

In the condensed forest Kyle can hear weird noises in the underbrush. Kyle is desperate because he doesn't know where he is. He sees a red light through the tall ferns. Kyle starts to sprint toward the light.

(Megagamer4life) "Who's there?"

(???) "Kyle is that you?"

Kyle hasn't told anyone his real name so is ready for a fight. Kyle crouches and pulls out his giant bone hammer for the ready. He sees the light of a torch and a shadow get closer, and closer. He sees the feet of the man who said his name. Kyle jumps out of the underbrush and hits the figure over the head. The stands firm and scratches his head.

(???) "What was that for?"

The man starts to drink a potion.

(Megagamer4life) "Who are you?"

The man looks at Kyle with surprise, and the man then takes off his mask.

(???) "Its me you idiot!"

Kyle looks at him with utter embarrassment.

(Megagamer4life) "Beasty! Oops, Sorry,"

Beasty looks down at the ground and notices that Kyle has a bamboo cast on his leg.

(Beasty) "Why are you wearing that?"

Kyle did not notice it was still there, so he takes it off.

(Megagamer4life) "I got into a fight, and..."

Kyle stopped because he was too embarrassed of the fact that he got beat up, and never even got one hit in.

(Beasty) "And what?"

(Megagamer4life) "You should see the other guy!"

(Beasty) "Whatever, anyway do you know where LSPro#1?"

(Megagamer4life) "I don't know?

(Beasty) "What do you mean you don't know?"

Kyle and Beasty realize that they are lost in the deep dark forest.

(Megagamer4life) "Where are we? How do we get to the city of Eden?"

(Beasty) "I think I know where to go."

Beasty leads the way with Kyle right behind him. They run through the tall ferns.

(Beasty) "I see a light, come on lets go."

(Megagamer4life) "I'm right behind you."

The two of them break through the ferns. They are blinded by a bright heavenly light.

(Megagamer4life) "Beasty open your eyes. You need to see this."

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