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Standing in front of a large compound was a young boy. The boy had blue eyes with a full head of white hair. With his sharp jawline and pale face, under the rays of the sun, he looked stunning. At first glance, he could be mistaken for a pretty boy, but his toned muscles prove otherwise. Who else could this be but Wren.

As he overlooked the compound, he couldn't help but smile. Multiple buildings were stretched along the compound forming a semi-circle. The compound was completely blocked off by a large fence with a gate in the middle. Lined up outside the fence were multiple guards patrolling.

The buildings inside the compound were a mix of blue and white. There were open training grounds beside the buildings, with a large arena to the back. The whole compound gave off a cold but serene feeling to it. But a manor like this was expected from the main branch of the Frostine clan.

The Frostine clan is a well-known clan, it is one of the largest clans in the continent of Sozaea. A newer clan that recently rose to power and didnt have much history. But were still feared across the coninet for their mastery over the ice element. Well liked by the people for their kindness in the lands they controlled.

The main branch of the family was located in the northern part of the continent due to the environment. Having over one hundred members in the main branch and two hundred in the five branches scattered across the continent.

"Stop, do you know who controls these lands," said one of the guards as Wren made his way to the gate of the compound. But as he got closer and the guards were able to get a better view of him they were shocked.

"The young master is back" yelled the guards as they bowed towards Wren, who nodded back. Following this, the gates opened and a maid quickly came.

"Welcome back young master Wren, how was your training," said a young woman around the age of twenty.

"It was good, I learned a lot. The environment was excellent and the battles I had greatly helped. I now have more control over my ice element," said Wren as he continued to walk towards to gate with the young women in tow.

As he walked into the compound he could see many people training in the fields of the compound. They would greet him as he walked past.

" the young master is back, how do you think his training went,"

"he was already a fifth-tier warrior before he left, he should be in the sixth-tier now,"

"that would make him one of the strongest amongst the younger generation, on the same level as Jack and Alba"

Wren could hear the whispers of the others as they talked about him, but he didn't care. He continued on his way.

Once he reached the main building Wren couldn't help but smile. The wide space big enough to fit more than one hundred people. The staircase on both sides leads to the second floor and the balcony in the center that connects it all. All this mixed with the blue and white wall that almost reflected. It gave anyone who entered the illusion that there were no boundaries. Making one feel like an ant.

Even wren couldn't help but feel insignificant for a moment, and just stood there for a few minutes. Snaping out it Wren made his way up the stairs to the second floor where his room was located.

As soon as he got to his room he dumped his makeshift sack and jumped on his bed. The room was big but very simple, It had one bed in the center and a desk facing the wall below a window. There was a closet next to it with all his clothes and other items. The paint on the wall for the room was a deep blue, it gave the room a calm and relaxing feel to it.

"ah, I missed this," said Wren as he looked around his room. While out training he was all by himself living in a small hut. He was out in the taiga forest where all he did was the hunt for food, practice his ice element, sleep, and repeat. Even though he didn't hate his time spent training, nothing could beat the comfort of home.

As he was laying on the bed Wren couldn't help but smell himself. "ah, I smell disgusting, I should take a bath."

Taking off his clothes Wren made his way to his bathroom, a wide room with all white walls. The room gave off a serene feeling, calming one down instantly. As he relaxed in the bath Wren couldn't help but doze off.


A few hours later there was a knock on the door. Wren quickly woke up. " Young master, the clan master is calling you to meet him" said a maid behind the door

"Okay." replied wren. After getting out of the bath and changing into a new set clothes he made his way to the door. Opening the door he saw the maid standing there waiting for him. He nodded towards her and made his down the hall to a room with two large wide doors.