"Ssshh, shut up Hans. Meeting them is very troublesome. Especially when listening to their screams. It gave me a headache straight away."

I glanced at Joana, who froze at the sound of someone who had just spoken. As a fanatic fan, of course Joana knows how Chriss sounds.

Again, I sighed heavily when I saw the shock slowly turning into disappointment on Joana's face. Irritated, I slammed the door open and walked in, shocking two men who were enjoying their drinks.

"You are amazing, Mr. Chriss. Your fans are waiting anxiously while you are relaxing here."

I quipped while folding my arms across my chest.

"Realize that fact, the ungrateful Mr. Chriss. You made it this famous because of your fans!"

I shouted again.

Joana, who is beside me, seems to have started to wake up from her shock. Her hands are now tugging slowly at the hem of my shirt as her eyes beckoning us to leave this room.

Actually I wanted to scold that ignorant idol with other cruel words. However, Joana's sad face managed to prevent me. It's better now I take Joana home or go to karaoke to cheer her up.

When Joana and I had just turned around and were about to walk away, Chrissin and Hans suddenly dashed forward, blocking Joana and me. Suddenly, they started kneeling while repeatedly saying

"Your Majesty, Clean!"

They shouted together with a trembling voice.

"We finally found you"

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