
Going In

All the boys grab their VR devices and they put them on their heads. The devices start to glow light blue. Kyle's eyes change perspective of reality. He can see his memories become pixelated and he starts to feel dizzy. Kyle becomes weary, and nauseous and he faints. He hears faint voices and scents grass for some reason. He wakes and sees lush and beautiful plains with the wind sweeping over the landscape. To his left Kyle sees cows and birds of many colors and great redwood trees and enormous ferns. To his right are townsfolk walking past him with oxen pulling a wagon. Kyle realizes that he isn't in the little town of Wilma Idaho anymore. He gets up off the ground and notices he is wearing only his underwear and his cowboy boots. He quickly runs to a clothes rack belonging to a little cottage and puts on some overalls and a plaid shirt, and a straw hat. He starts to wonder where his friends are at. Kyle notices that there isn't just a little town but there is a whole city. It has glorious stone walls and cute little cottages inside. Kyle strides toward the stone city, but hears his online name Megagamer4life. He turns to see who it is and he sees TheBeast007.

(Beasty) "How've you been? Still see your not used to the save your profile before you exit."

(Megagamer4life) "Your name was called by the announcer?"

(Beasty) "Yeah it sucks, but at least your here. Hey is LSPro#1 in yet?"

(Megagamer4life) "You mean Tommy? Yeah he is. Do you know what the first level is?"

(Beasty) "This is the first level."

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