
The Gamer, Anime Edition

What would have happened if The Gamer happened in the Anime-verse? Shirogane Miyuki, the fortunate young lad, found his life turned into a video game. His whole reality turned into a quest for power, ladies, and grinding. Yeah, what kind of fool would refuse that kind of life? Not Miyuki, for damn sure! ... This is a crossover anime but with The Gamer as the power system and background. I got this inspiration from The Gamer, CHYOA Edition. If you don’t get it, it’s The Gamer from the porn site, not the webtoon. You will find it on Google if you’re curious and want the details.

Fourth_Reich · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Shirogane Miyuki, The Gamer

I stared at the screen in front of me with a gaze of disbelief on my face.

Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None

Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max)


EXP: 0/1000

HP: 700/700

MP: 2000/2000

Personal Attribute:

Strength: 7

Agility: 6

Constitution: 7

Spirit: 20

Charisma: 10

Stat Points: 0

Then I shifted my gaze to Kei and father.

Shirogane Kei

Lvl ???


Relationship: 60

At the dining table, I was completely unfocused on my food because of the fucked-up reality that had unfolded before me. My life had suddenly turned into a video game. Now, my gaze was stuck on my sister and my father, who had question marks for their levels. I couldn't see their levels at all, which made me wonder if my life was muggle while my family were superhuman and wizards.

I mean, come on, why was my level only one while they had question marks and couldn't be detected? Were they secretly superhuman or what? I couldn't see their information completely.

Probably because my gaze was too intense, my sister frowned at me with disgust.

"Seriously, brother, do you have something to say besides staring at your sister like a creep?"

"Ah, nothing, I just feel everything is suddenly so different," I answered sheepishly.

"Weirdo." Kei snorted and bit the soft bread in her hand, then drank the glass of milk on the table, picked up her bag, and left.

Fuck this game screen shit, I was hated by my sister because of it.

I cursed inwardly.

"Don't mind her, Miyuki, she'll be fine in no time. She is just in her teenage awkward phase. Honestly, I miss when your relationship with your sister was so close in the past, what a youth indeed," my father sighed with nostalgia in his tone.

Then, my father left too, leaving me in my contemplation.

What is my family hiding from me? Why are their levels, bloodline, and stats full of question marks?

Moreover, why is my father's name Dio Brando?

[Quest: Incest is Wincest (1/5)]

[Detail: Find out the true heritage and face of the other side of your family. Maybe you will get action with your sister along the way?]

[Reward: +5,000 EXP, Midas Touch, Golden Armor of Babylon.]

My face darkened at the quest description. Fuck you, she is my sister, asshole!

I punched through the air in rage when the game made fun of me by suggesting incest with my sister.

No matter how much I protested, it fell on the deaf ear of the game as I could only sit down to calm myself from my rage. No matter what, it's my first quest and I couldn't be picky before the second quest was issued by the game. I don't want to be stuck as a muggle and weak human for the rest of my life when everyone was basically superhuman or had supernatural power.

For now, let's see whether the reward is worth it or not.

I packed up my bag and prepared myself for school, as this would be my first day as Council President of Suuchin Academy.


My life was suck, seriously, among many others, I was stuck with this ice-cube lady, who could freeze any soul with her glacier-like eyes, her long hair, and demeanor that exuded the full temperament of an aristocratic lady and an aloofness that lacked from mere muggles like me.

Shinomiya Kaguya

Lvl 15 Vice President

<Shinomiya Corporation>

Relationship: -5

"Shirogane Miyuki... Although I don't know why the former president chose you to become his successor and become the council president, but I will be watching you, and I will assist you as best as I can if you're truly qualified, as the former president believes you to be. However, if you're not, I will take the seat for myself."

"Thank you for your helpful words, Lady Shinomiya." I bowed humbly, ignoring the threat and only picking up on her positive words about her assistance. Well, life is full of positivity and ignoring negativity, isn't it?

"Lady Kaguya is fine," she replied. "You are the leader, after all. So, I will not overstep your bounds or position by making everything too formal or making you call me by my last name, which would make others think I'm bullying you or questioning your authority by making our relationship unfamiliar."

