
The Game of Fate: One Last Wish

Dr. Anya Perez is having the best time of her life as she is one of the most well-known and successful surgeons in the Medical Industry in the Philippines. Even though she’s successful, she’s still dealing with her past. However, things got complicated once again her first love, Third and his dying wife, Isabelle became one of her patients and he asks her to save her. To make matters worse, Anya found out that the wife is eight months pregnant. Now Anya must make a choice, save the baby or save the wife. In a dilemma, Third tried convincing her that at least she save Isabelle. Isabelle hearing this revealed a painful truth to Anya. This complicates things more and led Anya to do the thing that she should have done in the past. Her decision made Third furious and made her reveal to him what’s keeping her from living a happy life.

BelleKim · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Productive Day with You

It's been one week since the birthday party and it's been one week since Anya started avoiding the presence of Third. She's eating her lunch outside of the school, she's not going at the library anymore. She's not even visiting the office of the council and during their Global Economics, she's sitting at the back, far away from Third who's seat is located at the front.

She don't have any idea why she was doing all of this, maybe to clear her mind and her thoughts? Third's been occupying her mind lately it's getting hard for her to suppressed the feelings that's starting to bloom.

"Miss Perez?" Her professor in Arts Appreciation called her. She doesn't know why did she took this subject.

"Yes sir?"

"Are you listening to me?"


"Okay then what did I say earlier?"

"Ahm…about the project?"

"Yeah, the project. And what is it again?"

"Uhh…Okay sorry I'm really not that listening." She confessed.

"Miss Perez, what's going on? You've been preoccupied lately."

"I know that sir and I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again."

"Make sure of that…again everyone, the next project is song writing and composition. You have to write and compose your own song, any language that you're comfortable is accepted. It can be any genre, as long as you'll stick to the theme which is 'Memory Lane: A Recollection of the Past'." Their professor said and she raised her hand to ask one question.

"Sir? Is it okay if we'll have someone to accompany is with the song composition?"

"It is okay, as long as you are part of the process, it won't matter."

"Okay, thank you." She said then she thought of Ales who knows how to play a violin.

"Also, let me add, that we will choose one song from this bloc and that song will be our entry in the song writing competition which will be held at the end of the month."

"Sir, is it possible that the writer and composer of that song will submit a different song at the competition instead of the song chosen?" Her classmate asked.

"We'll see. For now, just focus on your task. That's all for today, class dismissed."

"Bye professor." They all said in chorus.

She was busy gathering her things when someone sat beside her

"Hey girlfriend!" Third said and she is so shocked she screamed at him.

"Why are you screaming?!"

"Because you surprised me idiot! Why would you suddenly appear our of nowhere?"

"Why? Am I not allowed to come here?"

"Not that, but you don't have a class here then why?"

"Because of you!"



"Why is that?"

"Because…you don't bother me anymore."

"And that bothers you?"

"Of course! I'm not used to it anymore Anya."

"Used to what?"

"You, ignoring me."

"Then get used to it again Third." She said coldly.

"I can't. It is much better if you'll annoy me or bother me, just don't ignore me."

She sighed. What is wrong with this guy? She's trying to figure out her feelings for him but he keeps on bothering her.

"Yeah, whatever you say." She said before gathering her things then went out of the room. Third followed her.

"You're acting strange, is it still because of what I did at the party? It's just a joke Anya!"

"Then don't joke like that!"


"Do I need to spell it out for you Third?"

"Tell me."

She sighed and turned he back to him. No, she will never admit it. Not, never, ever!

"Anya? Come on, tell me!"

"Never mind. I have to go." She said before running away leaving him behind.

She went to meet Ales who's now at the rooftop.

"You okay?" She asked her friend. She don't have any idea on what happened at the party. She's too focused on Third that she forgot what she came there for.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"How about John? What happened at the party?" She asked and her friend eyed her.

"Weren't you at the party?"

"I got distracted, you know…"

"Ahh, because of Third." Ales said which made her blush.

"What?! Of course not!" She defensively exclaimed.

"If you say so, anyways, I tried talking to him that night. I asked him that I'll meet him at the rooftop at 12 am. I wanted us to talk there since no one is there and we can talk in peace and privately. However, it was 12:12 but no sign of John and that's when I made a decision to go home. I left my gift there though."

"Does he know that you left the gift there?"

"I don't know."

"Gosh, why is it too complicated with the two of you?!"

"I don't know anymore Anya, maybe I'll just give up on him."

"Hey don't say that, you still have the time. Besides you'll celebrate you Christmas here, right? Maybe you can invite him over?"

"No, that's impossible. My parents have already booked us a ticket to Canada. We will celebrate the Christmas there with my brother."

