
Chapter 1-The Beginning

New year begins, Park Su Heyoek got admission in E high school.This is the first day he is going to the new school.When he came to the school a guy warmly greet him and said,"Hi iam Jason Lang who are you ? "Then Park also warmly greet him and said, " Hi iam Park su huyoek iam new here."Jason said "Iam also new here.Then they both went to their classroom and they both got their sits.Then suddenly a bully named Zayn came out tries to bullied a boy named Karl. When he tries to hit Karl but suddenly a guy stop zayn from hitting Karl. Zayn said," Who the f*** you are ? " Then,that guy said."Iam Draco."Then Draco hit Zayn with a punch.After that,Zayn said,"I will be back."After seeing that Jason said,"cool dude that is a nice one."Then Draco said,"you should shut up and sit."Zayn said, "What is wrong with you dude you dont need to be so rude for no reason."

After the first day class ends.

Draco was going to school but suddenly zayn came back and told," i told you i will be back."

There was atleast 15 people with baseball bat was there.

Draco said,"you picked a wrong fight. ".But suddenly Draco got hit behind his head.But then Jason and Park came to resue him.Both of them beat all of the 15 men.Zayn was afraid told," you guys all know how to fight.Then Jason said, "Yes iam a mma fighter." After that Park said,"Iam also a mma fighter too.

When they are explaining Zayn. Draco get up at hit a big punch to Zayn then he gave a knee strike to Zayn.

Both Jason and Park was shocked.Jason said,"wow dude nice.Let's go to cafe...Then Draco said ,"ok lets go i own you guys."

Then they went to a nearby cafe.

Jason was saying,"No girl looked us today all of three of us are handsome.Park said, "Who cares that girls did not looked at us."

Then they saw many cars coming to the cafe they were....

Many guard came from those car and line up.Then a guy came cout from a car and said, so you are the guys who attacked by brother."

End of first chapter

Chapter Two- The Rise of Xavier

Coming Soon

Next chapter