
Chapter 10

When Logan opened his eyes, he looked around carefully. He slowly stood back up, as he had fallen onto his back when he lost consciousness. His muscles didn't ache anymore, and heh seemed to have a large amount of energy gushing through his body. He also no longer felt weak, and sickly.

The giant golden statue was still standing majestically on the platform, and Logan reached out his hand and slowly touched the statue again. Only he could not feel the soothing aura coming out of it anymore. All he could feel was the stark coldness of metal.

("What happened to the energy coming from the statue, or was it just some kind of an illusion.")

Logan didn't know what to think of the current situation, but it was his situation, so all he could do was try to figure it out. When his hand left the golden statue, he heard a computerized voice speak...

"Gaming System activating... 1%... 33%... 50%... 85%... 100%"

["Gaming System Upgrading.. 1%... 10%... 30%... 50%... 75%... 90%... 100%"

["Upgrade Completed"]

["Activation Complete"]

["Adjusting to host's current timeline"]

["Obtaining information of host's world"]

["Functions Unlocked"]

[Store Function; Scanning Function;]

["I was sent here to help you gain back your strength, and to help you survive in this fantasy world"]

Logan heard the voice saying inside his head. A unexpected smile broke out on Logans face when he head the sharp voice. He was looking forward to his life, instead of questioning it like he did in his previous life.

But for now he needed to get over his first problem, which was to get out of this d*mn dungeon. Although he had not started out in the best condition, he would just have to strong on his own. It was unknown if this gaming system could help him with escaping from this dungeon, but he might as well try. Logan then realized something, when he had heard the voice in his head he had heard it say it was upgrading. Which meant that it was different than the previous gaming system.

He was feeling excited as he willed for the familiar panel to appear. When he did so a screen that looked like a hologram extended vertically in front of him. What the screen showed surprised Logan completely, as he wasn't expecting the amount of change.








Logan was completely stunned by the vast change. Their were also more options available. His surprise soon ebbed, as soon as he remembered what that voice in the soul realm had said.

"I will give you something to help you acheive the power back again."

He decided that this was most likely what that voice meant when he said that. But Logan couldn't stand around and expect the door to open for him. He jumped agilely off the platform and walked over to the door. He clicked on [Store], when he saw a few options...





Logan looked over the options when he noticed a small search bar in the corner of the seemingly projected screen. He clicked on it, but nothing happened. He touched it a few times, and when nothing happened, Logan was vexed at this thing. He finally gave up on trying to figure it out, and just touched [Weapons]. When the screen shifted again it showed...

Battle Axes




Skill Books








When Logan saw all the options, he was pleasantly surprised. Maybe he could find a way out of this dreary dungeon. He was curious about what the actual weapons that were getting sold, as this was a gaming system so they were probably weapons out of games. He clicked on [Swords] and the screen changed yet again to show the level of the swords. He clicked [Level 1] when the screen showed hundreds of different swords. He also noticed that the ones he could recognize were all from this world.

("I guess the system did say it was adjusting to this timeline, so this is probably what it did.")

Logan studied all the options of the system before he turned serious again. He moved back over to the giant statue and studied it closely. He couldn't find anything unusual about it, other than when he was absorbing the energy from it. It had lost its glimmer of light also. He decided to try the scanner function on this statue, just out of curiosity.

Logan didn't know what the scanner did, but he was willing to see. He pushed the scanner option and soon the screen changed yet again, but this time it showed a completely clear view of what was in front of him. Almost like a video camera in the modern world. When the statue appeared in the screen words popped out instantly...

Name:[Hero of Golden Jade]

Type: [Other]

Level: 50

Energy Type: Earth

Description: unknown [scanner level not high enough]

Logan was honestly surprised by what he saw. Not because the level was exceedingly high, but because of the scanner. It told him more about the statue than he expected. But he was curious about what the type of energy meant. He searched through Stanley's memories for a short while before he found a suitable answer. In this world their were different kinds of energies, some of the basic well known ones were, water, fire, wind, and lightning. Stanley didn't know of all the kinds of energies on this world, but he knew a few. Logan realized quickly that he had absorbed all the earth energy from the statue.

("Then that means that I should have earth based energy. I wonder if its any good though.") Logan was thinking as he ran his hand along the cold surface of the statue once more. He couldn't feel a lot of energy inside his body, which was why he was still doubting if the statue really had energy inside it. But he confirmed the fact that it had energy in it with the scanner. He couldn't tell when night and day were, but he could feel the air turning colder, which meant it was most likely night. Logan remembered something about the scanner that he had glanced at, so he once again pushed the scanner option again. This time the same thing that happened the last time, happened this time, only their was also small almost unnoticeable words that he missed when he opened the scanner for the first time.


Logan pushed the button and once again the screen changed. This time there was a line that looked like the search box from the store, only this box didn't have the word search on it. Instead it was empty, and their was a few boxes below the top one a couple inches. Logan tried pushing on the top box, but nothing happened.

("F*ck, what is wrong with this thing?")

Logan thought, right after Logan thought that words showed up inside the box. They were the words Logan had barely thought. Logan suddenly came to a realization, all he needed to do was think and the words would automatically show up inside the box. Logan wanted to slap himself for not realizing that in the first place. When the the words showed up inside the box, another line of words showed up below the top box.

["Question asked does not have options"]

Logan face froze when he read the words. What the heck was that supposed to mean. He had to experiment more before he could completely understand the system. "Bang" a loud noise awoke Logan from his experimenting. The panel disappeared when he willed it to, and he looked around with a startled expression.

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