
The usual unusual

It was normal for Nika to walk home after work. She did it everyday like routine drill. She had to if she wanted to lose all that weight. She was fine with how she looked. But others are not that understanding ofcourse. She can't count the number of times people told her the same old lame line, you will look so much better if you lose weight. And she often wondered what being beautiful have to do with size. You are either beautiful or you are not. You can be slim and still be average looking. But that's just Nika's thoughts. She was always the one with most unpopular opinions and always stood with the minority. For her it was her usual boring purposeless evening. But life had something else planned. Something she never thought in her dreams would happen to her. After all she was just a simple girl with simple dreams, who was self aware and knew what she is capable of and what she looked like. Never did she ever overestimated herself. So her goals were also in the same line. And so were her dreams. Nika was walking home as usual oblivious to what was going to happen next, how this night was going to change her life forever.

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