
My fiancée is a bit quirky

Boar was being treated for his injuries after the fight with the witch doctor. The witch doctor was a level 5 uncommon art user. Boar could be considered really talented for being able to defeat such an expert even with injuries. But Victory was a grey area as apparently the witch doctor ran away when he ran out of skulls.

The maids thought I was seeking justice for the owners of the skulls by ordering Boar to fight him. But I only wanted to get Boar off of me.

I went to Boars room to check on him and possibly trick him into going to work in the estate farms.

But my train of thought was disrupted by the conversation I heard on his room.

"Mindy, I know you're waiting to be promoted to One of My ladies personal maids. But do you think we can start a family if I become the lords bodyguard." Boar asked the maid who brought him lunch.

"Eww, No!! Boar, No!!" Mindy ran out of the room.

I was so cringed I felt like I was going to lose my dinner. "Boar, my brother, it looks like you need to learn the art of wooing the ladies. Let this young master guide you." I thought to myself and walked towards Boar with my almost nine year old confidence. Boar was staring at me with his eyes wide. The man was probably too stupid to understand what happened.

"Boar, as you master I will let you see my skills in wooing the ladies. Get ready to go out tomorrow at dawn."

"Young master, you know how to get the ladies?"

"Of course, this young master, wooed the head maid yesterday and got two extra candies without mother knowing. Even the knight captain couldn't woo the head maid. With her beauty even barons from other territories are eyeing her."

"Young master, you are indeed great. To woo even the head maid, young master will have a harem of 100 ladies when you grow up."

I chuckled at Boars naivety. I didn't need a hundred women as I had my princess.

"Boar, if you have too many women in your harem. Administration becomes difficult. That's what father said, if you have too much territory you will eventually have a rebellion from the those places you neglect."

"Young master is indeed wise. Boar is too stupid to understand those things so Boar will only keep one wife."

Next morning I was woken up by an enthusiastic Boar. Since I haven't had a decent sleep due to my nightmare I mistook Boar for a wild Boar and almost fell out of the bed. I asked a maid to prepare a wagon and went to freshen up and have breakfast.

The baron family ate every meal together except for me as I was an insomniac. The whole family was surprised to see me at the breakfast table.

"I'm going to see my fiancée. Young Lady Anaru Primrose."

My mother and godmother dropped their cutlery. They had their mouths hanging open. My father stood up.

"Charlie, you know that just because she claimed that she loves you, you don't have to reciprocate. In fact let's promise to never meet her again. Let me cut all ties with baroness primrose."

It takes about two weeks for a carriage drawn by fiery horses to reach Rose castle where young Lady Primrose lives. But my fathers invention knows as the train can take us there in two days. After two days. I got off the goods transport train and got on a wagon to the Rose castle.

The territory of the primrose family was filled with corrupt officials. I noticed it for the first time on this journey as many nobles thought of me as a young child and didn't even try to hide the corruption. I saw thugs beating up people who got off the goods transport train, There were thugs asking protection fee from my wagon as well but they were beaten up by Alvaro, the elite knight responsible for my security. He was a rank two body enhancer.

From what I heard people who have gone past level 10 of rank one paths such as body refining can pick a natural law to observe and improve becoming rank two such as body enhancers. Body enhancers study the natural law of strength and use enhancement on their body to improve their strength.

Underneath Alvaro's Armour his tan skin is covered by red coloured runes which shows the law he follows. To rank two practitioners the law they study was like their religion and their body was their temple.

That was why Boar was a weirdo among the practitioners as any practitioner would heal their scars using the plethora of methods available.

I saw the Rose castle when the sun was at high noon. It was a beautiful castle with Beige colour walls with green spots throughout. It had an older architecture than my family castle. I loved how they have preserved one of the broken down towers.

Maids working in the Rose castle had to wear long clothes to cover their legs because of a scar on the baroness leg. Until the baroness heals her scar the maids had to keep their beautiful legs covered and work whether it was cold or hot.

As I got off the wagon I saw young lady Anaru playing with a rabbit in the front lawn. When she saw me she ran carrying the rabbit.

"Look Darling, this time I was able to stab 99 times without stabbing the same place twice." She showed me the bloddy rabbit carcass and a blood dripping knife while her beautiful smile beamed.

I saw Boar trying to hide under a wagon from the corner of my eyes.

My fiancée was a bit quirky.

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