"WHAT?! That means, I will celebrate here alone?"


"My parents have important business in Spain around that time and I am planning to celebrate with you but…"

"Oh I'm sorry Anya."

"It's okay. But does John know?"

"No, he don't have any idea."

"Uh-oh! This is bad! You're going to Canada without you two making up is bad." She muttered.

"I'll get going now, Ales. I have something to do." She said then she ran downstairs to find Third.

Although she don't want to talk to him again, but she have an important business with him. There's no way she'll let Ales go without her and John making up.

"But what is wrong with them? Can't they just sit down and talk it out??!" She asked herself as if she have an answer for it. She ran to the nearest department but she can't find Third anywhere. She has no choice but to call him.

"Where are you???" She asked.

"Why are you panting? Are you okay?"

"Let's talk about me later, where are you?"

"Well, I already went home. I have some important matters to attend to."

"What?!" She yelled.

"Can't you not yell, Anya? Gosh your voice is so loud it can ruin my eardrums!"

"Well deal with it! Why did you go home? Don't you have an afternoon class?"

"Are you concerned to me now? After you ignores me earlier?"

"Third…it is something important that's why I am talking to you."

"Oh, so if it is urgent, you'll talk to me? How I wish there's always an emergency."

"Not funny. Anyways, let's meet tomorrow at the mall I have something to tell you." She said and didn't wait for his reply, she just ended the call.

She went to the office council and did some of the works there. She's trying to occupy herself as much as she can because if she won't, her mind will just wander back to Third and to what happened at the party. Every time it crossed her mind, her heart beats faster than ever before.

"I didn't know denying is this hard." She told herself before she continued what she was doing. She spent the rest of her time at the council then to the theater before she decided to go home. She took a bath first then she did some of her assignment before checking her twitter and Instagram. She surfed the net for a few more minutes then she picked one book to read before going to bed.

She just drifted to sleep without setting an alarm that's why the next day she woke up later than before. When she looked at the digital clock on her bedside table it was already 10:23 am. She's so shocked she fell off her bed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" She shouted before running towards the bathroom. She wasted no time. she scrubbed and moisturized her body as fast as she can before she came out of the bathroom to dry her hair. She chose whatever clothes is available. She didn't bother to put on her make up, she hurriedly went downstairs and asked their driver to drive her at the mall.

They arrived around 11:08 and she immediately get off the car and ran as fast as she can at the entrance towards the food court to meet Third. She roamed her eyes to find him and there he is! Sporting his simple white shirt and black jeans, so simple but why is he still handsome? She asked herself. 'No. No! Erase that thought!' She mentally scolded herself before going towards him.

"Hey Third! Sorry I'm late!!" She said still out of breath.

"Late for two hours?!" He yelled at her but not too loud.

"That's why I am sorry, right?"

"No, I can't accept your sorry. You have to make it up to me."

"Yeah, I'll do that later but for now, I have something to tell you."


"Ales and John are still not okay and the worse thing of all, Ales is going to Canada to celebrate the Christmas there."

"And so?"

"SO?! Third, aren't you thinking? If Ales will go to Canada without them making up, there is a possibility that the marriage will be cancelled too!"


"I know Ales, she's not just mentioning it to me because she know that I'll make a plan to convince her otherwise and I know John, he's just testing her."

"You're not joking right?" He seriously asked she almost rolled her eyes at him.

"Do I look like a clown to you?"

"Hmm, slightly."

"THIRD!!!" She yelled again and the other customers at the mall turned their heads to them.

"Are you an attention-seeker? Because it is working, the people are now looking at our direction."

"Again Third!!!" She annoyingly said which made him laugh.

"Why are you laughing now?! Gosh, this is so bad, it really is bad." She muttered to herself. She turned her back to him and started walking away when he followed her.

"Hey I'm sorry, it's just you're too cute when you're annoyed! Woah, I only noticed it today, back then when I was pissing you off, all I can see is the smoke coming out from your nose and ears but right now…"

"Third, if you're just here to annoy me, you can now go."

"Yep, I am here to annoy and help you. Come on, let's continue our discussion at the restaurant there." He said before grabbing her wrist. She was about to protest but he tightly gripped her hand.

"So what are we gonna do now?" He asked her.

"I am planning to go to John first, convince him."

"You think you can convince him this time?"

"I don't know, but I'll still try."

"Okay, I'll be your back up." He said then they ate in peace before going to John's house.

It took one hour for them to arrive because of the traffic. They rang the doorbell and the guard opened the gate for them. One of the housemaids told them that John is at the garden and led them there. They saw their friend doing something on his laptop, and it was Third who called him first.

"What are you two doing in here?!" John asked them.

