
Chapter 9

Logan slowly opened his eyes. He felt groggy and weak. He could feel pain coursing through his body.

("Wait, I have a body again. Was I just dreaming.")

He looked at his body. Wait no, it wasn't his body. Then that means the person who was talking to him really sent him into a different body. This body was covered in scars, from head to toe. This body also had a bigger build than his previous body.

Logan was surprised because he had no clothes on, which was completely unexpected. (His) body was covered in dried blood, most likely from the scars, when they were wounds. He felt so weak it was hard to move. By the looks of it, this body was most likely laying here for a long time.

Logan's mind was still groggy from just gaining consciousness. He shook his head to get the grogginess out, and tried to stand up. The muscles in his body felt like they were reluctant to awaken. They were without much strength and they ached with every motion. As he was almost on his feet, he felt a sharp, abrupt pain bolt through his head. The muscles in his legs weakened from the pain, so he fell backwards onto the ground. But when he hit the ground, instead of hitting hard ground, he hit what felt like water and mud. His face was partially in the water from the puddle, but his mind didn't register it, because his mind was filled with excruciating pain.

Scenes were flashing through Logan's mind rapidly, they seemed to be filling his mind completely. Memories he hadn't seen before, of people, places, and beasts. He had never seen all these memories before. In his dreams he remembered seeing a few, but he always registered them as dreams instead of memories. In all honesty, the thought never crossed his mind. He just thought he was an avid dreamer.

Logan started organizing the memories in the right order from start to the memory of death. The memories were from this body he was in. The bodies name was Stanley Holmes. He was a prince in the country of Gorus. His father King Calvin Holmes, was the ruler of this country for nearly 200 years. But he got killed when fighting by a level 99 [Fire Gorilla] when Stanley was nearly old enough to inherit the throne. When King Calvin died, his wife, namely, Queen Ysmena turned to the enemy king and married him, so the king of Thuarus took over Gorus completely.

Stanley was King Calvin's first born son. Prince Stanley was engaged to Princess Lillian. Princess Lillian was the daughter of King Aymer. King Aymer was the king over the country of Ebrium. The three countries, namely, Gorus, Thuarus, Ebrium were considered the top three countries on the continent of Rulux. The continent of Rulux is situated furthest north of all the other continents in this world. Rulux has a total of 10 countries throughout it.

King Calvin and King Aymer were allies, which is why they decided to marry both their children. When King Imbertus, (king of Thuarus), took over the throne of Gorus, and married Queen Ysmena, (Stanley's mother), he put the title of crown prince on his own son, and kicked Stanley's status down to lord. (A lord's status is a few titles below the crown prince.) When King Aymer heard of King Calvin's death, he canceled the engagement.

Stanley lived pretty well, considering, for a few years, when King Imbertus, lowered his status again, out of anger. Stanley was soon just a regular citizen. He was beaten over and over, by the people who hated weak nobles that fell from glory.

When Stanley got kicked out of the castle, his mother didn't not try to help him, but instead helped kick him out. Stanley was heartbroken but he soon accepted the facts. He just ran up into the mountains and found a giant dungeon underground. He got stuck inside a room in this dungeon, and slowly died.

Logan could feel this boy's emotions. He felt the hate, anger, and sadness that this boy felt. But he had obtained this boy's body and memories. By the memories he had gotten from this boy, he could tell this continent was in chaos. Nobles in every country was struggling for power. People would do anything to get more power. This world felt extremely foreign to Logan. But since this world required power, he had to get power to survive.

