

Max smith known on the internet for his ability to capture any girl in any romantic games, although the girls in real life don't appeal to him. He accidentally accepts a contract with a demon named Sam. Who wants his help in capturing evil spirits that have escaped from hell and have hidden themselves in girls' hearts. 

      Max must find a way to make girls fall in love with him. In order to force these spirits out. If they don't both of them would be killed by the magical collars on their necks if the contract is broken. His first target is his classmate named Kim , training for the upcoming track-and-field meet. Max cheers her on by displaying banners using Sam's magical raiment at the field each day. 

   While Kim is annoyed by his actions, Max believes she will eventually grow to like him. After a confrontation with jealous upper class women, Kim sprains her leg the day before the meet. However, this injury was realized to be faked since she has doubted her confidence.

       Max consoles Kim by telling her that she need to believe in herself. They kiss when Kim keeps Max from falling down the stairs, forcing the spirit out of her body and allowing Sam to capture it. The next day Kim wins the meet but loses all of her memories with Max, though she blushes when Max congratulates her. Much to his confusion, Sam has transferred to his school, claiming to be his sister.  

 Max is dismayed upon learning from Sam that there are many more runaway spirits within the city. After meeting Katie, Max mother, Sam claims to be her husband child, finding out that he had daughter though this causes Katie`4s` to snap during a phone conversation with him,  husband for his daughter infidelity. Max refuses to accept Sam as his little sister, since she does not fit the criteria in his view. However, upon hearing her story on wanting to be successful just like her older sister, Max reluctantly accepts Sam as his sister

During lunch at a popular food stall, Max and Elsie find their next target, Mio Aoyama, a rich girl who proceeds to buy all of the yakisoba sandwiches. Max believes she is an easy target as she has all the characteristics of a tsundere, and a love confession might break her hard shell. Unfortunately, the confession does not work as planned, and Mia has her chauffeur beat Max. As Max and Sam follow Mio to her home, they are surprised to learn Mio lives in a shabby apartment

Max and Sam overhear from the chauffeur that Mia is no longer rich since her father has passed away and her mother has been working hard to make ends meet. The chauffeur leaves in disgust after the prideful Mia refuses to stop pretending to be rich. Mia catches Max snooping around and quickly goes back to her apartment. 

         Since Max is the only one to know her secret, he can use it to get closer with her. Max becomes Mia's new chauffeur by riding her to school in various elaborate bike carriages made by Sam magic of her raiment each day. As he eventually gets tired of driving her to school, Mia almost tempts to whip him, briefly making her smile, but quickly reverts to her cold expression and goes home. Max now begins the next stage of his plan by bringing her to a grand ball by invitation.

At the ball, Mia is upset that Max brought them to the mansion gardens, but Max gets her to teach him how to dance. However, after encountering a few noblemen who look down on Mia current status, Max finally tells her that she should stop pretending to be rich as an act to look up to her deceased father, convincing her to let go of the past and move on and live her own life. 

         Max kisses Mia and the spirit from her body is captured by Sam. The next day, Max and Sam meet Mia, now without any memories of Max, who has a change of attitude and has accepted her family's status and burns incense for her late father. However, she still acts prideful, and blushes when she sees Max.

   Max attempts to finish and get the heroine, Kelly from a bishōjo game named "Crayon". But the game has many bugs, including one that loops a previous scene over and over again. Not making things any better is the fact saving the game only crashes it and the game company that made it is now bankrupt therefore are no patches to fix the game. In order to avoid the bug loop and finish the game, Max forcefully enlists a reluctant Sam to help record the choices that he made in the game. 

Sam is at first confused on why Max takes the game seriously but soon respect his purpose  to help the girls in his games just like the girls he helps in real life. After many attempts, Max finally manages to avoid the loop bug and goes to the next scene but unexpectedly gets into another bug, resolving him to try again much to Sam's horror. An article about "Crayon" reveals a rumor that someone managed to get the ending, hinting that Max was able to finish the game.

Sam has become a fan of the popular teen idol Kam. However,Max shows no interest in her, explaining the flaws of idols in real life compare to video game heroines. Unknown to both of them, Kam just so happens to be a classmate of their class and is coming back to school. When Kam meets Max on the school roof garden, she is shocked and depressed to learn Max has no idea who she is and proceeds to tase him repeatedly. 

     Sam detects an evil spirit inside of Kam, being Max's next target. Kam vows to make Max acknowledge her and make him her fan by holding a private concert just for him, but Max ignores her, as he believes it is a trap as boys should be chasing girls and not the other way around. The next day, Kam holds another concert for Max which he ignores again. A sad Kam suddenly starts to disappear in front of Max and Sam.

    Max and Sam realize that Kam is actually turning invisible because of the spirit inside of her and manages to stop Kam from tasing him again by praising her song. As Max sends Sam to investigate, they learn Kam was once a member of the pop idol group trapo before they disbanded and has never played any songs from her old band. Kam's need for attention was the result of people not noticing her in the past. 

    Max later receives an email from Kam and cheers up the depressed Kam at her television shoot. Kam continues sending Max an obsessive number of emails to visit her whenever she feels down. With the relationship going smoothly, Max agrees to come to Kam's Christmas Eve concert at Smith Seaside Hall, where she will perform in front of 10,000 people. On the day of the concert, Kam is again nowhere to be found, and Max knows it is time to go to the final stage of his plans to capture Kam's heart.

