
Chapter 6: 6 Years Later, Joining a Sect

As six years passed she grew stronger she was already 11 years old but at the peak realm of floral tempering realm and her spirits didn't evolved but raised their grades 2 times basically her spirits are two 15th grade and another two 14th grade spirits and she got a lot of fighting experience in the forest and learned how to utilized her skill more and she can fully control the plants she can grow a plant instantly and she can control a fires temperature completely too she just need experience in making pills though there is information how to build pills she doesn't have the ingredients so she just didn't yet practice how to make pills

In this six years she just became more beautiful but she just lived in the forest as her nucifera clan became ruins and became a huge treasure vault in other people as there where a lot of treasures and didn't focus on those who attacked and just wanted the treasures she became furious but she held it in for the whole 6 years because everybody knows everyone died in the nucifera clan so she just held it in she survived it forest by eating fruit and she got her clothing from the other older disciples of the clan because her kids clothes is not fit to her anymore and just lived there

After that she finally decided to go out the forest and use the money in her fathers spatial ring to buy necessities as this was her first time going out she felt a little weird but she mustered her courage to go to the city so she made her self look stylish a little she washed her clothes picked the color that suit her the best it was a light blue colored clothes and a traditional clothes in her old world and and washed her face and got out of the forest with her steel sword on her right waist she looked like a princess but without the princess disease and she was not agorant either

As she left and go to the city many males where looking at her but she did not care and went to the weapon pavillon and she was greeted by a middle aged man with a cultivation of 6th stage of bone refinement realm she actually used her breathing technique which basically use no qi and controlled her cultivation to 3rd stage of bone refinement realm the middle aged man said [beautiful ma'am what are you looking for] said the man with a smile she said [ I want a sword that's as long as this one on my waist and with a cold attribute and I want the best weapon you have with what I said] she said in a cold tone the middle aged man said hurriedly [ yes ma'am please wait a momemt] the man immediately run and came back with a sword in hand and said [ma'am this is a high ranked sword with cold attribute called 'the frozen tear of a maiden' it cost a hundred gold] she was surprised it did not cost that much because in her father spatial ring there were million in there maybe she only said that because her father had a lot of manly and she took it but she must saved it or else she will become a agorant woman with a lot of money

After that she inspected the sword and the sword had a majestic design fit for her it was light but sharp and its sheet was carved with lotuses it was a total fit for her and said [I'll buy it here is a hundred gold] she took it and left the man said [thank you ma'am please come back again] as she left she went to the medicine hall and buy herbs for making pills and to practice how to make them and she left and she after she step foot outside she heard [ hey I heard that the Freezing Snow sect is holding a disciple recruitment here two days later] then the other one sect [isn't the Freezing Snow sect one of the three great sects and only accepts disples with a floral spirit only with cold And water attribute and only with a spirit 3rd grade and above can join and if they have a martial spirit in the 5th rank that can skip the examination and become a disciple real quick] And she felt excited and immediately asked the person who said that [umm..... Is what your saying actually true?] The person stopped talking for a minute because of Celes beauty and said [of course! They are holding the recruitment area here in this city that's why all the clan that have the ice And water element are preparing their youngest youth to join it] As the person said this and Celes bid farewell to the person and said thank you and she left to the forest again to practice her alchemy

In the forest

Celestial was sitting down reading the contents Of the cultivation art she got on how to make pills in her mind And she actually didn't get a furnace because the cultivation art teaches her how to make pills without a furnace and with her wood element she can make the plant older and her complete control over the temperature of the fire made her make pills faster as she made the pills called mortal restoration pill she immediately checked and see there were three pills she wasn't surprised as the art that and checked the lines on in it

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