
The Game

One Month Earlier...

A commercial for a klondike bar is on the television in the living room. The room has dark red carpet and low baring lamps. A little girl is playing with barbies on the stained white couch. She has her golden hair up in a bun and with a little bow. In the kitchen is a kid with blond hair and freckles playing the newest Dungeons and Dragons game. There are a group of boys huddled around the kid with freckles and they are squealing and rolling dice. One boy is wearing a hat with a smiley face with the quotes "This is my happy face." (: |) The other 3 boys are around him but one boy towers above the rest. He is wearing a red Star Wars shirt with Malenuim Falcon on the front. Another kid has shaggy hair and wears glasses and he is reading a book about WWII. The last boy is a boy with white sneakers and a silver PEZ dispenser around his neck.

"Thomas, Sky, Mike, Kyle, Sammy, help me set the table for your favorite food, Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo." Kyle's mom hollers.

"Do we have to have it?" Tommy says with a attitude.

(Kyle) "Shut up,"

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch your language?" Kyle's mother barked.

"But mom," Kyle sighed.

The television starts playing a commercial, and the room becomes silent. You can hear the announcer saying names.

"Bill Ramsey, Kevin Patillo, Jack Haywood, Mike Grey..." Everyone in the room turns and stares at Mike who is weeping out of control.

"Why Me," he whimpers. The announcer continues reading off names. "Eric Dooley, Frank Jones, George Free, Samuel Brown..." Everyone turns to Samuel who looks astonished and full of emotions.

(Sam) "No, please no!"

The announcer continues for another 20 minutes. Finally he reads off the final names.

"Kyle White, Sky Hue, Thomas Black."

"How is that even possible?" Thomas bellows.

"Why does it have to be us?" Kyle says trying to get a reply. Kyle's mom is in shock as she trys to say something, but she starts to weep.

"Why does it have to be my son?" Kyle's mother replys barely being able to breath. Kyle has a confused look on his face. He wonders if it was possible someone rigged The Game. The announcer having finished the list says,

"Can't wait till we see you at The Game, better prepare, and remember this will be a special one because of our new tech. We must thank Sonic Pulse for the new and improved Sonic Pulse Carbon Fiber 3000. Remember when your in the game you must finish it. If you die in the game, You die for real so don't die on the first level. Happy Gaming." Everyone in the room is quiet but, the little girl who is still playing with her barbies. She starts to speak, but stops abruptly when Kyle interrupts her.

"What are we going to do?" Kyle yells.

Everyone starts to panic out of control, but all of a sudden the little girl says,

"You guys get it under control right now or I will scream."

"Ok, ok." says Kyle because he knew that Raye, the little girl, was known for her loud verousus screams.

"Guess we should prepare." says Sky putting his book down.

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