    As Kam prepares for her concert, she soon gets second thoughts and fears that she will mess up and be forgotten again causing her to turn invisible. She leaves the stadium which sends the backstage staff looking for her. As the concert draws near, Max finally finds Kam at a nearby building. Max knows why Kam fears being unnoticed, telling her not to seek attention as proof as an idol, since her hard work to become one was the proof all along. 

      With his encouragement and her fans cheering for her, Kam kisses Max, which causes the loose spirit in her to leave and be captured by Sam. Kam returns to the stadium and receives letters of congratulations for her progress thus far from her two former bandmates,Jam and Lime. She goes up on stage and gives an amazing performance to the large crowd. As Max and Sam leave, he tells her his views on idols has not changed, but said Kam not as an idol, but a shining star.

   This episode features four different perspectives happening on the same day. Elsie is angry that Max called her useless for making his "lunch", due to having bizarre ingredients that are still alive. After her friend Cherry advises her on how to impress Max, Sam decides to make a strawberry cake for him. 

      Unfortunately, she misunderstands the recipe instructions and mistakenly uses hellish ingredients instead of normal ones, causing many accidents including releasing a mandragon and blowing up the home economics classroom. At the same time, Max irritates his English teacher Mr.Alex, who dislikes the fact Max constantly plays games during class yet still manages to get perfect scores on tests. 

   After getting into an argument with Max about this at gym class, Mr. Alex is chased by the mandragon. The mandragon eventually arrives at the Katie residence, where it drops Sam's cake. Max returns home and finds Sam's cake and eats it out of guilt. However, because he was hiding, Lou mistakes him for a thief and hits him on the head with a vase.  


    Mr.Alexarrives at the Katie residence for his meeting with Lou, but sees the mandragon get eaten by the "lunch" that Max made earlier, scaring him away. Max returns home and vows to make another cake for Max. Despite having eaten the cake, he tells her that he does not like sweets, much to her chagrin.

      Max orders Sam to go to the school library to learn modern human history after learning her knowledge about human history is two centuries out of date. Instead, she becomes fascinated on a book about fire trucks. When she looks for more books about fire trucks, she asks one of the librarians, Sherry detects a spirit inside of her.  

    After bringing Max to the library, the two are amazed that Sherry managed to find 458 books related to fire trucks. While Max thinks Sherry used the library index. Sherry, deep in thought, wants to tell him she was able to find them as she remembered all the books she reads in the library but is too shy to speak up. 

    The next day, Sherry arranges the books in the library and explains her love for books. Max is aware how shy librarian girls like her are easy to figure out as they are a common character in games, but unlike games where he can read what the character is thinking, finding out what Sherry is thinking might be more difficult. As Sherry removes some books to be disposed of and laments to herself about their fate, Max helps her get one book she cannot reach. Sherry tries to think on how to thank him but fumbles in her words while thanking him.

    Sherry is embarrassed on what she said and tries to leave, but when Max comments on why books are useless nowadays, with much courage and anger, she verbally calls him stupid before quickly leaving. Max later reveals to Sam that he is purposely angering Sherry in order for her to speak up. It is revealed Sherry has been unable to speak normally to people due to her shyness, so she has been exploring various books to compensate for this. 

  The next day, the library committee has decided to add a media room to the library. Sherry tries to give her opinion to the committee but is too shy to speak up. Later, she catches Max writing in one of the library books which he justifies that he was making corrections and comments how books cannot instantly be corrected, upsetting Sherry. 

        The next afternoon, she catches Max doing it again only to realize he is scribbling in his own book. In anger and confusion, she starts thinking out loud without realizing it until Max points it out. The next day after that, Max introduces himself to Sherry and talks about the library, now that she is speaking normally to him. With Sherry now speaking up, Max decides it is time to capture her heart after finding a library notice to dispose library books for the media room.

    Sherry locks herself in and barricades the library to prevent the library committee from disposing of books for the media room. As the committee tries to get inside, Sherry falls asleep and dreams how her love for books began until she is awoken by Max, who manages to enter the library through a hole at the rooftop made by Sam with her raiment. 


       Max has come to support Sherry in her protest and stays close to her. The library committee cuts the electricity to the library, surprising Sherry and causes some books to fall over them. As she hugs Max, Sherry tells him that only he understands her love for books and reasons for protecting them. However, Max calls her a liar, saying that she did not barricade herself to protect her books, instead herself to the world. 


     Max already knew that she always wanted to socialize, but her fears of being misunderstood prevented that, which is why she reads books as an escape from the real world. Troubled with this revelation, Sherry feels unsure on what to do until Max drags her out of the rubble of books, telling her that he will give her courage and kisses her, which releases the loose spirit from her body allowing Sam to capture it. 

     As the library committee enters the library, Sherry finally speaks up for herself and explains her reasons which the committee agrees to have a meeting. In the epilogue, Sherry feels like she has forgotten someone who was with her during her protest so she writes a story on what she remember.   

Due to helping Sam capture spirits, Max has gathered a large backlog of new games he has not played yet. During the weekend, he plans to finish all the games in his room by playing six games at the same time, doing so with impressive speed while still managing to logically make the right choices and enjoy each game individually, but he suffers from burnout later on. 

      Sam finds this shocking yet bewildering and leaves him alone. Realizing he cannot finish all of his games at this pace. Max decides to up the ante by playing twenty-four games at once. Max finally manages to finish all of his backlog games except one. As he is too tired to continue, but he soon starts hallucinating that all of the game girls he captured are encouraging him to not give up. He finally finishes the last game and "follows" his game girls into the game world. Where they all sing and dance together.