
Chapter 5

With 5 hours left to reach Venus Flynn was in his quarters alone and even if he was acting strong before he didn't hold himself when he was alone he cried for minutes. He recalled the best memories he had with his father. He had no mother and no siblings the only people he ever knew was his father, his uncle and his two best friends. The first memory he called was when he first learned how to use a bicycle, then his first trip to the moon when for one week he explored the Armstrong colony on the dark side of th moon. So many good memory he thought. But his moment of peace was cut short.

Cadet Dawn: Sir we're receiving a transmission from Admiral Villeneuve.

Lt.Vaugh: Transmit it in my cabin

Cadet Dawn: Yes sir!

Lt.Vaugh: Admiral it's an honor

Admiral Villeneuve: Lets skip the formalities. I am just here to tell you that when crossing the border some of my fighters will accompany you we must show the rebellion our strength. Is that understood Lieutenant.

Lt.Vaugh: Yes sir!

Admiral Villeneuve: Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.* Long live the Confederation!

Lt.Vaugh: Long live the Confederation!

* Quote from Sun Tzu

Used as the motto of the Terran Confederation.

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