
Another World

I open my eyes and a shiver runs through my body. Dread begins to overtake me and an uncontrollable urge to scream invades my mind, but! I can keep myself steady and calm. Somehow I find myself in an extremely tidy and totally unfamiliar room.

I'm currently lying on a bed, this room is square and simple. I see a window with some red curtains, next to this window I see a gamer setup where there is a common computer, next to this table I also see a comfortable chair.

On the other side of the wall there is a big mirror, next to this mirror I see gun posters, I see an ak-47 shining and the most amazing thing about this place is that this place has a strong smell of beer, among other types of alcoholic beverages.

Trying to stay calm, I start breathing steadily in order to oxygenate my brain. And so the air entered my nostrils and soon after began to make all the natural path inside my body.

After successfully calming myself down, I raise my right arm towards my head and with my hand I begin to massage the temple of my forehead. "Where am I ?" all I remember is being in a big bodybuilding temple. I was training my body to be similar to the legendary god *GiGa-Chad*. All I wanted most at that moment was to have the same body as that legitimate superior man. But something happened and before it all went dark I remember watching a 70 kilo weight fall on my head. "pow!" After that I woke up in this unknown place.

I shake my head from side to side, but the sudden discomfort doesn't go away, so I don't think twice and without much difficulty I get up out of bed and the moment I brace myself on the floor and stand fully erect, I instantly realize that I'm much louder, after ignoring this new discovery I take a few steps towards the mirror and the reflection that appeared in the mirror made my heart almost burst.

<[Image here]>

"My God!" I'm Giga-Chad!

I'm certainly not dreaming, because before I woke up in this place, an accident happened to me. So there is only one explanation for this, I reincarnated in another world!


Suddenly I hear a cold voice and a buzzing screams in my ears and along with the voice a cybernetic black screen appears before my eyes and within this screen I can read words that are the color of gold, extremely golden.

<[The King of all pussy has been chosen!]>

<[User has been selected!]>

"What ?" After reading and understanding everything that is written on this cybernetic screen that floats in the air, my mind starts to think at an absurdly high speed. "Have I become an isekai protagonist?"

This was supposed to be impossible, but it's happening right before my eyes. So all this is really true. Now I'm the legendary Giga-Chad and my mission is apparently to dominate pussy?

Okay, this is weird, so first I'll find out something. "Status" at the moment I whispered these words the screen that is floating in front of my eyes vibrates and changes completely and after a few seconds an immense amount of new information emerges.


[Title] = [The King of All Pussy]

[Title Description] = This title grants the user the simple ability to dominate all females in the multiverse, one of the abilities of this title is to increase the sensitivity and sexual dependence of all women by 500%! This title also manages to nullify the pain of a virgin at the first sexual contact and this title will only take effect if you are a supreme dominant male. [Yes! You will have to dominate all the females you want to have sex with and this can be in a brute way, such as using your power to force her to have a relationship or trying to seduce her in a natural way] - For every pussy of dominated female characters you will receive 10 stat points and a randomly generated gift.

[Name] = [Arthas Menethil]

[Class] = [The villain of every fictional world]

[Description] = All protagonists will hate the host however all female protagonists will be attracted, as all women love a virile and sexually appealing villain. [The more evil your actions in this world, the more stat points you will earn!] (evil multiplier is currently at 0)

[level] = [1]

[age] = [20]

[------------------------------------------------- -----]

[Health Points] = [200 - [/] - 200]

[Description] = Health Points (HP) are a type of attribute associated with elements or targets that indicate their current state of survivability. Health Points (also called Hit Points, HP or in Portuguese Health Points or Health Points) in games are a type of attribute associated with elements such as characters, enemies or targets that indicate their current state of survival. When the number of life points reaches zero the character is killed, in the player's case it often means the end of the current turn. These can be represented by a numerical counter or an equivalent bar that goes down.

[Energy Points] = [100 - [/] - 100]

[Description] = Mana [Mp] is the magical energy that gives the player options to deal with productive difficulties. Energy allows players to use abilities for the chosen class. The player's class determines which skills are available for use. These abilities can increase the gold and experience reward for completing To-Dos, increase the value of To-Dos, heal the player, and provide stat bonuses to a player and/or their party.

[------------------------------------------------- -----]

[Strength] = 10

[Description] = Strength determines the Character's physical strength, his muscular capacity. Strength doesn't have as much influence over appearance as Constitution—a skinny kung fu fighter might be strong enough to break piles of bricks, but a muscular bodybuilder could hardly match the prowess.

Strength affects the Damage Bonus (extra damage) he is able to deal with melee weapons and the Maximum Weight the Hero can carry or sustain (for a few moments). It also determines the Max Range of objects thrown by the Hero (the stronger, the farther he is able to throw objects, ok?).

[Constitution] = 10

[Description] = Constitution determines the character's stamina, health, and physical condition. Constitution determines the amount of Hit Points — the higher the CON, the more HP the Character will have (the more hits it will take). CON also applies to any Saving Throw that involves specific physical abilities (such as holding your breath, enduring pain, resisting poisons, corrosives, hallucinogens, and the like).

[Agility] = 10

[Description] = Unlike Dexterity, Agility is not valid for things done with the hands, but for the whole body. With a high Agility score, a Character can dodge opponents' attacks better, balance better on a wall, dance more gracefully, grab onto ledges or escape traps... game ends.

Agility determines part of the Character's Defense Bonus, along with Dodge or Shield; is used in Agility Tests (any Test that involves balancing, evading landslides, cushioning damage from falls, grabbing onto railings or pipes, jumping from a moving wagon before it falls off a cliff, among other things.

[Dexterity] = 10

[Description] =Dexterity Defines the Character's manual ability, his acuity with his hands or feet. It does not include bodily agility, only manual dexterity. A Character with high Dexterity can handle weapons better, use tools, operate delicate instruments, shoot archery, grab objects in midair. Agility and Dexterity are also not necessarily related. A Character can be a great artist, or a great archer, but completely clumsy.

[Intelligence] = 10

[Description] = Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, no more and no less. An intelligent Character is better able to understand what is going on around him and is not so easily deceived. It also deals with memory, the ability to abstract concepts and discover new things. Intelligence affects the Duration of Rituals and Powers, affects the Difficulty in resisting Psionic Powers, and also grants the Character extra Spell Points. Intelligence Tests can be taken to solve riddles, riddles, math challenges or logic problems.

[Wisdom] = 10

[Description] =Wis (Wis) represents the character's common sense, insight, discipline, and empathy. The Wisdom score is used to perceive details, sense threats, and analyze other people, this increases the character's magic points.

[Luck] =10

[Description] = A hero's luck or misfortune can make the difference between success and failure. At least, in almost every RPG it's like that, since the user can receive improved items by killing monsters among other important things.

[------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------]

[Attribute Points] = [0]

[Description] = As you level up you get 5 stat points!

[Dollars] = [150]

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[Hey you! Yes. I am speaking to you who are reading this message with your mind. "Please rate this fanfic 5 stars to keep me motivated, also comment and give me all your power stones!]

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