2 The maid

I was deeply engrossed in a book about famous soulblades, who had attended the Treebay Academy, when i heard a silent knock at the door.

"knock" "knock"

i lazily turned in my bed to look at who would interrupt me on the day of my awakening, but the door was still shut

'A maid then' i thought to myself, i shrugged and lazily turned around again to continue my reading

the title on that particular page read "Saxus the lightningstorm"

i continued

"Saxus the ligtningstorm is a famous figure of Treebay academy, he was a graduate in the 56 class, better know as 'the Class of myths'. Saxus is a Sapphire level soulblade, with an element affinity of ligtning, his soulblade has taken the form of a 'Armingsword'"

Again i was interrupted by a louder knock on the door.

"knock!" "knock!"

at first i tried to ignore the maid who so desperately tried to get my attention, but when the knock came for the third time, i knew it was important so i myself forced to turn in my all to comfortable bed and sighed, then called out with a tired voice


The door swung open and a brown haired maid curtseyed and said in a timid voice

"Prince Alerik your uncle requested your presence in the great hall"

i creased my brow in thought "My uncle? what would the mighty Thrall Frostcrown want with me?" before i could come to a conclusion the maid snapped me out of my musings

"and congratulations prince Alerik"

i was so caught up in my own thoughts that i answered

"With what?"

the maid looked at me as if i had spouted wings and a unicorn horn, she went on to try and stifle a laughter, which she was not particularly succesfull with.

i cleared my throat feeling a little belittled, i knew it did not matter, but for a simple maid to laugh at the sole prince of the Frozen mountains she must not take him very seriously. The maid turned from bemused to terrified as fast as a soulblade can summon his blade. She curtseyed again and said.

"apologies my prince, it is just that today is your awakening day, surely you cannot have forgotten"

stunned by my own idiocy i simply replied the brown haired girl with


i grasped for words and finally managed to say

"of course i have not forgotten, you can tell Thrall that i will be there in a moment"

she curtseyed and shut the door behind her as she left the room, i gave myself a mental slap for my idiocy, then i sighed, shut the book and stood up from my bed. i put on my thick wolfmane shoes, and brushed my ashen hair back, afterwich i proceeded to put on my white cutton pants and shirt.

I had decided to wear white on the day of my awakening the day before. But on a whim i decided to take my coat with me as well. You never knew when you would be forced to leave the warmth of the castle for the cold of the mountains. My coat was thick and black with my family insignia (two tall mountains with a giant blade between) sewn into the back, when that was done i went to the door. As i opened the door i stared into the red eyes of a tall man.

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