"Well, we wanted to visit you besides, we heard that you just renovated the rooftop! So is it true? That you now have a jacuzzi there?!" Anya excitedly asked.

"Tsk, is that really the reason why the both of you came here?" John asked before eyeing them.

"Of course! What other reason could there be?" Third retorted.

John took time to decide before leading them to the rooftop. And it's true, it is newly renovated and the jacuzzi is much bigger than before!

"Why put a jacuzzi here again?" Anya asked.

"Well, it's not my idea, it's my sister's idea to put a jacuzzi here. They started the renovation two months ago though, and just finished last, last week."

"Woah. Wait! Your sister?" Anya shockingly asked. John has a sister? Why does she know nothing about this?

"Yeah, Anya. John's sister. Remember that time when you guys saw us at the mall? That's her sister." Third answered her.

"Y-You mean…the model? THAT MODEL IS YOUR SISTER?!"

"Yeah, Irene's a model, although I don't get it why she chose to be one." John commented but she's struck by John's word she was paralyzed. She just stayed there staring at nothing while processing what John have revealed to her. There's no way that, that model is John's sister! But…now that she's remembering it, the girl and John did look alike, except that the girl have blonde hair while John have a raven black hair.

"Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh!! You two can't be serious!!" She exclaimed once again.

"What an idiot!" Third said.

"I'm not an idiot, you idiot! But…gosh! John, you too is an idiot! Ales thought that the girl you are with is your new girlfriend!"


"Yeah, that's why she wanted to cancel the wedding! That's why she said that she'll go and celebrate the Christmas at Canada!"

"That's why she stopped pursuing me?"

"Yeah, that must be it! Because she's thinking that…gosh! Anyways, we have to tell her! We have to…no, it should be you who would tell her the truth!"

"Okay, I'll go to her house now." John announced before leaving the two of them there.

"And now, we're done with your operation love, Anya."

"Yeah, I guess, that's it." She said before stretching her hands then she walked towards the door of the rooftop.

"I'll go now, Third. How about you?"

"Well, I don't have anything to do except that project of mine in Arts Appreciation."

"Oh! You have that you?"

"Yeah, I took the subject as one of my electives."

"I see. Then? Have you written a song already?"

"I did, but I am finding an accompanist. Yeah right! Why don't you be my accompanist, Anya? Let's pair up for this project!"

"What? No…no!"

"But we can win if it's the two of us! Besides, you said you wanted me to teach you on how to play a guitar right?"

"Hmmm…okay, if you say so! But you have to teach me, okay??"

"Okay, I'll do that. From now on, call me Master Third."

"Ugh!! What's with that silly name?"

"You'll call me that, or I'll never teach you?"

"Tsk, okay fine!"

"Come on! Let's go at my unit and start working on this project."

They both went to Third's condominium unit and they started working on the project. Third's already done with the composition, so all he have to do is to record the song. He played the demo to Anya first.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"It's good, it suits my taste. But, it's a bit sad, why did you write that?"

"Well, I was inspired by the movie that I watched the other day and then I decided to compose a song base on it."

"The song itself is a story, Third. I didn't know you have a hidden talent with song writing."

"Naaah, it just came to mind, So I tried writing it down. But enough of me, let's hear yours too."

"Oh, okay. I'll just sing it to you without any instrument, okay?"


Then she started singing, feeling every word that escaped her mouth. It is a sad song too, about one-sided love that the persona kept hidden because the person she loves, already loves someone else, although she wanted for the song to have a lively beat.

"Let's see what we can do. Let us find out if the lively beat will cover the sadness of the lyrics." Third said to her.

Together they went on the mix some beats and it was around 7 o'clock when they're almost done.

"Wow, I didn't know that it was 7 already."

"You want to go home, now? I can drive for you."

"Uhh, no. Let's record your song first." She suggested.

She played the piano while Third is the one playing the guitar.

"Say, Anya. Why don't we have a duet?"

"Is it okay?"

"Of course!"

It was around 9 pm when they're done recording. Third ordered dinner for the two of them. They talked while they wait for the order and when it arrived, they immediately ate and finished it all. It was around 10 when she decided to go and Third drive her home.

Her mother saw them and she was about to invite Third when Anya stopped her, saying that it was already late so he have to go home and rest.

"You go now, Third. Thank you for spending this day with me. Take care, okay?"

"Oh? My girlfriend is so kind today, why is that?"

"Silly, is your brain's malfunctioning again?"

"What to do to you again, Anya?"

"Hmm, maybe you have to bother me again, boyfriend?"

"Will gladly do that." He said then he bid her goodbye.

They are both unaware that a smile is plastered on their faces and they are both unaware that the flowers started blooming.