Kaguya Shinomiya took her seat and reclined herself with a book in her hand while I began to take my council president seat and sighed.

Achievement Unlocked: For Ice Queen!

You have proven yourself very adaptable in front of a formidable ice queen and didn't make a fool of yourself in front of her. You deserve this reward, boy!

Rewards: +2 CONS, CHARISMA

Huh... This is awkward as hell.

Yeah, my first day as Council President of Suuchin Academy was starting from here. We didn't communicate with each other or even bother to talk after our formal introduction.

Oh, God, did I was unpopular that much in front of woman?

[Quest: Miss Kaguya wants to confess (1/5]

[Detail: Life is suck, but you can make it better. Why don't you conquer this lady ice-cube and make her fully in love with you? We can start with something small. Why don't you let her fully acknowledge you as Council President and make her assist you as best as she could and become your best wingwoman?]

[Reward: +3.000 XP, Power of King (Geass)]

Dude, this game is so sucky. Why all the quests are related to women? At least this one is more normal than the incest sucker. Anyway, I'm more willing to do this quest than the other one. So, I take the challenge and began to review the paperwork in front of me one by one.

You're peeking at me, right, Miss Kaguya?

I thought so when I felt something peeking at me and inwardly smirked that my hard work was paid off.

Now, let's start the game indeed.


Shinomiya Kaguya POV

In the Student Council Room, it's only the two of us for now as we have not recruited any potential members for the Student Council. However, I already have a candidate in mind. Albeit, I find her rather annoying sometimes, I can't deny her capabilities.

I will talk to the President about it later when we get to know each other better. I don't want to be seen as abusing authority by introducing him to Fujiwara Chika. Let him judge for himself how competent she is despite her quirky nature.

When the bell rang, we began to head back to our respective classes. On the way, I met my maid, Hayasaka Ai, who blinked in my direction, then turned her attention back to her gyaru friend, pretending we didn't know each other in school.

I don't know what was in her mind for going so far. She says it's for my protection and I trust her for it.

Then I bumped into Fuuka Kiryuiin, who turned her attention to me.

"Shinomiya Kaguya... I don't know whether you're lucky or unlucky to be in the same room with the Vampire King's son, Dio Brando, fufufu." She then laughed haughtily and left, leaving me confused about what the hell she was talking about.

Was she talking about Miyuki?

But his name has nothing to do with Dio Brando.

His name sounds Asian, not White. It's impossible that if Dio Brando had a son, he would name him Shirogane Miyuki.

He should at least name him Diego Brando or something.

Moreover, from the info I know, the man is a pure commoner and a weak human who has nothing to do with the other side of the world.

I can tell he's just an ordinary human.

But Fuuka Kiryuiin-senpai is not one to lie; she's too prideful for that. Especially since she is the holder of the Heroic Spirit Card, Karna.

Well, whatever, President is President. Whoever he is, as long as he is qualified to take the Council President seat, then so be it. If he's not, well, he should be prepared to be kicked out by me.



Shirogane Miyuki POV

Despite my life having been turned into a video game, it still goes on as usual as I listen to the teacher's lecture in class.

I'm not sure if it is because this school is elite or what, but most of the teachers here are beautiful women. There is no one who is old here, and it's truly marvelous sight to see.

Men exist, but they are few. Yeah, one of them is a weirdo and always wears samurai attire. What was his name? Yeah, Sakata Gintoki.

"You seem different, Shirogane-san," a girl's voice said, shocking me with the fact that someone was behind me.

Who is this girl?

Why do I not know her?

Is she a transfer student?

Her sense of presence was too low for me to notice her.

I deadpanned.

Moreover, she is the first person that has ever talked to me after my ascension to becoming Council President. I'm not sure why people are avoiding me after I took my seat as President. Nonetheless, it's nice to have someone who is not looking at me with fear.

"Your name?" I asked.

"Megumi Kato," she introduced herself calmly.

"Miyuki Shirogane," I subconsciously said.

Then I began to check her stats.

Name: Megumi Kato

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Profession: Assassin

Guild: The Hashshashin

Skill: ???


EXP: ???

HP: ???

MP: ???

Personal Attribute:

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Constitution: ???

