
New Game

A cold wind hits my face, as I try my best not to slip on the icy pavement. A white Audi speeds through the road, splashing water on my new pair of jeans and shoes. I resist the urge to throw a rock on the back of the car. I'm just so done with this life. All I want to do is sleep and watch anime or read gamer fics all day. But rent exists and so does the need to eat. And if I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck it means I need to study aka go to university, to get a decent paying job.

I sigh and look down on the graded midterm on my hand. I got a 40, even after studying 15 hours a week, dedicated to this course. As I was looking at the midterm, I heard the sound of tires skidding towards me and before I could look back, everything went dark.


It didn't take long to piece up what happened. I clearly died.

Well I surprisingly don't feel any regret, anger, sadness or anything. Had I lived I would have ended up in a hospital, my debt further increased, having to work an extra 5 years for some billionaire, whose kids own more than what I would ever own. The only regret I have is that I never got to repay my family for all the love and support they gave me. Without them, there would be no one else in this world who gave the slightest fuck about me.



So is this hell? Just void around you for eternity. At this point I have lost track of time. How long has it been? Days, Months, Years, Decades? At this point I really don't care, as I feel the void enveloping me and my thoughts overtime ceas-

[Do you want to play a game? Y/N]





Are you kidding me, is this real? I've read enough gamer fics to know what is happening.




[Should I take your silence as a no?]




A grin spreads across my non-existent face as I hurriedly mentally tap on "Y". Maybe my death was a blessing in disguise.

[Host accepted invite]

[Please wait for the system, to prepare the multiverse and merge with the hosts soul]

[System initializing… 0/100]

Multiverse? Wow, that makes this better. I have read almost every gamer fic out there to ever exist. And one of my biggest complaints is how restrictive being tied to one world feels. Especially worlds like Naruto and Harry Potter, where the worldbuilding is mediocre compared to that of Star Wars and One Piece. This made me more excited. How am I even feeling emotions without a brain? Eh, there are more exciting things to think about.




[System initializing… 37/100]

This thing surely takes its time. Well I can't really blame it since it's literally creating a whole multiverse just for me. I might as well take this time to plan out my strategy. Is this the Gamer system that allows you to choose your own world, or boots you to someplace like Warhammer 40k?


Hopefully the former.

[The Host can choose their own world from a set of randomly generated choices]

Is the system reading my mind?

[Affirmative. Host can also ask any questions regarding the functions of the System]

[The system also has other miscellaneous utilities such as an alarm clock, TODO App, Notepad, A Calculator etc, but more will be explained in the tutorial]

So the system also acts as an personal assistant? That's really amazing! And while things like a TODO app, Calculator seem trivial, they can be mentally controlled or controlled by just thinking about it, without any physical interaction. I can finally pass that midterm. However there lies a really big problem. Is the System my friend or my enemy? In many of the gamer fics, I previously read, I recall the System purposely setting the quests to screw up the Host.

[Negative. While there are other systems who toy with their host, this system simply abides by the rules set by the original gamer system]

[The system will always act neutral against the Host. Something like a True Neutral character from DND]

If the system isn't lying, that's a big relief. The last thing I need is someone who can read my thoughts and view my previous life trying to constantly act against me, everywhere I go.

[System initialization… COMPLETE]

[Would user like to choose a world or first complete a tutorial]

Hmmmm… Could you please elaborate on what the tutorial is?

[The Host will be introduced to the functions of the Gamer System and also complete a Combat Tutorial]

Yeah I will definitely go through the tutorial first. While I already know the mechanics of most Gamer Systems I can't be too sure they would be the same as this one. Also I really need the Combat Tutorial, since the most 'combat' I have ever had was fighting an angry boyfriend after accidentally asking out his girl. (Okay, I should have seen them holding hands, but this was my first attempt. What if they were just siblings and this is Alabama?)

[Understood. Initializing Tutorial... 0/100]

Are you kidding me, I have to wait agai-

[Initializing Tutorial... COMPLETE]

Oh that was quick, anyways..

[Host will first need to go through Character Creation]


Should I go with my original one? Nah honestly it sounds kinda lame and it's a biblical name. While I really love my mom, I'm going to change it this time.

"Jin", I replied. I like this. Short, concise and has a mysterious vibe to it.



[Gender doesn't exist]

I know, I was just kidding. I select Male, although I'm glad "furry" doesn't exist, if it did I don't want to know what a "furry" really meant.

[Me too]

… I thought you were supposed to be neutral?


