
The Bridge Incident

Mikeiscool and Miniraptor are walking through a jungle. They are following Megagamer4life's footprints.

(Miniraptor) "There are so many footprints. Do you think he was kidnapped?"

(Mikeiscool) "Those are our footprints idiot!"

They continue walking through the jungle, they stumble to a bridge. The bridge looks like it wasn't used for at least fifty years. Each board looks like it could break with one step.

(Miniraptor) "Do we need to cross? Like I hate heights!"

(Mikeiscool) "Don't be a sissy. Come on let's go."

Mike jumps onto the bridge and naruto runs to the other side.

(Mikeiscool) "Its not that bad, come on. You do want to find Kyle right?"

(Miniraptor) "Not as much as I want to stay alive!"

Miniraptor eases into the bridge shuffling from board to board. He is about half way across when a drop of sweat drips from his long nose, and touches one of the boards. The board breaks immediately and Miniraptor falls through the gap.

(Miniraptor) "Help me!"

Mike jumps off the side of the bridge and dives for Miniraptor, and just before he hits the water Mike grabs Miniraptor around the chest, and the two of them splash into the water. _______________________________________________

(LSPro) "Do you know anyone else in the game? As I can recall I have not seen Sam, and Mike around or even Sky."

(Megagamer4life) "I haven't seen Mike, or Sam but I have heard that Sky is going solo."

Beasty, LSPro, and Mega walk into a shop in the City.

(LSPro) "I don't know about you, but I am going to put all my stat points into explosive magic."

(Beasty) "Why would you do that? I am putting my stat points into dexterity, and Speed."

(LSPro) "Because it is explosive magic."

(Megagamer4life) "I am putting mine into attack power, and health points, because I am tired of being beat up all the time."

(LSPro) "You are going to get beat up anyway, so why waste those stat points?"

(Megagamer4life) "Whatever."

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