
Chapter 30 Lions feel the fire

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Olenna Tyrell pov

It just one thing after another these days she can't even have a moment of peace and quiet, just when she thought she could see where the war is going everything just took a completely different turn

A few weeks ago she heard the news how Jon Snow was named the king by the north, vale and riverlands,they claimed the boy was a hidden Targaryen prince, she thought it was a plot by the wolves to put one of their own on the throne, I mean who would raise the crown prince as a bastard

But now Harrenhal is just gone, the castle just disappeared from the face of the earth, when she first heard that the white wolf brought down dragons and destroyed the great castle it was just a joke in her head,but many sources are saying the same thing the castle is gone

The huge castle that could be seen from miles away disappeared in a few hours or minutes the tales vary, but the news of this is spreading like wildfire

Now they have to face against dragons, she was doubtful that Renly can go against Tywin even with numbers on his side, now how he has to face the dragons, the same fire breathing dragons that destroyed House Gardener like they were nothing with just 8,000 men and now the boy has nearly 80,000 men

The biggest shock to her was Tywin's death, the boy just beheaded him like he was a nobody, most men even if they somehow captured the great lion they won't have the balls to kill the warden of the west just like that

This shows the boy would kill you no matter who you are if you go against him, she just hopes that Renly doesn't do anything stupid to anger the boy and he sends his dragons after us, because the lions just melted in the fire and she is not hopeful about roses

The good thing is the boy and his dragons are just ignoring us,while bullheads like Randyl Tarly wants to march against the dragons at least Renly understand that would only lead to their deaths, Now we are doing the same thing we were doing from the start waiting, we will wait and do nothing while the boy marches to the capital, are we even fighting in the war at this point, we are just sitting and waiting while others fight the war


Red Keep

Tyrion pov

He was rushing to the small council chambers because of a emergency meeting,a meeting called by Varys no less

As he enters the room his sister and the rest of the members are already there, he goes and takes the the seat facing against his sister

"What is the meaning of this spider?, On whose authority did you presume to call the meeting of the small council, you are forgetting your place" his sister the queen yelled

"I am sorry your grace but it was an emergency,this came today from the trident "he said pointing to the box placed in the middle of the table "but before you open it, I would like to tell how this got here ,as you know you father Lord Tywin was in harrenhal defending against the rebels but the battle on harrenhal is over"

"Good my father must have destroyed the Starks sooner than we thought" his sister said in glee

"I am afraid thats not the case your grace, Jon Snow or Aegon Targaryen called three dragons and destroyed harrenhal after your father host surrendered, they claiming that the bastard was no bastard at all but the trueborn son of Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, and that his uncle Eddard took him as his bastard to protect him"

"Lies, lies spread by those Starks to take my son's crown, Rhaegar would never marry that northern slut,have you gone mad spider, dragons and my father defeated, you think I would believe such ridiculous lies" his sister yelled like a mad women

"I am afraid I am not done yet, a few days ago Aegon Targaryen beheaded your father in front of the entire camp and sent his head here" Varys opened the box that was sitting in the middle of the table

Inside was is father's head, there is no doubt this was is father, his father the great lion was dead, he looked at his sister only to see that terror and fear filled face, for once in her life his sister was silent

"Dragons have been dead for centuries" he said, his voice barely a whisper,he was still trying to make sense of everything and anything

"Not anymore Lord Hand, there are three now in the seven kingdoms, with the dragons no one can raise doubts about Jon Snow being Aegon Targaryen,but that's not all one of the dragons is different,it has four legs and instead of two, and its red flames are strong beyond belief, even when Balerion the dread burned harrenhal he was only able to burn the towers, even after that most of the structure of the castle was still there but this black dragon burned the entire castle into nothing in just minutes"

"Rumours these are just rumours" one of the lords yelled clearly scared "they must have captured lord Tywin by some trickery and are spreading rumours to intimidate us "

"My lord when one of my little birds sings about dragons I can chalk that up to rumours but when all my birds are singing the same songs I tend to believe them and you should to, with harrenhal destroyed and lannisters forces defeated the armies are marching for us, and my little birds at Dragonstone are singing about hundreds of battleships with Targaryen sigil making way to the capital, your grace pretty soon we will be surrounded from all sides if we don't do something"

What can be do other than sit here and wait for our deaths, with father dead we have no armies and we don't have any ships either, our only chance is if Renly attacks this Aegon Targaryen so we can have time to figure something out, but even Renly is not fool enough to march against dragons

In the last few moons he faced death multiple times but he somehow found his way out, but now he doesn't see any hope, the only logical thing is to run away but his sister would rather die her than surrender and joffrey is too much of a fool to see that they are facing certain death

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