Its okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, please continue

[+5 Affection with the Game 5/100 for respecting its opinions]

Ohhhh.. there's an affection system. Does the person listen to anything you ask when it hits 100? Wait what if the affection with the Game hits 100, wil-

[Everything will be explained later, continuing with character creation]

[Do you wish to change your appearance? Y/N]

Hmmm. Yeah might as well. Companies and people spend billions on trying to change appearances. Opportunities like this rarely come for people like me. I know standing out can be dangerous, but I barely got any attention in my previous life so I'm fine with that. I mentally tap "Y"

An editor similar to the one from Cyberpunk pops up. Instead of completely changing my character, I made tweaks to the solid 7/10 face from my previous life. I got rid of my facial fat, better exposing my jawline, fixed my eyebrows, changed the pupils of my eyes to a more golden hue and went with the default hentai anime protag hairstyle. As for my body, I got rid of all the body hair and the bit of fat my body has and increased my height from 5"10 to 6 feet. I eat healthy so I didn't really have to change much to be a solid 8.5 from a 7. I do look a bit skinny but I can't figure out how to add more muscle mass.

[Muscular constitution improves as the STR stat increases]

Oh I see. Handy as ever System. Damn I feel like Tony Stark with Jarvis right now.

[+2 Affection with the Game 7/100 for the compliment]

You flatter me.

[Save changes Y/N]

This should be enough. I tap "Y"

[Please select a class]

[Fighter] [Rogue] [Mage] [Production]

"Mage". I hate fighting up close and magic gives you the most versatility and widest range of skills. I really like Production too, but I need some combat skills and I could always change my class once I max this one out.

[Please select a specialization]

[Pyrokinesis] [Telekinesis] [Hydrokinesis] [Electrokinesis] [Necromancer] [Healer]

"Electrokinesis". With [Electric Manipulation] and [Electric Release] I can not only manipulate electricity but also manipulate anything with electric currents.

[+1 INT +1 WIS]

Looks like the system agrees with me


Class Gained

[Electrokinesis] - LVL 1/100 [0%]

Gain 5 INT and WIS every level

Skills Gained:

[Electric Manipulation] (Active) - LVL 1/infinite

Control or disrupt the flow of electricity within a range

1 MP per 1 watt controlled/disrupted, within a 5m range.

Watts controlled per MP, increases by 1 every level.

Range increases by 2 meters every level

[Electric Release] (Active) - LVL 1/infinite

Release an electric current, depending on the amount of mana inputted into the skill.

1 kW per 1 MP released.

Range: DEX * 1 meter

kW released per MP, increases by 1 every level.


A wide grin spreads across my face. With this I'm not only a walking EMP bomb but I can control electricity in any shape or form I like. With [Electric Manipulation] I could disrupt the flow of electricity in any sensitive organ such as the heart or brain- killing any living thing in an instant. The heart only circulates around 3 watts of energy, meaning I only need 3 MP to kill a single human. However this would be ineffective against undead beings as they don't have any electric currents in them. Another weakness would be the speed of the opponent. If they get to me first before I can disrupt their internal electric currents, I will be toast. I guess increasing my range and DEX would solve this issue.

[+1 INT +1 WIS]

I'm not smart. I flunked that midterm.

[Please select a difficulty]

[Easy] [Normal] [Hard] [Nightmare]

Why is this even an option? I had a hard enough life, cut me some slack. I select [Easy]

[Do you wish to enable adult content and the harem system? Y/N]

I select 'Y'. I'm going to enjoy life to the fullest this time. Work hard and then fuck hard.

[Please choose a starting hub]

[City Apartment] [Modern Urban Courtyard House beside the beach]

[Island Hideaway] [Hunting Lodge]

The second option looks really glamorous and I am going to need a lot of rooms for my "night shifts" later on.

[Are you ready to start the Tutorial? Y/N]

[Warning: Once started, the settings cannot be changed]

I briefly skim over the settings, making sure there isn't anything that can screw me up. Everything seems fine so I tap "Y"

[Creating hub world… COMPLETE]

[Creating character.. COMPLETE]

I felt consciousness and touch finally return to me. However I felt the same before my 'transmigration'. I thought I did feel a little different?

[All the stats and skills are carried over from your previous life]

[The tutorial shall now begin]

[Say or think "Menu" to view every option available by the Game]












[The menu houses all the key functions provided by the System. To access any of the options simply think of the name of the option. Each of these functions can also be accessed without the use of the menu]

That's pretty convenient. There are a lot of options to digest, however I luckily recognize all of these, from the fics I have previously read.

[The hosts memories are correct, but the tutorial will still go over the options, for the sake of the readers]

[Please open the Status page]

I mentally think Status, and a blue luminescent window containing all my stats appears.