Spirit : ???

Charisma: ???

Stat Points: ???

Relationship: ???

Okay, this is the first time I see someone's stats that are not incomplete like the others. Even though it's still full of question marks, my hand was shaking a little bit when I saw that the girl before me was an assassin from an infamous organization widely recognized in the news for the murder of politicians, police, and other lawful orders in the world. Some believe that those murdered by the organization were corrupt members of the government, while others believe that the organization is terrorist and murders for the sake of seeking attention.

"It seems my guess is right; you seem to have noticed the world is not as it appears, Shirogane-san." Megumi Kato curled her lips teasingly. "Are you satisfied with the information I gave about myself?"

"You know?" I asked with a hint of disbelief. How did she know I checked her stats?

"I don't. I only know you seem to have the power to check the information of others or an appraisal skill like the guild clerk or guild leader," Megumi Kato answered calmly.

Does this mean my sister and my father know too that I was checking them out? Why did they continue to act as usual rather than confront me about it?

"Although I don't know what you were thinking, the whole reason I know is because you already saw it yourself. I have the assassin profession, so it's important to counter-espionage against anyone trying to seek information about us."

I sighed in relief at her explanation. It means my father and sister don't know yet. I'm not sure whether they are acting or really don't know, but based on my sister's reaction previously, I guess they don't.

It's better if they don't, so I can be the one who controls the narrative rather than being passively manipulated by the situation.

"I get it. So, what's the point of introducing yourself to me and letting me know about your secret identity?" I decided to get straight to the point and ask what she wanted from me.

"Impatient, aren't you, Shirogane-san?" Megumi Kato sighed. "Anyway, let's get to the point. I value your position as Council President of this school. I want you to keep an eye on the Principal and report anything you find out about him. Any valuable information will be graciously rewarded with a secret technique from our organization. How about it?"

"Allow me to refuse. I will not become a spy for anyone. I will not sacrifice my integrity or honor as Council President of this school for any foreign force. Farewell, Kato-san, and thanks for your information." I then refused to make eye contact with her and listened to the teacher attentively.

No way will I be an ungrateful asshole. The school willingly chose me as Council President despite many people's doubts, and in return, I will never backstab them. That's my principle as a man.

Moreover, the school has never wronged me. Why should I hurt them?

No way will I do that. Never!

After my refusal, she didn't bother me again, and we began to mind our own business. However, it's not the end, as the achievements began to pop up once again in front of my eyes.

Achievement Unlocked: The Honorable

You stood up for yourself and your principles in the face of temptation. It took a lot of guts and courage to refuse the assassin, but you did it anyway.

Rewards: +2 STR, SPRT

Okay, I get it, game. Now, let me concentrate on my studies.


After the bell rings, it's lunchtime. My classmates begin to spread out, some staying in the class, others hanging out in the club, and a few taking lunch on the rooftop or elsewhere. Well, whatever, I don't know what I should do now.

Should I go to the Kendo Club and train like crazy, or fulfill my duty as Council President and meet that icy lady again?

Urgh... Honestly, it's awkward.

I don't know how to break the ice or talk to her properly.

[Choose your route, Player!]

[1. Go to the Kendo Club and train under Busujima Saeko's guidance personally.]

[2. It's duty time, so why not spend your lunch with Kaguya Shinomiya? Gather your courage and have lunch with her.]

[3. Sit under the tree and maybe meet someone who catches your interest.]

Okay, option three sounds weird and totally random, and I'm not going to bet on something vague, so I'll choose the second option and try my luck with the icy lady.

Hopefully, your prediction is right, Game. If she's willing to have lunch with me, great. If not, well, trust is a two-way street.

With that in mind, I choose the second route.

"Hello, Miss Kaguya, can I sit here? I wanted to get to know my fellow council member better," I asked.

Honestly, I cringed at my own words; it was so awkward and cheesy.

She just glanced at me and nodded.

With thick skin, I placed my lunch box on the table while staring at Kaguya's lunch with envy. Damn, rich people!

A mediocre guy like me can only eat tempura and octopus sausage, while Kaguya's lunch box is filled with luxurious seafood, Kobe beef, and many other over-the-top items I've only seen in anime. There's even golden shining rice—what the fuck?