Logan came back back too, and he felt the water that he was currently submerged in. He used all the strength that his muscles could give, just to stand up. His mouth was dry, like he hadn't drank anything for days. He could also taste a slightly bitter taste in his mouth. He subconsciously glanced down at puddle of water that was laying at his feet. The water was a deep green color, and it smelled of sulfer. He was desperately thirsty, but he was in doubt by the smell and color of the water. He considered his options which were, he could drink the water in the puddle immediately, or he could wait to see if he could escape and find a better water source. The problem of the first option was that if he drank that terribly dirty water, he could get some kind of a disease from it. The problem with the second option is that he still didn't know if he could escape soon enough to find a different source of water before he died again. The water in the puddle almost made his thirst go away just from looking at it. He decided to wait and figure what his chances of escaping this room was before he risked getting some kind of sickness or disease. He temporarily put the problem of water into the back of his head and looked around the room.

The room he was in had thick rock walls, the ground was also covered in rock with a layer of dirt covering it. The room itself was not very big in size, only 20 to 30 feet in diameter. Two massive columns seemed to be bracing the ceiling up. They were glistening white and were emitting a glow which bathed the room in light. Logan could also feel a vague unknown aura emitting from them. The door of the room was made of metal bars, (like a prison cell door), but all he could see was complete darkness on the other side of the door. He moved over to the door and examined it closely, the latch had a metal plate covering it, almost like it was made not to be able to open. He reached though the bars and felt the other side to see if there was a keyhole, or knob of some kind. The other side of door had a keyhole, but it had no door handle.

("Well, I can't escape from this room using the door, but maybe I can find something else in here that Stanley missed.")

Logan had Stanley's memories, and Stanley obviously looked through this room desperately before he died. Logan drew his hand back through the bars, and kept studying the interior of the room.

In the back of the room, was a platform that was about 2 feet of the ground. Logan dragged himself onto it and looked around carefully.

The platforms base was made of stacked rocks, and the top was made of marble. The marble was a deep, purple color, with speckles of white in it. Logan knew he couldn't afford to miss any details, so he was looking at everything over a few times. The rocks that made the wall were quite uneven, and they looked to be held together by what he called "cement", but from Stanley's memories he found that in this world it was called [Mystery Sand].

As Logan was looking at the walls again, an idea came into his head. The rocks were held together by cement, but maybe he could find a loose rock somewhere on the wall, and see if he could somehow break it out. But he also had a problem which was, he didn't know how thick the wall was, so he could at most, unless he got lucky, break out a single layer of rock. But it would almost impossible to find a bunch of loose rocks that when broken out, the hole would be big enough for him to fit through.

Logan decided to keep looking for more options, before he tried breaking rocks out of the walls. He stepped off the platform and kept moving around the room. The air inside the room was quite thick, and the temperature inside the room was getting hotter and hotter. Logan had been inside the room for 2 hours already, and drops of sweat slowly dripped from his face. He was starting to worry, as he hadn't found any suitable options of escaping yet. He didn't want to die the first few hours he came back to life.

Logan was dragging his tired feet across the ground, still looking and waiting for a clue to help him escape. Unexpectedly, when one of his feet touched the ground, he felt it move downward, until he heard a sharp "click". He bent over to examine what he had stepped on.

Logan brushed the layer of dirt away with his hand, when the dirt was removed he could see a small 3 inch plate, it was a pressure plate of some kind. The plate looked just like one of the rocks that covered the floor. Their was a unknown symbol carved on top of the plate. Logan didn't know what the symbol was, but he memorized it as best as he could. When he had stepped on the plate, Logan released the pressure before the plate had moved completely downward. So he stood back up and put his full weight onto the pressure plate. When the plate clicked into place, the platform opened up, and a golden colored statue ascended onto the platform. When the grating sound caused by the statue moving upwards stopped, Logan walked towards the giant statue. It glimmered with a golden light as sat their unmoving.

Logan was stunned by the magnificent statue that had ascended from the ground. His heart was beating quickly as he stepped onto the platform beside the statue. He ran his hand up the statues cold hard body. He felt a soothing energy seeping into his skin. He shivered with delight, caused from the statues warm soothing energy.

Logan was fully concentrated on the warm enticing feeling coming from the statue, when he had absorbed a vast amount of the seemingly endless energy from the statue, his face had a rare smile as he faded into unconsciousness once again.

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