
The Man in Black

Tommy, Kyle, and Beasty are walking down a path in the middle of the forest. Noises can be heard from all directions. The bushes next to the path start to rustle. Kyle shrieks.

(Megagamer4life) "Get it away, Get it away!" he says with a high pitch holler.

(LSPro#1) "What is it?"

(Megagamer4life) "Snake, Snake!"

Mega continues to scream until the snake is gone.

(LSPro#1) "Your such a sissy!"

(Megagamer4life) "Snakes are gross, where's Beasty?"

During this snake incident Beasty kept exploring the forest.

(LSPro#1) "Wait, he left us?"

(Megagamer4life) "I guess he did, what are we going to do?"

(LSPro#1) "We can follow those."

Thomas points at footprints on the muddy trail. The two of them start to follow the footprints through the underbrush. They follow the tracks until Kyle hears a unfamiliar voice. Kyle hid in a bush trying to see who it was that he had heard. Then Kyle jumps out of the bushes and screams.

(Megagamer4life) "Who are you?"

Kyle points at him with excitement and as the man stares back at him with confusion in his eyes. The man starts walking past Kyle, but Kyle jumps in front of the man. The man grabs Kyle by the hand. The man throws Kyle over his shoulder and whispers in Kyle's ear.

(???) "Don't block my path."

He then proceeds to swing Kyle around over his head and bashes him on a tree branch. Kyle falls to the ground and moans and curls up. He never felt so hurt before in his life. Kyle tries to say something, but he was too weak. His vision starts to get blurry. He sees a black figure standing over him.

(???) "Are, you okay?"

Kyle's vision becomes more faint and everything turnes black.

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