Level - 1 [0%]

Race: Human

Class - [Electrokinesis] - Lvl 1/100 [0%]

Alignment - True Neutral

HP - 80 [10 per minute]

MP - 210 [54 per 30 seconds]

SP - 50 [10 per 30 seconds]

STR - 8

END - 5

DEX: 11

INT: 21

WIS: 27

CHA: 6

LCK: 10

MP Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

SP/Health Regen = END X 2

Health = END X 10

SP = END X 10

What are the stats for an average person?

[10 for everything]

Looks like my stats really got carried over. Going to have to step up my physique.

[Next are your skills]

"Skills" I mentally say aloud.

[Gamers Mind] (Passive) LVL MAX

Allows the user to calmly and logically think through things

Allows a peaceful state of mind

Immunity to psychological status effects

Does this include my depression and anxiety?


Amazing, I can finally do a lot more without feeling awful. I feel like a bird out of a cage right now.

[Gamers Body] (Passive) LVL MAX

Grants a body that allows the user to live life like a game

Doesn't need food but food can restore HP and in some cases give buffs

Removes aging and diseases like cancer and diabetes

Will not die unless HP hits 0

Severed limbs will completely regenerate as long as HP recovers.

"WHAT?!" That's really fu**ing overpowered. I'm essentially immune to age and I keep living as long as my HP never hits 0. Can't let anyone powerful discover this or I will be a lab rat.

[Hehehe, Anyways the rest:]

[Electric Manipulation] (Active) - LVL 1/infinite

Control or disrupt the flow of electricity within a range

1 MP per 1 watt controlled/disrupted, within a 5m range.

Watts controlled per MP, increases by 1 every level.

Range increases by 2 m every level

[Electric Release] (Active) - LVL 1/infinite

Release an electric current, depending on the amount of mana imputed into the skill.

1 kW per 1 MP released.

Range: DEX * 1 meter

Kilowatts released per MP, increases by 1 every level.

Stuff I already know. No surprises there.

[Now do the same with everything else on the menu. You get the gist]

I did as the system said and learned a few interesting things.

The [Quests] obviously contain tasks which come with rewards. The quests themselves come from personal goals and ambitions and the environment around me. Let's say the king of a fantasy kingdom requests me to slay the demon king. I get a quest requesting me to do so which I can reject or accept. The best part is that the system gives its own rewards along with anything else I might receive from the NPCs. Currently I have a quest asking me to complete the first part of the tutorial- just going through every option in the menu. The reward is 2 skill books.

The [Inventory] is stupidly overpowered. I never realized this while reading other fics. You can literally store any amount of non-living objects, it's literally unlimited space. Also the inventory freezes time so I can store fresh food there for a couple centuries and still have it hot and fresh. If I had this back home, I would quit university and start smuggling drugs across the border. Just put everything in the inventory, casually stroll up through border customs, let them check your car, asshole whatever they want to check. And take everything out of your inventory when needed, collect your cash and voila you've become the new Heisenberg. If I'm cash strapped in the other world, I might do this.

Next we have [Relationships]. Essentially it's just a fancily disguised slavery system. You can gain "Affection Points" with any character, through actions or words and once you hit 100 the affection gets locked. This means it cannot go down and they would do anything you want them to do even if it went against their morals. And they would still love you and be loyal to you. This will be useful if I need to share secrets with anyone I love. Hiding secrets screws up a relationship.

[Utility] is the miscellaneous functions like the alarm clock, TODO list that were previously mentioned. Sounds useless but for someone with ADHD it's really useful. But again since Gamers Mind cures all mental illness I won't have to worry about my ADHD. I feel more focused so I'm assuming it is the case.

The next two functions are my key to godhood.

The [Shop] has all sorts of items and skills available in the multiverse ranging from anime and games. These items can be purchased using system credits. How do you get credits, you ask? You get them through quests, defeating opponents and exchanging money. Unfortunately a credit costs 1000 USD according to the system. However with cheats such as the inventory I might be able to strike it rich. I guess becoming rich and collecting credits will be the main priority for now if I want to trade it for some overpowered skills.

The [World] menu provides an interface to teleport me through all the worlds I have unlocked. The option to choose a new world is given once a "world quest" is completed. There is no explanation of how the world quest requirements are selected but from the fics I have read it's probably from your personal goals, similar to the quests. Contrary to the other fics, your current world's time is not frozen when you switch worlds or spend time in the [Hub]

Speaking of the [Hub] it is the dimension I'm currently standing in. The [Hub] is a sort of 'portable dimension' which you can access and live in anytime. It's an infinite circular world with "safe zones" and "dungeon zones". You spawn in the safe zone- the center of the infinite circle with the dungeon zones surrounding you. As you venture away from the center, the difficulty of the dungeons increases. Once you clear the dungeon through defeating the boss, the dungeon becomes a safe zone. I can also invite anyone into the hub and control what they can or cannot do to an extent. This is a relief as I can prevent any fights or kick anyone who becomes a threat in an instant. The best part is that I can instantly teleport to the [Hub] in case I'm in danger in any world. The only limitation is that I can still die in the dungeon zones. To sum it up I have what you would call "admin rights" in video games, in the safe zones of the [Hub]

I look at the safe zone I spawned in. It's a mansion worth at least 50 million dollars from where I'm from. I can't believe the game is so generous.

