
Chapter 7: Moving into an apartment [1]


Still, I can't be entirely sure...

I glanced around, noticing the sun already sinking below the horizon, and I realized I was soaked to the bone, shivering from the chill.

"I need to find a place to stay..."

Pulling out my phone, I checked my bank balance.


Name: Amias

Age: 17

Balance: 100,000 Leus

[Pay] [Transfer]


100,000 Leus, huh?

I had no clue about the value of a Leu. In the game, Leus were only used to buy weapons, and without knowledge of the local economy, I couldn't estimate their worth.

"Guess I'll have to figure it out..." I muttered to myself.

Glancing at my phone again, I was reminded that this money wasn't rightfully mine. I'd transferred 100,000 Leus from my father's multimillion-Leu account to mine.

I'd hesitated to transfer more, knowing that any sum over 100,000 Leus would trigger a bank notification requiring confirmation.

Switching to one of my father's accounts, guilt gnawed at me as I saw the balance.


Name: Nathen Blackstar

Age: 45

Balance: 19,628,358 Leus

[Pay] [Transfer]


A headache pulsed through me, accompanied by a wave of guilt. I never wanted to steal from him, father or not.

But what choice did I have in this unfamiliar world, with an unknown origin and language?

"I'll pay him back later..."

I muttered, attempting to justify my actions and push away the guilt.

Besides, this was his account with the lowest balance, and he had multiple accounts...

Suddenly, a realization hit me—I had access to all his accounts and some of his computers.

It was risky; I could easily get caught, and the consequences..... I don't want to think about it. 

I could already Imagine the faces my sister and father would make when they found out that I had stolen from them...


"I'll figure something out later. For now, I need to head to M.I.C."

As we traversed through Clonton, I marveled at the towering skyscrapers that scraped the sky, their futuristic designs a testament to the technological advancement of this world.

The streets were bustling with sleek, albeit conventional, cars, each equipped with an array of buttons for various functions.

What intrigued me most was their silent operation, a stark contrast to the noisy engines I was accustomed to.

Leaving the city behind, we ventured onto an empty road, the scenery gradually transitioning from urban landscapes to a vast expanse of wilderness.

Glancing back at Clonton, I noticed a shimmering dome-like structure enveloping the entire city. My mind immediately registered it as a mana barrier—a protective shield against external threats.

Further along the journey, we reached a border checkpoint, where I presented my M.I.C ID to the vigilant patrol.

After a brief inspection, we were cleared to proceed, venturing into a new junction of roads that led us away from the bustling city.

As the landscape changed, the scenery shifted from desert-like terrain to lush forests, and eventually, to the expansive sea.

Large islands dotted the horizon, but one structure stood out amidst the expanse—the Military Institute of Clonton.

Situated on its own island, the institute sprawled across the landscape, its buildings resembling an entire city unto itself.

I got off the taxi, paying the fare through the bank app's payment option.

The cost amounted to a mere 20 Leus, a relatively small sum given the distance covered.

This transaction provided me with a rough estimate of the value of a Leu.

Considering I traveled approximately 35 kilometers for 20 Leus, it was evident that 1 Leu likely held a higher value than a dollar from my world.

"So, this is M.I.C huh?" I muttered to myself, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety as I beheld the institute that I had only seen in the game.

Yet, unlike the digital rendition, this was tangible, real.


As my gaze swept over the imposing structure, I noted the familiar mana-barrier surrounding it, reminiscent of the one enveloping Clonton city.

However, this barrier appeared thicker, boasting a bluish tint that hinted at enhanced protection.

'I have only 5 more days to prepare...'

With a frustrated sigh, I ran my hand through my hair, acutely aware of the ticking clock and the limited time at my disposal.

The task ahead seemed daunting—mastering Glyndor, familiarizing myself with this unfamiliar world, and facing the challenges awaiting me at M.I.C.

Not only that, but I lacked any knowledge of the 'cheat' skills or items that the game's protagonist, Arthur Ash, possessed.

I was doubtful that such skills existed in this reality; rather, Arthur Ash seemed to thrive on an innate plot armor, a notion that left me feeling disheartened.

This is because the world was not following the events that unfolded in the game, which to me made sense as it is impossible due to zillions of variables that could change the depicted future.

Still it was disappointing since things won't be easy for me..

Suddenly a memory of the game flashed in my mind, it was a scene of Aren Blackstar's down fall.

He got passed around like a punching bag before leading up to his 'well deserved' humbling from Arthur.

"Incompetent game... Can't even create a proper, immersive experience,"

I muttered, directing my frustration towards the entity responsible for my predicament.

"Tch, whatever... 16 and 17-year-olds? How hard could it be for me, a 25-year-old veteran, to outclass them?" I scoffed, attempting to bolster my confidence.

Yet, memories of my younger sister's surprising strength gave me pause, prompting questions about the source of such abilities.

Mana? Magic?

It seemed plausible. Closing my eyes, I focused inward, attempting to sense the flow of mana within me.


Startled, I opened my eyes to find a passerby on the ground, glaring up at me with irritation.

"Ouch, why are you out here standing like a log, fatso?" he grumbled.

"Ah... Sorry," I mumbled, extending a hand to help him up, only to have it swatted away.

"Watch where you're standing. Next time, I hope you get hit by a car," he spat before departing hastily.

"I should get going and find a place to stay," I muttered to myself, a sense of foreboding washed over me.


"Five days, huh? I have to make the most of every opportunity to improve myself. Otherwise, I'll be in deep trouble."

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