I tried hard not to stare at Kaguya's food and reluctantly enjoyed what I had. After we finished, she stared at me intently.

"So, President, is there something you wanted to say?" she asked bluntly.

"I've already told you, haven't I? I wanted to get to know you better, that's all," I replied. Despite her cold appearance, she was surprisingly approachable. I thought she would kick me out when I sat beside her, but it turns out she's not as cold as I thought.

"Your answer is so cute, President. Don't tell me you want to confess your love." She laughed haughtily.

"Urgh... I just want your friendship, that's all." I scratched my head and answered awkwardly.

I don't get her logic. Did she mistake me for chasing after her? As much as the quest wants me to make her fall in love with me, it doesn't mean I'll do what they say. The first step is to make her acknowledge me as Council President. What's so hard about that? Not only does it not compromise my integrity, but it can also get me a reward at the same time, which is what I wanted in the first place. Moreover, I wouldn't mind being her friend; she seems like a nice lady.

"My friendship isn't cheap, President. You'll need to try hard to earn it." Kaguya chuckled, then ignored me once again as she focused on her book.

Achievement Unlocked: Break the Ice!

Surprisingly, for a virgin and someone who rarely talks to girls, you managed to break the ice with the most difficult woman ever. Okay, take the treat, boy.

Rewards: +1 to all stats

At least it's a big improvement that this icy lady is willing to talk to me.

I hummed in a good mood.

My life seems to be getting better and better.

What could possibly go wrong?


Back in class, I diligently study and take notes on everything the teacher says. Despite my life turning into a video game, I won't neglect my studies. I don't want to become dumb like most of the webnovel MCs I read occasionally when I have nothing to do.

"Shirogane-san..." Megumi Kato began talking to me again as I glared at her, not wanting to get involved in her crazy scheme about spying on the school.

"It's rude to stare at a lady like that, Shirogane-san," she pouted.

"No, I'm not here to talk about the previous topic. I just wanted to warn you that the road will be dangerous today, so be careful."

Oh shit, I regret talking to this woman; she set up a red flag!

"Okay, I will be careful." Despite saying this, I knew where this was heading. Yeah, it's a red flag, just like in the anime I watch. When the heroine tells the protagonist to be careful, he always ends up in a dangerous situation.

What a sucker!

Okay, I know how to get out of this dangerous and cliché situation.

Lady Kaguya, save me!


"President... I never thought you would be this shameless," Kaguya Shinomiya looked at me with a deadpan expression as I tagged along in her car and asked her for a favor to escort me home. In exchange, I promised to repay her favor in the future.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Miss Kaguya. I heard the road will be dangerous today, so I wanted to ask you for a favor," I replied honestly.

She stared at me deeply. "It seems you know a lot of things that you shouldn't."

"My classmate told me," I shrugged.

"Just for today..." Kaguya Shinomiya then ignored me, and I began to get used to it.

I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination, but I heard muffled screams from the street. When I looked out the window, I saw only thick fog covering my vision.

I believed it wasn't my imagination, but something was preventing me from seeing it.

Should I step out of the car to see it?

Unlike most of the retarded protagonists trapped by their own curiosity and instinct, stepping into dangerous situations, I will never stand under a dangerous wall. I prefer to keep myself safe, thank you very much.

During the calm journey, Kaguya kept her word and escorted me home. I took a deep breath, having dodged a major issue in my life.

Achievement Unlocked: Avoid the cliché!

Okay... This is new, finally not a dumb MC from a webnovel who couldn't avoid the cliché!

Rewards: +4 AGL

It seems it's not only me who is irritated with dumb MCs, but the game too. I chuckled inwardly as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves after avoiding danger.

Finally, home.

Home sweet home indeed.

No red flags, no cliché anime situations, and no bullshit drama.

My life was still calm as usual.

Who needs drama when you have a video game under your thumb, am I right?


Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None

Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max)

LV: 1

EXP: 0/1000

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 2300/2300

Personal Attributes:

Strength: 9

Agility: 11

Constitution: 10

Spirit: 23

Charisma: 13

Stat Points: 0