[Thank you, no one has ever said that before]

[+3 Affection with the Game 10/100 for the compliment]

No problem. Anyways I explore the modern-looking house and have a look at my new mansion. This place is humungous, around 8000ish sq ft to be exact. It houses 10 bedrooms, a huge living room, a huge dining room, an arcade room and a massive kitchen like the ones from Masterchef. The game really went overboard- not that I'm complaining. Furthermore it has a multi-floor basement with a training hall the size of a football field(not included in 8000 sq ft measurement). Heck there's even a movie theater beside the white marble staircase leading to the training hall. The place even has running water, electricity, HVAC- I don't even know where these resources come from. I am going to stop questioning the game to preserve my remaining sanity.

The best part is the backyard. It has a picturesque view of a white sand beach with turquoise waters stretching till the horizon. In between the beach and the house lies a green garden with a multipurpose basketball court, a nice acre of green cushy grass, an infinity pool(don't know why you would need it in a beach) and a gazebo with multiple chairs, tables and BBQs. Finally at the end of the beach lies a 50m long dock with 10 indoor and outdoor marina slips.

As I was enjoying the view I saw a translucent arrow hovering on top of the dock. I focus on the arrow and a menu appears:

[Welcome to the dock. Here you can buy any boat that fits in the marina slip. Boats bought from store will automatically be sent to dock. ]

Total # of Boats: 1

Marina Slip 1: Pelican Kayak


Marina Slip 10: Empty.

Next Upgrade: 1000 points

Increase the total amount of parking spaces

Increase the size of each marine slip to store larger marinecraft

I take a look around at the marinecraft offered in the store interface. Wow. Just wow. The game was not kidding when it said you can purchase anything from the store. I scroll through the different boats available and there is really no limit to the marinecraft I can purchase. Seadoos, Bayrunner, the yacht that Bezos has- fuck they even have nuclear submarines. But they are hella expensive with the latter being a million credits or a billion dollars.

I look behind me and see multiple similar arrows scattered all around my mansion. As I checked each arrow I was simply amazed. I can turn my home into an entire mini city or even bigger with all the upgrades offered. The [Hub] is really the best man cave.

Fuck being overpowered and conquering the multiverse. I'll just slack off in the [Hub] for the rest of my immortal life. But first I need to get my priorities straight. To live the slacker life I am going to need credits. To get credits I am assuming I'm going to have to dungeon grind and complete quests. To not get killed in the dungeon I need to first complete the combat tutorial.

Oh wait, wasn't there a reward for completing the first part of the tutorial?

QUEST COMPLETE: Learning how to walk

Is this really the gamer system you really knew? Find out by exploring every option in the menu.


You found out that you don't get isekai'd into Warhammer 40k

Skill Book: Henge No Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)

Skill Book: Shadow Clone Jutsu

100 credits

100,000 DOLLARS FOR JUST EXPLORING THE MENU!? I have never earned that much in my twenty years of life. Looks like a life of riches truly awaits me.

The more important thing is the two skill books I earned. Isn't Shadow Clones too OP for starting out? Fuck it, life is unfair so you got to take any power available to you. And I found my ticket. With the [Shadow Clones] I can use the Naruto training method to grow and learn faster instead of individually doing so. However, according to the system, each time you create a clone your MP gets split in half. This means with my current MP of 210 the maximum number of clones I could create would be 210, but they would all have only one MP.

I can also use [Transformation] on the [Shadow Clones], for scouting or high risk infiltration missions where I can't risk my identity being leaked. The anime brushed off Transformation as child's play, but the skill has endless underrated applications. The reverse harem jutsu did distract a goddess after all.

As I withdraw the two skill books from my inventory, a menu asking me if I want to learn them appears. After selecting 'Y', a terrible headache hits me for 5 seconds imprinting the information needed for the Jutsu. Amazing. Forgive me from using that word too often, but that is what the gamer ability is. In just five seconds I learned an entire skill that took the average ninja, 3 or 4 years to learn in the academy. It is hard to explain, but I feel like I can 'execute' the skill by thinking of the information imprinted by the skill book. Just like how you move a limb by thinking about it.

Now that I am familiar with the system, it's about time I get started with the Combat Tutorial and head off to my first world.

Next chapter